I read a couple places on this board that people found APS TCyp easier to draw/inject using a 29g insulin needle than TCyp from Tri-Coast. (Presumably due to the oil used??)
I'm not sure what compounding pharmacies Defy uses, but I have my consult tomorrow with Dr. Saya - and if there is consensus that one is better than another, I'll ask him about using that one.
I'd like to go with 1/2" 29g needles for shallow IM per the advice here on the board...
I'm not sure what compounding pharmacies Defy uses, but I have my consult tomorrow with Dr. Saya - and if there is consensus that one is better than another, I'll ask him about using that one.
I'd like to go with 1/2" 29g needles for shallow IM per the advice here on the board...