As I suspected, SHBG is on the lower end and twice weekly isn't optimal given your situation. SHBG being on the lower end, high normal Total T levels are not needed to achieve high normal Free T levels.
My SHBG is about the same and only need a Total T 500 to achieve Free T in the high normal ranges.
As far as spitting up your doses evenly four ways, practice equals perfection. It just depends on how bad you want to feel good. I feel best on 8-10mg cypionate every day and SHBG at the time was 22.
I came to the conclusion to consider moving to daily or EOD a while back. Injection frequency doesn't put me off at all. Feels like the E response would be lower, and I heard with SC you get more out of the T shot vs IM. But provider argues against it, saying it's unnecessary.
No one has made the point you make about SHBG before, but I get the impression you prefer to promote the non AI route of E management, right? Perhaps when using exemestane it's less critical to have a lower dose and more frequency if it can be dialled in?
This was part of a specific reason that I had switched to Exemestane as Anastrozole wasn't getting things well enough for me. It's a plausible line of thinking.
Though I don't recommend the HCG dose you've chosen, if your over converting to E I'd rather recommend something like 100-150iu twice per week and then titrate up a bit judging how you feel.
I think saying "likely" would be a real stretch; possible but unlikely.
Fair enough. I am holding back either way on HCG for at least a little while as I try to get the ratio of T to AI dialled in from a subjective POV.
My point about aromatization of T triggered by HCG is I have read that while AI's knock out the aromatase in the body, they don't affect the process in the testes, hence HCG induced E is not under the control of AIs. I don't know if this is true or not, but I have read about people having immediate relief from crashed E by injecting 1000IUs of HCG, because this will produce some E directly in the testes regardless of what aromatase is circulating in the body.
I do find HCG attractive longer term, based on what Nelson says on activating upstream pathways having secondary functions. However I am fat (beer belly), and willing to consider that it might be harder to control E when introducing HCG. My hope is my aromatization will go down a fair bit once the belly's gone (I'm losing about 1kg per week, probably 10kg to go).