I've never had large testicles, even when younger. More than likely they are on the small side. Never bothered me having small testicles. I played lots of sports all the way through college and just felt like that was less that had a chance of being whacked, kicked, smashed, knee'd, or stepped on. It didn't seem to impact penis size. At my age now, large testicles would seem to just get in the way. I surely don't want them dipping into the toilet water when taking care of business. Shoot, call me crazy, but at my age, as long as the penis works, and it works real good, I could do without the testicles. I tried HCG to see if anything would happen but it didn't do anything for me but maybe that was because they weren't large to begin with. Kinda funny, all through my career people have told me that I have "huge balls".....little did they know.