Back from Doc for Low T....Advice/experiences on this protocol


New Member
ok folks, Back from my doctor's appt for Low-T. He's not a TRT doctor but a urologist. After discussing options with him and him informing me that once on the TRT protocol it would be for life we made decision to try protocol below. He was willing to prescribe self injecting T, HCG and AI but when discussing with my wife about wanting another child and how it's a for life decision he wanted me to try the meds below and recheck in a few months.

Wanted advice or experience on if this protocol will raise T levels and once off will I have a crash and generally what should I expect:

Clomid: 25mg daily
Anastrozole: .25mg every other day. 1mg total for the week

PSA: .4 (0.0 - 4.0)
Estradiol: 11 (8 - 43)
TSH: 2.15 (.27 - 4.20)
T4: 5.7 (4.5 - 10.9)
T3 Free: 2.3 (2.3 - 4.2)
SHBG: 27.3 (16.5 - 55.9)
Prolactin: 10.4 (4.0 - 15.2)
FSH: 2.3 (1.6 - 9.7)
LH: 1.6 (3.0 -10.0)
Test: 326 (348 - 1197)
Test Free: 6.59 (5.0 - 21.0)
Need to know much more about yourself.

Did the Doctor say anything to you about your very low LH levels?

Also, Free T3 is low as well.

Clomid will help with natural Testosterone production and the low dose AI will keep E2 in check as Clomid is also estrogen...but keep an eye on E2 during this process.

Clomid will help with wanting to increase fertility as well.

It's a reasonable protocol but it's short term and yes you will go back to baseline or lower when you discontinue the protocol.
I'm 39 turning 40 in August. Have been experiencing low T symptoms. Lack of energy/motivation, brain fog, feeling tired, sex drive/ erection issues. Diet is low carb and I train doing crossfit. Went to my GP when having these symptoms and he ran t panels when i asked which of course came back low. I followed the guidelines on this site searching for a low t doctor and just recently saw him. He was more than willing to place me on the T protocl but wanted to try this b/c of wife wanting child and he said the T protocol was going to be for life. He never really discussed my free T3 but did mention the low LH. He examined my testicles and we discussed that when i was young i had surgery for a dissented testicle which could be causing the low t issues.

Will keep an eye on the E2 Gene. so the bottom line is, i'll either have to stay on this protocol or switch to the T injection protocol bc my levels will drop once im off ? all of this stuff is so confusing when all i want is to feel better.

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