
I was OD'd on Anastrozole, I know in the larger picture my symptoms improved from no TRT but I found out very quickly about low E2, being tanked out zero, actually. I fell victim to this standard .25mg EOD nonsense, one clinic actually wanting me on MORE anastrozole and refused to the use the sensitive assay testing. In the end I was buying my own tests and treating myself, as it were, as I became more educated.
I'm exploring higher number/ratio E2 and can't say yes or no to it, but I'm only using .15mg per week now and I'm not experiencing anything negative. No night sweats or nipple issues. Probably two more weeks to balance out and be fully adjusted. And that's with 50mg/EOD TCyp.
I fell victim to this standard .25mg EOD nonsense.

It's so easy to be sucked into this. I fully expected to need Anastrozole, was practically counting on it. Now, my estradiol has crept up, but so has my total level of testosterone. The ratio theory makes sense and - so far - I'm seeing it working itself out in my own case.
I was OD'd on Anastrozole, I know in the larger picture my symptoms improved from no TRT but I found out very quickly about low E2, being tanked out zero, actually. I fell victim to this standard .25mg EOD nonsense, one clinic actually wanting me on MORE anastrozole and refused to the use the sensitive assay testing.

i know that feel. the first clinic i went to wanted me to take 2 full pills per week. and that was on a protocol that was just a compounded cream that barely got my levels to the middle of the ranges.

even now i take .25 of a pill 2 times a week and tbh i would rather not take it at all. thinking that when i speak with defy after my next labs that i want to try to get off arimidex all together.
High estradiol and Arimidex dosing

I currently inject 60 mg. subQ Tcyp every 3.5 days. At serum Testosterone "peak" (42 hr. After injection) TT was 1182 (348-1197), FT was 24.1 (6.6-18.1), and Sensitive Estradiol was 65 (8.0-35).
At serum Testosterone "trough" (6 hr. prior to next shot) TT was 1146, FT was 23.7 and Sensitive Estradiol was 45. To lower Estradiol I plan to take .25 mg. 2 x weekly and test again in 1 month. Is this dosage correct to start or too high?
Also I would like to know when to take each of the 2 dosages-24 hr. after shot or 48 hr. after shot.
Thanks so much for any input!
Both data sets are pretty much the same if you consider lab variations and normal blood level variations. This is what is good about twice per week injections.

I would start at .5 mg per week and retest estradiol (sensitive) after 2-4 weeks.
I've moved to E0D sub Q shots in an attempt to naturally lower my E2 but I feel it's still high (waiting on lab results).

I see Nelson is recommending .5 mg per week. How should that be dosed on an E0D schedule?
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Yes, but 1/8th I've never been able to achieve without crumbs. We can over think these things, I've been guilty of it for sure. Most guys report not needing AI on an EOD schedule. Guys who do may go 1/4 Monday and 1/4 Thursday, regardless of if that's injection day or not.
Yeah that's what I was thinking. I'm looking at the pill and I don't see how I can get this into 1/8s.

I just got my test results back and I'm:

TT - 792
E2 - 54
SHBG - 17

No HCG or anything else for the last month.

My last reading, a month ago was 72. I think it dropped because of the lack of HCG, but it's not back in range. My baselines were 26 before TRT and 31 after 6 weeks. These are non-sensitive assays as that's all I have access to. I want to get back to that 26 number. My libido and erections were better before this ballooning E2. Yes, I'm stronger than ever and have tons of energy, but my sex life is worse. I want this energy with my old sex life :).

This is my highest TT reading ever so I'm bummed. I wanted to avoid using an AI but I don't think I can have T over 700 and normal E2 levels without it.

To those guys that use small doses or AIs, have they impacted your lipid profiles negatively? How much will .50mg a week drop E2 if the reading is 50-60?

I should add that I'm 38, 6'4", 192, lean, muscular, in excellent cardio condition and can lift heavy. I eat clean (tons of cabbage, broccoli, spinach, etc), take DIM, and still have high E2. So I don't know if I can do much more on the lifestyle side of things to address it. I sleep pretty good too.

Perhaps the best thing to do would be raise SHBG but I'm not sure how to do that outside of lifestyle changes, which I'm already practicing.
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RoneTone - every other day subq and your E2 is still that high? SHBG is a little low, which doesn't help, but your E2 seems high for EOD and subq. I bet your free test is high too. Total test looks low for that high of e2. Nobody 'wants' an AI, but for some guys it's just necessary. Who knows how the AI will effect you, everyone is so different it's amazing how it effects everyone differently. Nelson has a sticky that's a good read on SHBG.
Well this is non-sensitive test too, but that's all I got. Also, I've only used these tests so if they are constant then I should be able to rely on it. I most certainly had a better sex life at 26 then I do at 54 or 72. I know that.

According the online Free T calculator that was recommend on this forum my Free T is 3.02%, which I understand is a good number.

Yep, I've read for weeks about SHBG. My FBS is a bit high but not pre-diabetic and all my liver enzymes look good. I had a ton of chemo therapy while I had testicular cancer so maybe that has something to do with it. My doc warned that it could affect my lipids and my overall health later in life. I really wish they would've done baseline hormone panels before the treatment but that's water under the bridge.

I understand that everyone is different. I'm ready to take the plunge. It seems like if I don't agree with the drug I can come off it without much harm provided I don't drive E2 into the ground - which I won't. I'll start super minimal.

Thanks for the advice.
If its a non sensitive test then its worthless trying to adjust your protocol based on that number. Check your DHT and maybe try to raise that and see how you feel, but you might be asking for nothing but trouble treating e2 off the standard test.
Hi, Vince. I also have low SHBG and I saw that you have your T shots EOD because of that. Please, could you explain the advantage of doing so ? Sorry if maybe you have already done such explanation. tks.
Just a simple reminder:

Do not take anastrozole unless your estradiol via sensitive assay is over 45 pg/mL (before treatment and on TRT). If you do, your sex drive, cognitive function and bones could suffer.

Hi Nelson. I totally agree with you in this matter. However I have a question : What about the cases with low or very low SHBG ? A Estradios level of 30pg/ml is high enough to use Anastrozol ?

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