Long story short:
Baseline (12 July 2017):
T - 11.71 nmol/l (range 8.64-29.0)Long story short:
Baseline (12 July 2017):
T - 11.71 nmol/l (range 8.64-29.0)
Free T - 12.96 pg/ml (15-50)
Estradiol - 26.77 pg/ml (11-43)
LH high, prolactin normal.
I had been injecting 125 mg T IM per week.
Results right before next injection were (5 August 2017):
T 4.26 ng/ml (3-8), I think it’s about 15 nmol/l
Free T 19 pg/ml
SHBG 28.8 nml/l (17-77).
And then I decided to amend my protocol and moved to: 60mg twice a week (120 mg weekly), abdominal SubQ.
I've been on this protocol for 6 weeks now. The last reading being:
T 4.69 ng/ml (Normal range 2.8 - 8)
Free T 18 pg/ml (Normal range 1 - 28.28).
As you can see, I have not improved result-wise. As for symptoms, the first TRT week was excellent (mental clarity), other than that, neither libido, nor mental/emotional side changed much. Moreover, anxiety is worse.
All the time I have been on a multi-ester T. I am struggling to get a single ester one.
I did not have my E2 checked this time, as there is no sensitive E2 test here, and the regular one makes no sense.
Please, advise.
Free T - 12.96 pg/ml (15-50)
Estradiol - 26.77 pg/ml (11-43)
LH high, prolactin normal.
I had been injecting 125 mg T IM per week.
Results right before next injection were (5 August 2017):
T 4.26 ng/ml (3-8), I think its about 15 nmol/l
Free T 19 pg/ml
SHBG 28.8 nml/l (17-77).
And then I decided to amend my protocol and moved to: 60mg twice a week (120 mg weekly), abdominal SubQ.
I've been on this protocol for 6 weeks now. The last reading being:
T 4.69 ng/ml (Normal range 2.8 - 8)
Free T 18 pg/ml (Normal range 1 - 28.28).
As you can see, I have not improved result-wise. As for symptoms, the first TRT week was excellent (mental clarity), other than that, neither libido, nor mental/emotional side changed much. Moreover, anxiety is worse.
All the time I have been on a multi-ester T. I am struggling to get a single ester one. May split Nebido. It has expired a year ago, but may still work.
I did not have my E2 checked this time, as there is no sensitive E2 test here, and the regular one makes no sense.
1) How can I adjust my protocol?
2) Do you think a single T (cypionate) is much preferable to Sustanon?
Thank you