Been On Trt For Almost 4 Months! Heres My Labs Have Some Issues Help Please?

Im Not on any Drug and dont drink so its not that! And not much strength but alittle bulky alittle!! But Im holding more body weight ive put on in months since mid feb! I get fatigued at times And tired! So not feeling the best and not real strong! I dont lift very heavey weights i lift lighter wts and more reps and sets!! So who knows! I just want to feel good i eat well and healthy etc! Ps Vince im not bleeding from my Colon i cked! I crashed my ferrittin some how! So who knows please keep chimming in alll thanks

I'm happy you had a checked. One of the guys I work with had low ferritin like you. He had colon cancer and now he is unable to work.
As stated many times before, you are hypothyroid and adding TRT to the mix can make you feel worse. Thyroid and TRT complement each other, you need to take care of your hypothyroidism or things will not ever change.
One of the best and most absorbable sources of Iron is Beef Liver. I get desiccated beef liver capsules off Amazon. Just make sure it's from grass-fed cows. This is the one I use. It's obviously always better to get vitamins/ minerals/ nutrients from whole foods when you can. Beef liver is also high in so many other vitamins and minerals. It's called "nature's multivitamin". Highly recommend it. For example, it provides a decent amount of Selenium and Iodine, and a bunch of other things that can improve thyroid function. For selenium I recommend Organic Brazil nuts. I eat two a day. Good luck.
One of the best and most absorbable sources of Iron is Beef Liver. I get desiccated beef liver capsules off Amazon. Just make sure it's from grass-fed cows. This is the one I use. It's obviously always better to get vitamins/ minerals/ nutrients from whole foods when you can. Beef liver is also high in so many other vitamins and minerals. It's called "nature's multivitamin". Highly recommend it. For example, it provides a decent amount of Selenium and Iodine, and a bunch of other things that can improve thyroid function. For selenium I recommend Organic Brazil nuts. I eat two a day. Good luck.

The amount of iron in desiccated liver tabs is minuscule even when taking a shit load of pills let alone the measly amount of micronutrients and they are mainly a descent amino acid source other than that they are a waste of money and the insane amount of b12 in the pills is ridiculous as one would easily overdose on b12.

Liver, beef and oysters are the best food sources.
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Come On Everybody and systemlord u asked about supplementing yesterday and i sent a note back explainning what i take!! But you never answered then u write about that i have a thyroid problem you said a few times i get that! So what will help me get threw this? And you guys are making me go around in circles!! Dont know what to doooooo nowww gezzz help help help lol i guess ill just Rot away
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Simply not true about overdosing on b12. Just got my b12 tested while taking the beef liver capsules and it came back around 700. I’ve actually started eating canned clams 2-3x per week to hopefully boost my b12 to around 1000.

But ya ur right, even though the iron is extremely absorbable, it’s not super high in iron. It does have quite a bit though, and as long as ur eating a lot of other foods moderately high in iron there probably isn’t a need to supplement. Just don’t donate or draw blood as much and always take your iron sources with vitamin C to enhance absorption. Unsulphured blackstrap molasses is another good source of natural iron if the dessicated liver capsules aren’t enough.

And the the amount of micronutrients aren’t that measly. U have to factor in that these are all micronutrients from a whole food source with all of their cofactors needed for proper absorption, so with such a high bioavailability less of the actual micronutrients are needed to reach RDA’s for all the specific micronutrients.
Simply not true about overdosing on b12. Just got my b12 tested while taking the beef liver capsules and it came back around 700. I've actually started eating canned clams 2-3x per week to hopefully boost my b12 to around 1000.

But ya ur right, even though the iron is extremely absorbable, it's not super high in iron. It does have quite a bit though, and as long as ur eating a lot of other foods moderately high in iron there probably isn't a need to supplement. Just don't donate or draw blood as much and always take your iron sources with vitamin C to enhance absorption. Unsulphured blackstrap molasses is another good source of natural iron if the dessicated liver capsules aren't enough.

And the the amount of micronutrients aren't that measly. U have to factor in that these are all micronutrients from a whole food source with all of their cofactors needed for proper absorption, so with such a high bioavailability less of the actual micronutrients are needed to reach RDA's for all the specific micronutrients.

