Well someone had to ask.
Seems like woman do better in survival rate. I read that testosterone has an immunosuppressive effect while estrogen has an immunoenhancing effect on the immune system. Estrogen has been shown to regulate immune response.
This enhanced immune reactivity in females helps mount an effective resistance to infection and therefore females are less susceptible to viral infections.
So far I’ve only seen one person who ‘likely’ takes testosterone die from COVID, and from my understanding he died in just 4 days. 72yo Wuhan Man Dies From Coronavirus Just Months Before Competing in Bodybuilding Event
Just some things I was reading
Effects of Hormone Therapy on the Immune Systems of Postmenopausal Women With Chronic Infections - Full Text View - ClinicalTrials.gov
Seems like woman do better in survival rate. I read that testosterone has an immunosuppressive effect while estrogen has an immunoenhancing effect on the immune system. Estrogen has been shown to regulate immune response.
This enhanced immune reactivity in females helps mount an effective resistance to infection and therefore females are less susceptible to viral infections.
So far I’ve only seen one person who ‘likely’ takes testosterone die from COVID, and from my understanding he died in just 4 days. 72yo Wuhan Man Dies From Coronavirus Just Months Before Competing in Bodybuilding Event
Just some things I was reading
Effects of Hormone Therapy on the Immune Systems of Postmenopausal Women With Chronic Infections - Full Text View - ClinicalTrials.gov