DB, just curious what you saw for hormone changes one LE UPF? I saw my SHBG drop from 50 to 28, free T was up a lot and now taking a very small daily dose of T. I also wonder if it helped my thyroid? FT3 up a lot and RT3 has never been lower!!!
PSA dropped from 4.2 > 3.4
DHT went from ~70 > 42 (30-85 ng/dl)
My SHBG did go from 47.1 > 66.2< BUT 30 after stopping LEF total prostate, my SHBG went to 77.6, then declined over time, 57.2 > 47.0. Perhaps that is just how long it took SHBG to "readjust".
In all the tests I ever have done, the lowest SHBG had ever been was 35.9, so for me SHBG has always been on the high side.
My E2 went from roughly 3% of total T to 2%, while FT went from ~1.7% >1.4% of total T.
E2 and FT are directly related to Total T, and my total T varies quite a bit depending on what week I take a test.
So if I want to really see changes in E2/FT, I look at the percentage of total T that gets converted to E2, and FT as a percentage of total T. BTW, I always have lowish E2 no matter how high my total T goes, even at 1500+ total T my E2 was 37 pg/ml. The ONLY thing that ever drove my E2 up independent of total T was taking clomid.
(In normal cycle of ~14 week using testosterone undecanoate, my total T can range from 520 – 1500+. I most often use either Nebido or generic testosterone undecanoate. If I measure a 5 days after an injection, I will get 1300-2100. The 2100 was an informed estimate since the test tops out at 1500. My estimate was based on what it should have been given the level of E2 / Ft. )
Now this isn’t a well controlled study, since I often change other supplements and if I have wanted to defend this as scientifically valid, I would have done more tests. But it’s my best estimate of the changes that occurred.
Subjectively, I didn’t feel any of those changes.
I stopped LEF ultra prostate because it seemed to me the main reason my PSA went down was because of lower hormones, but if I want lower hormone I can just lower the amount of testosterone I take. And PSA for me has jumped around quite a bit, as high as 5.6 before declining back to 4.3, I didn’t do anything that I was aware of to cause it to either rise or fall.