Are AI's Being Prescribed More Often?

Sensitivity loss and taking long time to orgasm are exact symptoms of low e2. It happens to me. But its the tell tale signs of low e2.

Thats why I stopped my AI, but I took bloods the day I stopped and turns out my E2 was at 48. The crazy part is stopping surely raised E2 even higher, but libido had returned along with sensitivity.

thinking my Test level is too high, trough was at 1130 with free T at 24.5, injection was due that morning directly after giving blood. I am interested in a lower does of Test C taken daily, to remove the AI completely.
For me I couldn't run with my E in the 60s and up to 88 at one point, I eliminated everything, methodically one-by-one testing each time and my E was always elevated. I got down to just Cyp only and my E was high, and I'm not fat or otherwise explanable over-aromatase. I was hot/very warm in bed at nite and very PMS'ish thru the day, very short-tempered, easily angered, so there were def negative symptoms. Being low SHBG as I am I pondered if may have been worse given that I might have a lot of Free Estrogen in my system with the very high Free T.
I had to start using AI @ .25mg EOD dropped me in to the teens, adjusted that to M/W/F and I've been for about 6 months not feeling like I need to test anything, it's been pretty good.
I had to have the AI with what my body was doing.
For me I couldn't run with my E in the 60s and up to 88 at one point, I eliminated everything, methodically one-by-one testing each time and my E was always elevated. I got down to just Cyp only and my E was high, and I'm not fat or otherwise explanable over-aromatase. I was hot/very warm in bed at nite and very PMS'ish thru the day, very short-tempered, easily angered, so there were def negative symptoms. Being low SHBG as I am I pondered if may have been worse given that I might have a lot of Free Estrogen in my system with the very high Free T.
I had to start using AI @ .25mg EOD dropped me in to the teens, adjusted that to M/W/F and I've been for about 6 months not feeling like I need to test anything, it's been pretty good.
I had to have the AI with what my body was doing.
Did AI help with symptoms?
For those who feel better with higher estrogen levels, especially outside the generally accepted lab ranges, at what point does one have to be careful they don't start growing man boobs? That's my biggest fear of elevated estrogen. I'd probably jump off a cliff I grew boobs.
For those who feel better with higher estrogen levels, especially outside the generally accepted lab ranges, at what point does one have to be careful they don't start growing man boobs? That's my biggest fear of elevated estrogen. I'd probably jump off a cliff I grew boobs.
I feel like higher testosterone doesn't really let higher estrogen to grow boobs.. It's one thing to have high estradiol with low testosterone and other thing to have estradiol outside the range with high testosterone.. I feel the DHT balances out estradiol. But every individual is different see Vince Carter feels bad with higher E so it doesn't work for him
I feel way healthier with higher E, not to mention libido and well being..
Thats why I stopped my AI, but I took bloods the day I stopped and turns out my E2 was at 48. The crazy part is stopping surely raised E2 even higher, but libido had returned along with sensitivity.

thinking my Test level is too high, trough was at 1130 with free T at 24.5, injection was due that morning directly after giving blood. I am interested in a lower does of Test C taken daily, to remove the AI completely.

IF 1130 is your trough, you could lower your dose a bit and probably not need a AI....After reading a lot of posts it seems most do not do well with a AI.
For those who can't tolerate high estradiol Vince Carter being one did you have brain fog or fatigue or what were the symptoms? Aside from the major gyno and ed curious what symptoms some of you feel?
Most symptoms of what guys think is high estradiol are really do to water retention due to less cortisol clearance from the body or other issues unrelated to estradiol.

I think cash clinics are doing a horrible job at properly dosing estradiol and using the right estradiol test.

Estradiol mismanagement is the biggest problem I see out there. The second one is hematocrit mismanagement.
For those who can't tolerate high estradiol Vince Carter being one did you have brain fog or fatigue or what were the symptoms? Aside from the major gyno and ed curious what symptoms some of you feel?

I was way too volatile, PMS was what it felt like, that snap at the drop of a hat, minor things would set me off, I was getting in to skirmishes at work over little things. That and night sweats or jsut being too hot in bed at nite. I'd be stripped naked with a lite/thin blanket, heat set @ 60 (winter) and fan on medium and wake up wet or miserablely warm.
I'm much better an the AI now, still some troubles in those two areas though.

Most of the time we say elevated (whatever that is) and what's OK...I don't think most any guy on this or any forum is going to feel good at all like I was running as high as 88 at one time, consistently 60/70/80 with the LC/MS/MS test. I don't think anyone is going to come in here and say that they feel good >60.
I was way too volatile, PMS was what it felt like, that snap at the drop of a hat, minor things would set me off, I was getting in to skirmishes at work over little things. That and night sweats or jsut being too hot in bed at nite. I'd be stripped naked with a lite/thin blanket, heat set @ 60 (winter) and fan on medium and wake up wet or miserablely warm.
I'm much better an the AI now, still some troubles in those two areas though.

