Put money on it that your calories are too low so your basically in starvation mode.
No way one could train heavy 5x5 on 1800 cal/day let alone no carb..........complete disaster.
You will always have a hard time building muscle mass on a low carb diet. When one is in a calorie deficit fat loss/muscle maintenance should be the goal as building muscle mass requires slightly more calories (200-500 cal/day) above maintenance and moderate-high complex carbs are needed to pack on mass.
The midsection/love handles is usually the most stubborn and last to go.
Your calories are more than likely too low and your body is almost in a preservation mode holding on to that extra adipose.
will comment further when I have time.
How would I determine if I am in starvation mode vs. low cortisol levels, adrenal exhaustion ? I have many similarities to Matt's example. I am 59 years of age have been lifting for 25 years. Lifting 5 days per week and get get about 10,000 - 20,000 walking steps per day (FitBit). My entire life I have struggled with my weight and have "dieted" for the past 30 years. Current caloric intake is 1,540 daily, 175 protein, 55 grams of carbs. I have had resting metabolism rate tested which indicated I have a fast metabolism. My body composition on 3-11-19 was body fat 28%, Total mass, 241 lb, Fat tissue, 70 lb, Lean tissue, 163, MBC, 8,9%, visceral fat 4.58 lbs.
My fear of increasing calories is that I will gain weight and not be able to lose it.
I am a
Defy patient. On 1-2-19 my RT3 was 20. Began liothyronine and titrated up to 50mcg. My RT3 it now 5.6. No change in weight. HRT patient my testosterone serum average 550 ng/dl. I have thought my inability to lose weight was due to low cortisol levels?
8:00 am 0.237 Range 0.025-0.600
Noon 0.132 Range 0.010-.0330
4:00 pm 0.140 Range 0.010-0.200
9:00 pm 0.045 Range 0.010-0.090