So I would personally feel like sh*t with ur free T level. And I did when I was 27 and had to go on TRT. My free T level was a bit lower than urs, but not by a ton. But on TRT I found that I need a free T level way higher than urs is at currently to feel good again. Not saying to go on TRT tomorrow, but I can almost guarantee getting ur free T level up quite a bit would definitely alleviated/ improve some of the symptoms ur experiencing. But obv other routes could be beneficial, to look into, before going that route.
Enclomiphene could be a possible option. I personally tried clomid, and it brought my natural levels up a ton! But then they just dropped back down after I stopped it.
Enclomiphene as a permanent solution I guess could be an option. Not really sure, haven’t done enough research into it myself
Looks like ur total T level is good tho. It’s just ur SHBG binding a lot of it, and leaving ur free T a little lower than ur body would probably prefer. Maybe using a low dose of something like proviron, which lowers SHBG, could be beneficial for u, if u can get ur hands on some. I’ve taken dht derivatives for years now, and I feel like my SHBG is permanently on the lower end now. So maybe something like proviron isn’t something u would have to take forever, to keep ur SHBG down, and free T up
Man, never seen someone with a high TSH and a super high free T3 like this! So weird lol. I really like the work of Westin Childs, when it comes to thyroid into, and he considers anyone with a TSH over 2.5 hypothyroid, regardless of what the rest of their labs look like. He would absolutely say ur hypothyroid, with ur tsh. So weird that ur thyroid seems to be producing so much free T3, in a most likely hyperthyroid state. Very confusing. Based on ur Anti thyroid peroxidase level, it does look like u have some auto-immune stuff going on there.