Most of the time we say elevated (whatever that is) and what's OK...I don't think most any guy on this or any forum is going to feel good at all like I was running as high as 88 at one time, consistently 60/70/80 with the LC/MS/MS test. I don't think anyone is going to come in here and say that they feel good >60.
When my e2 reached 55 on the LC, MS/MS test I was waking overnight, every night, soaking wet. During the day I felt as if great pressure was building internally - not a pleasant sensation. I avoided an AI through doseage manipulation, but I have great sympathy for those who aren't able to achieve a proper level in that fashion. All that said, I still wonder about the tendency to initiate a TRT protocol with anastrozole as part of the picture.
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Also some use way too much T.. I mean it's way better to be in 700-800s stable and not have to use any AI's then to be in 1000s and be in constant rollercoaster with AI dose one day your too low other day your are too high that's huge pain in the ass.. just my two cents
I have my follow up coming with Defy soon. With my trough at 1130, I think that makes my peak at 1700 (judging from so my thoughts are to try and lower this by doing more frequent injections. Currently I am doing the e3.5d thing, but if I can drop the AI by lowering my dose and just injecting it daily, then why not? It takes a few minutes to warm the bottle, point and shoot, done.
I have been on Arimidex for approx 1 month which I labored a long time trying to make the decision to add it to my protocol. I had my labs drawn Friday morning (trough) and am awaiting results. I was ~64 on the sensitive test at trough one month ago. I started because I had gyno confirmed, ed, no libido or morning wood, moody as hell and over emotional. I was also,constantly bloated and carried a lot of water in my legs and feet. I can say morning wood is returning. It is not every day, but much more frequent than what it was. What I have also noticed is I have been urinatng like crazy, but not excessively thirsty like I used to be when I was on a diuretic.

I do carry a lot of excess body fat around the middle (which is slowly but surely shrinking) which could be causing me to aromatize more than normal. I am going to continue monitoring monthly and hopefully will continue to reduce the excess body fat to the point where maybe I can get off this. I don't feel bad while on it but I am trying to,be very careful while on this. I am taking .25 mg twice a week so taking it slow.

i am learning so much from this forum so,want to,thank everyone for all the amazing information.
I never found that I had water retention or bloat with my E problems, maybe bloat was a very infrequent thing but I'd say no.

I noticed both water retention and bloat. When I took my socks off at the end of the day, I had indentions in my lower legs/calves above the ankles. Also with the bloat, it was if I had lost 5 pounds directly in my gut, but I hadnt my abdomen just returned to normal once I went back on the AI. No more sock indentions either.
I noticed both water retention and bloat. When I took my socks off at the end of the day, I had indentions in my lower legs/calves above the ankles. Also with the bloat, it was if I had lost 5 pounds directly in my gut, but I hadnt my abdomen just returned to normal once I went back on the AI. No more sock indentions either.
I experienced the exact same thing.
Estradiol mismanagement is the biggest problem I see out there. The second one is hematocrit mismanagement.

1) Concerning Estradiol mismanagement - in your opinion, most men on TRT go to low with their estradio/overdose arimidex?
I personally feel I "need" very little arimidex. I brake the 1mg tablets into about 20 pieces and take one of them with each injection (I inject 80mg twice a week) - so 1mg of arimidex lasts me for 10 weeks. I realize its an incredibly small dose and in theory I shouldn't feel anything from it, but if I don't take it for a couple of injections I get a burning sensation in my nips and my erections are not as hard - I've tried several time to completely lay it off, always the same.

2) Concerning hematocrit management - what's the biggest mistake you see there? People donating blood too often, worrying about it?
1) Concerning Estradiol mismanagement - in your opinion, most men on TRT go to low with their estradio/overdose arimidex?
I personally feel I "need" very little arimidex. I brake the 1mg tablets into about 20 pieces and take one of them with each injection (I inject 80mg twice a week) - so 1mg of arimidex lasts me for 10 weeks. I realize its an incredibly small dose and in theory I shouldn't feel anything from it, but if I don't take it for a couple of injections I get a burning sensation in my nips and my erections are not as hard - I've tried several time to completely lay it off, always the same.

2) Concerning hematocrit management - what's the biggest mistake you see there? People donating blood too often, worrying about it?

I experienced the same thing. 0.05mg cut my e2 from 48.x to 24.x. I feel better at 48 though.

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