Hey madman. I used LabCorp for all of the tests. For some reason I can't access any of my bloodwork in the LabCorp app from 2017 or earlier, but I'll ask
Defy when I speak to them to send the labs over so we can take a look here. I always waited a bare minimum of 8 weeks to do labs when switching to subq.
I use the standard tests
Defy prescribes. Standard Total & Free T which would not be the specific more accurate tests you mentioned. However, my testosterone is completely consistent as is my SHBG (34-35) over all of my tests since 2013, and only when doing subq did the Total T drop, and by a significant degree.
Unless there is something that doesn't allow total t to be detected by the standard testosterone assay when injected subq, it seems that there is an issue with extremely delayed or limited absorption, rapid clearance, or some other mystery. No doubt subq works for many, but it doesn't seem to work for me, and I've seen quite a few similar reports on different boards (granted, I can't speak for their consistency in protocols and testing).
I can't remember the direct Free T numbers and will have to wait for my labs. Side note: do you still recommend the Tru-T as a good estimate for calculated Free T numbers?
I did use
Sensitive Estradiol which uses LC/MS so I know the estradiol disparities were accurate as well, which is also consistent with the lower T levels.
No doubt I am probably in the minority, but from what I read online I'm not the only one. I was injecting subq in the belly fat only the first time. Second attempt I rotated belly fat and the fat on the glute fat pad area.
I'd say the major differences were exhaustion during the day (falling asleep at work a few times), poor sleep and worsening of libido, joint pain, and losing a sense of well-being. All of which are low estradiol symptoms for me. I wouldn't say most are using a subq protocol, I think most men using test are still IM, but there are plenty of people using subq without issue.
For anyone reading I corrected my above post, my estradiol was significantly lower on subq, I wrote higher by mistake.