Are you tired even with normal testosterone? Adrenal fatigue may be the problem.

Nelson Vergel

adrenal thyroid axis.webp

Adrenal fatigue is a collection of signs and symptoms called a functional somatic syndrome where there are imbalances that cause the reserve present in the adrenal gland to be depleted below the necessary level. When evaluating healthy adults, some studies have found that 40 percent of people 60 years of age or older may present with what is called stage 3 adrenal deficiency and depression.

Overall , adrenal fatigue is going to affect most people during the course of their lifetime. Signs and symptoms include feeling tired, run down, difficulty getting up, feeling depleted in the morning and feeling more energetic at the end of the day. Many people use caffeine as an antidote to help to deal with this problem.

The adrenal glands produce both cortisol and DHEA. Cortisol is going to be a catabolic hormone and DHEA is going to be an anabolic hormone. As we see as stressors increase, there is a decrease in the production of DHEA and an increase in the production of cortisol, so less anabolic "pump you up" and more catabolic "tear you down" hormone levels.

When stressors appear, the classic fight or flight response makes your cortisol levels to go up and then over time they come back down. But as we experience chronic stressors that go on for long periods of time, those cortisol levels stay elevated so they don't drop back into normal range. This extended increase in cortisol levels eventually fatigues the adrenal glands, so they start producing less cortisol. With less morning time cortisol, our energy levels are impaired. Cortisol imbalances also affect how your thyroid gland works in ways that worsen fatigue symptoms.
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Cleaned my diet up to the T! I take relora and melatonin at night to help me sleep. In the morning I take vitamin D3, vitamin C, Omega 3, rhodiola, DHEA, DysBio, gensing, and a really strong B complex. At lunch I take a probiotic. Dinner I take DyBio again. I try to eat at least 20 grams of protein with each meal, along with potatoes and a lot of vegetables. I eat 4 sometimes 5 meals a day. When we first figured out what was wrong I had to stop working out completely for 2 months, which was really hard to do. I literally had to rest ALL THE TIME! I was released to do very light light work outs about a month ago. So I do about 15 minutes of walking, low eight high reps of back and chest every other day. I tried to workout once in the evening, and noticed it was really hard to get to sleep that night. I did another 4 panel saliva test a month ago and my cortisol and DHEA were still low, my doctor believes the underlying problem is gut issues and that's why i'm taking the DysBio and probiotic.
My lesson from all this, if you're going to train hard you have to eat a lot. If you're stressed, you better do something about it or you'll end up on the adrenal fatigue train with me. My symptoms are still present, just not as severe. Anxiety, depression, severe lethargy, insomnia, blood sugar issues, weight gain, etc..
Wesley, I also had to change my diet a little over four years ago, to fix my gut issues I had to become grain free and have been for over four years. I have this saved on my computer about probiotics and thought I would post it.

Among the best probiotics are VSL#3, Gardenof Life, and ReNew Life brands, with high-potency products in the multibillioncolony-forming units, or CFU (a count of microorganisms), range, with betterresults than with lower-potency preparations. We’ve had best results with dosesin the 30 to 50 billion CFU range. Healthy species include Lactobacillusplantarum, L. brevis, L. acidophilus, L. casei, L. paracasei, L. rhamnosus, L.salivarius; Bifidobacterium bifidum, B. lactis, B. subtilis, B. breve, and B.longum. The key with probiotics is therefore to supply sufficient numbers and abroad range of species, ideally a dozen or more. Some probiotic preparationscontain a yeast, Saccharomyces boulardii, either as part of a panel ofbacterial species or by itself, as clinical studies have demonstrated effectssuch as protection from Clostridium difficile infection, which can developafter antibiotic use (Venuglopalan 2010). (While refrigeration is helpful, itis not absolutely necessary, as shelf testing of these brands demonstratepreservation of bacterial counts in non-refrigerated capsule form.)
The number one reason was my lipid panel, high lipoprotein A and small LDL particles. I needed to repair my gut bacteria and at that time was a patient of Dr Davis the wheat Belly Dr. The best thing was it worked
As a hypopituitary person I am struggling with my endo on whether to treat my adrenals or not. She usually starts to consider treating when a persons morning cortisol levels get down to 10 and mine are at 9.6. It is a never ending struggle with these endocrinologists.
The following physical findings suggest low adrenal function.Skin thin and dry or scaly, pigmentation of temples, red palms or fingertips, and cold clammy palms.
Deep Tendon Reflexes are exaggerated.

Lymph Gland inflammation of the neck (swelling, pain, or tenderness).

