Dr. Rotman,
I am a 54 year old male who has been suffering with low t and ed/libido issues for about 5 years. I started feeling badly, depressed, no libdo, ed, etc, and my T was right at the low limit around 300. I also have only one testicle, having lost one due to torsion when I was 14.
After some resistance since my T level was right on the low normal limit, I was started on gels first, ultimately at 3 pumps of Axiron per day. On gels, after I first started, I felt really good, had good libido, no ed, etc, for about 3 days. Then all that stopped and I never felt any better. My urologist had no clue what was going on and I ultimately stopped TRT after 8 months or so.
I went about a year without TRT, and felt marginal, but still had libido/ed issues. I started to become very depressed to the point I didn't want to do anything but lay on the couch.
I found another urologist who started me first on 25mg clomid every day. This really didn't help my libido/ed issues at all.
I then tried Testopel, 6 pellets. Much like the gels, after every insertion I felt really good with good libido/no ed for about 2 days shortly after implant of the pellets, and felt marginal for the rest of the first month, and felt terrible for the last 2 months. My estradiol was checked somewhere along the line and it was in the mid-high range. My T was getting up in the 600 range shortly after implantation and dropping off to around 300 at the end of 3 months. I stayed on Testopel for at least 3 or 4 implantations and I finally said I can't stand the 2 months of feeling miserable. While on Testopel, I actually started to feel a little better right at the end of the 3 month period.
I then went on Depo-Testosterone injections. I started first at 75mg/week. I felt pretty bad at this dosage. I went up to 100mg/week for a few months and felt essentially like I did before starting TRT, but my T levels were in the 600 range when tested.
I have now been prescribed 100mg/every 5 days (I am injecting 60mg every 3 days) and after about 3 weeks I am starting to feel a little better, but still not how I think I should feel. My hemoglobin has also been increasing rapidly, which I am afraid won't be able to be controlled by blood donations every 58 days. My doctor is a little perplexed that it is taking this dose of testosterone for me to have any perception of feeling better. He has asked me if I have ever thought there was more wrong with me than just low T.
I'm thinking to really feel like I want to feel, I am going to end up with injections of around 200mg/week, which seems to be on the very high end of what is normal. Is this a normal weekly injection range?
Also, I know this is a long post, but in the year or so I was off TRT, my dermatologist prescribed Methotrexate for me to see if it would clear up some minor psoriasis that I have had most of my life. For the first 2 months of taking methotrexate, I felt outstanding. I had high libido and no ed issues at all. My GP, urologist or dermatologist could not explain why methotrexate would have this affect on me. Unfortunately after 2 months, I was back to no libdo and ed.
Can you offer any advice for me on how to proceed with treatment?