The supplement you are using is giving you a measly 3 grams of new zealand grass fed liver- serving size 6 capsules (500mg/capsule) and 13.6mcg b12. There is hardly any iron in there and the micronutrients would also be low and you are only getting 2.1 grams protein (6 capsules).

As far as overdosing on b12 sure for the supplement you are taking highly unlikely as the dose of b12 in 3 grams liver powder is low.

A desiccated liver supplement such as this (more common for someone into weight training to take) notice the serving size 1 tablet (4x concentrated) 2600mg liver and 75mcg b12 along with 2 grams protein/tablet and the recommended starting dose is 6 tablets and some use 16-20+ tablets/day for the protein.

As you can see it is easy to overdose on b12 using a supplement such as this or the one from universal nutrition (uni-liver).

You are paying that much for a supplement providing next to nothing.

Here is a desiccated liver powder to compare- notice the serving size 1TBSP (10 grams)

- notice iron 4%, per 10 grams desiccated liver powder, so basically one would need 50 grams desiccated liver powder/day to get 20% of RDI for iron and you are taking a measly 3 are wasting your money and would be better of eating raw liver (grass fed/hormone free) which would be far cheaper and 4oz would give you a big dose of iron/b12/vitamin A/b-vitamins among many other nutrients.

Liver from a food is almost natures perfect vitamin/mineral as it is so dense in nutrients.
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Hello Everybody Im The One who needs help instead of bashing in what who takes what and not enough etc! Please Guys who know this and has been threw what im going threw! Please some help Im not asking for much from NO one!! I Just want to get on the right track!! Im not seeing my Endo for a few wks hes away right now!! And You guys see those my labs i got done last wk or so ago and you can see them above when i posted a new fourm!! So please alls i am asking is for some help to get me feeling right and on the right track with all just want to feel good thanks Ps I Just Started taking about 7 days ago some 200 mcg Selenium! Also Sea Kelp 225mcg Iodine And A Iron ferrrious Sulfate tablet everyday! Because mines was so low a 10 you can see on report!! Pleae help out fellow memebers thanks
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Wow very good points madman! Thanks for all that info. Really changed my thinking on taking dessicated liver vs trying to find a grass fed whole food source. I'll definitely look into seeing if I can find somewhere that ships whole beef livers.

Update: Just ordered 4lbs of raw grass-fed beef liver online. Thanks again Madman for the enlightening post. Raw whole liver is definitely the way to go. Now just got to figure out whether I can eat it raw or if I have to lightly cook it. Just worried about the heat destroying some nutrients.
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Just refrain from donating blood or drawing labs for a while and ur ferritin will eventually come back up. And take vitamin C with ur iron to increase absorption. Your ferritin will eventually recover. Oh also I’ve read many times that the supplement yellow dock has worked for people to increase ferritin. You can get it off of amazon for pretty cheap. Vit c + yellow dock + iron supplementation should bring ur ferritin up fairly quickly.
Gman thank you for the Reply and Info! I havent donated blood since Early March!! Question how muh furrious sulfate Iron Pills should i be taking everyday until i get my iron up to normal? Also Ive only been back on Trt since Mid Feb!! So thats why i figured i needed to donate! And No i wont Donate for awhile! Maybe you know why do you think my ferrittin dropped that Low? I never had a problem with that that i know of!! Please any other info please let loose!! Weird my hemo was normal on the labs i posted weird! thankss
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Ya both your Hemoglobin and Hematocrit were literally both perfect. Couldn't ask for them to be any better. So that's good, because they might go up a little if you're supplementing with iron while on TRT.

And the primary cause for low ferritin in probably 99% of cases is just blood loss I'm pretty sure. So ya just keep refraining from donating or getting your labs drawn and you should be fine in no time. Ferritin does tend to take a while to recover, but it should continually increase if you supplement and prevent any loss of blood.