Blood Pressure is usually low, and drops upon standing (105/60) and then elevated to (120 or 130/70 or 80) on reclining (postural or orthostatic hypotension). This change from low to higher when lying down may be the reason why many patients find it difficult to fall asleep. It is conducive to falling asleep to lie in a semi-reclining position for 15 or 20 minutes. Another way to describe postural hypotension is that there may be a sudden drop in blood pressure to below normal upon suddenly arising from bed, or from standing still, causing temporary darkening of vision, dizziness, light-headedness, faintness, or fainting.

Body Conformation is of the thin muscle-type (this is called asthenic habitus). The typical person is also tall with an angular appearance but a shorter person may have what we call "signs of tallness" - a moderately long neck, an index finger longer than the 4th (ring) finger, and a 2nd toe longer than the big toe. There are long arms and legs, and the arm span is greater than the height.

Hair is sparse on the body but there is usually a full head of fine and abundant hair. The typical person is blond and blue eyed, or red headed. A tall, thin blonde with skin allergies can be diagnosed immediately.

Dentition shows crowded lower teeth with a high palatal arch (roof of mouth).

Pain and tenderness over adrenal area of mid-back when pressure is applied (called Rogoff's sign).

Urination is either very frequent in small amounts or infrequent in large amounts. This person usually does not do well in the heat or in the summer, particularly in conditions of high temperature, high humidity, and low barometric pressure.

Scanty perspiration (except under arms or hands and feet). This person may be a "salt loser" (the tendency is to lose salt and to retain potassium). The urine and perspiration of the salt loser is saltier than normal and there is consequently a greater salt concentration on the skin. Animals are attracted to the salt on the skin, and often the low adrenal patient will be a favorite of animals to lick.

Ankle and/or Finger Swelling. John Tintera, M.D. was an early pioneer in recognizing and treating adrenal insufficiency. He wrote that salt is a diuretic and that hypoadrenocortics (patients with low adrenal cortex function) retain fluid because the body is trying to hold onto the salt. When enough salt is consumed, the body takes what it needs and excretes the rest. If the ankle edema is due to insufficient salt, the edema will usually disappear in three days after taking adequate salt. If it does not disappear in five to six days, potassium may also be needed. Vitamin B6 is also helpful for edema not only because it has a diuretic effect but also supports the adrenal cortex.
Beta blockers, diuretics and certain ARBs may cause fatigue in some people. This is not related to adrenal issues but to side effects of the drugs.

Weight loss, stress reduction and nitric oxide supplements are the best natural ways to decrease blood pressure.
Along with cortisol,aldosterone is also secreted from adrenal cortex.This leads to mineralcosrticosteroids release and water/sodium retention.Adreanal insuficciency could be the result of chronic cortisolemia.Eventualy serum cortisol is low in the morning
Along with cortisol,aldosterone is also secreted from adrenal cortex.This leads to mineralcosrticosteroids release and water/sodium retention.Adreanal insuficciency could be the result of chronic cortisolemia.Eventualy serum cortisol is low in the morning
Adrenal Fatigue & Adrenal Support

Signs and Symptoms of Adrenal Fatigue:

A major issue many have with adrenal fatigue is weight gain usually centered around the waist
Tendency to gain weight and unable to lose it, especially around the waist.
High frequency of getting the flu and other respiratory diseases and these symptoms tend to last longer than usual.
Tendency to tremble when under pressure.
Reduced sex drive.
Lightheaded when rising from a horizontal position.
Unable to remember things.
Lack of energy in the mornings and in the afternoon between 3 to 5 pm.
Feel better suddenly for a brief period after a meal.
Often feel tired from 9 - 10 pm, but resist going to bed.
Need coffee or stimulants to get going in the morning.
Cravings for salty, fatty, and high protein food such as meat and cheese.
Increased symptoms of PMS for women; periods are heavy and then stop, or are almost stopped on the 4th day, only to start flow again on the 5th or 6th day.
Pain in the upper back or neck with no apparent reason.
Feels better when stress is relieved, such as on a vacation.
Difficulties in getting up in the morning.

Other signs and symptoms include:

Mild depression.
Food and or inhalant allergies.
Lethargy and lack of energy.
Increased effort to perform daily tasks.
Decreased ability to handle stress.
Dry and thin skin.
Low body temperature.
Unexplained hair loss.
Alternating constipation and diarrhea.

If you have many of these signs and symptoms, and you have ruled out other organic pathologies, it is time to consider Adrenal Fatigue as a possible cause. None of the signs or symptoms by themselves can definitively pinpoint Adrenal Fatigue. When taken as a group, these signs and symptoms do form a specific Adrenal Fatigue syndrome or picture of a person under stress. These signs and symptoms are often the end result of acute, severe, chronic, or excessive stress and the inability of the body to reduce such stress. Stress, once a "basket" term used by physicians to explain non-specific symptoms, undetectable by conventional blood tests, is not a mystery to the body at all.

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