Dr Rotman,
What's your view and experience with testicular pain/discomfort being related to TRT? Ive been on TRT pellets for 5 months and about 2 months ago having some pain and discomfort on and off. In describing the situation, many online folks think it must be atrophy and I should take HCG. However, I've seen 2 Urologists and 1 Endo in person, and all 3 think it's more likely due to either back misalignment caused by working out, or just that somehow that area has become inflamed and often times it takes time to return to normal --prescribed Daypro for 30 days. Prostate normal 0.46, urine culture normal, testicular ultrasound normal. Do you come across testicular pain much in your practice and if so, does HCG cure it, or is it more often related to something other than atrophy from TRT?
i do sometimes see pain during TRT without hcg , sometimes caused by testicular shrinkage and other times for unknow reasons. I rarely if ever see it in patients on both T and HCG.