Does anyone know of any other causes for ferritin lowering? Blood loss is the only one I know of.
thank you Gman, Not sure how i had blood loss! Hmm the only thing i did have was my Labs done May 8th and these Recent ones May29 th!! So Its like 3 wk diffrence in between drawing my blood!! So Im not sure also i asked because its that low So how much furrious sulfate Iron Pills should i be taking everyday for now until my levels go up to normal? Im only taking one! Also like today it made me feel alittle weird like a hr later after taking the 3 Pills that i started that i wrote in a earlier post!! Also i did eat right after taking and some also vitamin C with them! So im not sure the Loss? Ps how long do i wait while on these Pills to ck my ferrittin again?
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thank you Gman, Not sure how i had blood loss! Hmm the only thing i did have was my Labs done May 8th and these Recent ones May29 th!! So Its like 3 wk diffrence in between drawing my blood!! So Im not sure also i asked because its that low So how much furrious sulfate Iron Pills should i be taking everyday for now until my levels go up to normal? Im only taking one! Also like today it made me feel alittle weird like a hr later after taking the 3 Pills that i started that i wrote in a earlier post!! Also i did eat right after taking and some also vitamin C with them! So im not sure the Loss? Ps how long do i wait while on these Pills to ck my ferrittin again?

The labs that were done May 8th did you also check ferritin? Have you ever checked ferritin before or done an iron panel?

Nothing else was out of the ordinary?

I would suspect either an unknown blood loss or an error at the lab.
Hello Dragonbits, No but i was thinking of that tooo! But never had a ferrittin or iron panel done until some of the guys on here said get all the tests that u see above done! So i did recently! Always do A normal Blood ck ounce or too times of year Cbc ck!! So who knows how i lost it and why its Low! Heres Labs Below I did In January this Year! Like 5 Months ago and this one has iron hemo and more in the findings!! Just very weird?

Iron and TIBC
Vitamin B12

Reference Range: 232-1245 pg/m**Please note reference interval change**​

Folate (Folic Acid), Serum

Reference Range: >3.0 ng/mL​

Hemoglobin A1c


Reference Range: 38-169 ug/dL​
Iron Bind.Cap.(TIBC)

Reference Range: 250-450 ug/dL​

Reference Range: 111-343 ug/dL​
Iron Saturation

Reference Range: 15-55 %​

Hemoglobin A1c

Hemoglobin A1c

Reference Range: 4.8-5.6 %​

Testosterone, Serum

Testosterone, Serum

Reference Range: 264-916 ng/dL

Prostate-Specific Ag, Serum


Reference Range: 3.4-10.8 x10E3/uL

Reference Range: 4.14-5.80 x10E6/uL

Reference Range: 13.0-17.7 g/dL

Reference Range: 37.5-51.0 %

Reference Range: 79-97 fL

Reference Range: 26.6-33.0 pg

Reference Range: 31.5-35.7 g/dL

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Seems weird to me, but the advantage a doctor has is they see 1000s of blood tests, and will see a lot of odd things. While I am only familiar with my own blood tests and what people post on here.

I have only measured my own ferritin level once, it looked pretty normal at 124 (30-400 ng/ml).

The advantage we have over doctors is we hyperfocus on our own health and optimizing it, but the disadvantage is most of us don't have a lot of experience with just how far out of range a blood test can be and how significant it is.
Good Morning Everybody So Havent Really Resolved anything on here please you guys see my labs and my Endo is away for a few wks! I need some help some guys reached out but no anwsers really!! Please my labs and levels are on this Fourm i posted a few days ago! Please start chimmig in all need anwsers and what i should do please thanks
Hello Everybody, My Endo has been away for awhile and just got back mid of this Past wk! So The Nurse Put my Blood Tests Labs On His Desk which i did many wks ago the 2 in within 3 wks apart! So he would look them over! They called me earlier today and she said the Doc wanted me go on a Low Dose Of Meds For My Thyroid! This Is what he is perscribing and heres deffinition to of the med! Synthroid 25mgs is a prescription medication that can help treat hypothyroidism. … Synthroid can help restore thyroid hormone balance. It is a man-made thyroid hormone identical to thyroxine, the hormone that's naturally made by the thyroid gland. Synthroid is a narrow therapeutic index (NTI) medication.They were gonna call it in! Gezz Is there any way around this members? Maybe bye taking what i been on if theres any Other Natural supplements that would get my thyroid back to were it should be? I just dont like taking meds Like that! Also I Been On Iron Ferrrious Sulfate for almost 2 wks now to bring my Ferrittin levels! You guys saw my labs above! Please any help or input from anybody would be great please start chimming in please!! Im just not happy about this whole thing with my thyroid and low Iron/Ferrittin and what ever else thats screwed up! Im just feeling shitty Im over ittttttt! thank you

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