Anecdotal accounts of women with regards to their experiences with men who've had vasectomies


New Member
Source: Married Man Sex Life website

I'm in my forties and i have had about 5 different partners, from my early 20's until recently that have had a vascectomy. SEX IS MASSIVELY DIFFERENT with a man who has had a vascectomy and i would never be in a long term relationship with anyone with one for that simple reason. It doesnt matter how gorgeous he is, how aching the chemisty is between us, or how deeply the feelings of emotional love run between us. hands down, my vagaina feels an absence of spark, of ferel-ness, of hit-that-mark urgency from him that is all part of the delicate dance of banging with an undercurretnt to get pregnant while not actually wanting to get pregnant. its a game of sorts and the more virile the man is–meaning he has sperm and can get you pregnnat–the more hot the componants are between us for sex. take away that driving force, that risk even subconsciously and you have little more than an animated dildo attached to a man. i dont care how many people will bash me for this but i honestly thought it was me with my first partner. we had an amazing sex life and he was the love of my life [in my twenties]. we actually chose to go and get a vascectomy together because our sex life was deep and he was afraid of pregnancy. the love was deeper as we went on but the feeling, the intensity of sex greatly diminished. we had other issues so i attributed this to those other areas. my next partner was someone i had dated a few years earlier and we were very hot. in the years since i had seen him, he had gotten a vascectomy. again, a noticable lack of the spark that once pulled us together. it would be years later when i would have another partner who had one, i was in my thirties then and again, assumed i didnt know what i was talking about. the same thing, the sex just wasnt the same as it was with someone who didnt have a vascectomy. i too, was excited at the prospect of limitless sex without worry of pregnnacy until it became noticable that i actually wasnt drawn to have limitless sex with my partner. it just wasnt the same. now, im in my 40's and in the last 5 years have dated several men who had vascectomies and had not told me. i could tell right away. its a shame really and i think that any man should seriously consider this elemant before diving off the deep end and cutting out the cro magnon drive we're all wired with to have sex to begin with. as for me, i persoanlly am not willing to give up my primal love of a man who is intact and with the driving force of sperm and the risk. my body knows the difference between the two and ive made my choice.
a good analogy is to ask if a female cat is interested in the neutured male. she isnt. its not personal, he just isnt going to arouse her deeper primal nature like a unneutured male is. sex is [for me] at best ‘okay' with a partner who has had a vascectomy–and yes, this is even while im in love with him. it doesnt compare tho to the bring me to my knees sexual prowess i feel with someone who doesnt have a vascectomy. and unfortunatly how we have sex and how it affects us is often directly tied to how in love we feel with somone. if the realtionship is workable that in love feeling can transcend to deeper love and long term commitment. but without the hotness of that sexual componant, you dont stand a chance of glueing the relationship togehter on semen only sex. she will never feel satisfied and she may even stop getting wet all togehter. in all my relaitonships with partners who have had a vascectomy, i ended up not wanting sex, dreading my partner wanting sex and not even able to get excited to have sex with them. this caused immesuable problems in the relationship as a whole and in honestly, i was more willing to walk away from these partenrs more quickly than i ever have been with men who im involved with who are intact. i would urge a man not to get a vascectomy because it changes everything.

I enjoy sex.. after 10 years i still want sex every day more than once. After 4 kids my husband choose to have a vasectomy. I still love sex! I have noticed that when im ovulating i fantasiz about sex with other men.

I know before his vasectomy i couldnt get enough of him. I dont know if it was psychological or physical… just though i would
My husband had a vasectomy 5 months after our third child was born. Almost 3 years later he is still complaining about my “lack of desire” for him. I feel robbed of his manhood and don't know how to move beyond it. I think he is really attractive and I enjoy sex with him some of the time, but like some previous posters said, it's lacking. The raw possibility that I could be filled with a child by his semen is gone. My body doesn't crave his fluids at all. I worry our relationship will continue to suffer because of this. He is sad because I don't desire him and I am sad because he is not the fertile man I married.
Vasectomies can ruin intimacy. It's ruined ours.

Glad I read this. I felt all kinds of bitch for finding my hubby less attractive, sexually than before his vasectomy. I have zero interest in sex with him and I cant tell him that, I mean how cruel! So, instead I'll just suck it up and think positive thoughts (it does help) I dont think of him as a ‘man' and that is just awfull but it is subconcious, I cant help it. I used to find his smell so sexy. I am so sad about it. We have enough kids, it is something more basic than wanting children, it is subconcious and I hate it. It started before he had the vasectomy, we discussed it, I didnt like the idea, but it is his body and I do not believe in telling people what they can do with thier body. I do wish I had sometimes. It has not changed my feelings of love and admiration and appreciation of him I just dont want to jump his bones anymore. It is amental thing so I will just change my thought process and I hope it works…

Comment Five: “My love button has been turned off since my husband's vasectomy. Sex just isn't what it used to be. I loved the way he would squirt all over me and now it just drops off the end. It's like going to watch fireworks and awaiting the grand finale…but you get one of those little streamer kinds. It is disappointing. He no longer smells like he did either. He would walk by and I could get so turned on by his scent and now, it seems like it's gone. I can't even smell it on his clothes like I did when doing laundry. I used to get turned on doing his laundry! Since his vasectomy, things have gone downhill sexually and just between us. I vividly remember him coming through the door after his vasectomy procedure and he seemed different to me. In fact, I almost instantly started looking at and lusting for other men. How do you explain that?
You bet it's biology. Now I'm disconnected and looking for answers. We have 3 kids and certainly don't want more. Vasectomy is just so sad in the end. Physically, mentally and emotionally. Don't do it. You will get more sex before the procedure!!!I'm loyal and I want to stay together but I also don't want to stay in a relationship with sex that doesn't turn me on.I can see why this could lead to divorce. I just want the man I couldn't get enough of back.Vasectomy took him away. We're together and all…It's just different now.Hard to explain but living it”
So all I'm saying here is that it makes me wonder. Is there some sort of casual link that goes Vasectomy -> Loss Of Sexual Attraction -> Divorce. Whether that loss of wifely attraction comes from a biological or psychological basis doesn't really matter, though it would be interesting to find out.
More importantly… why hasn't this been studied?
Semen smells different after vasectomy and its a massive turn off.
Not the smell (used to be strong kinda funky smell and now its a light sweet smell)
But the idea he's fixed .
Just not the same.

I love my husband very much. It used to be really rare for him to not give me an orgasm. Ever since he got his Vasectomy done…(almost 4 years) it is almost impossible for him to do so. The only reason I have sex is to make him happy. I have no interest in it at all. I might get lucky and have three orgasms a year now if that. I don't even like his hands touching me in certain places. I know it is a mental thing but…he does nothing for me any more. I just want him to do what he needs to do and get off of me.
Aside from sperm and testosterone, the testis also synthesize NGF, a powerful protein that triggers fertility and sexual interest in females. A vasectomy disrupts the NGF pathway via the vas deferens to the female brain. Knowing this, there's little wonder why a female would lose interest in her vasectomized partner. A vasectomy, hard as it will be to admit, is one, huge hormonal disruptor. Where pleasure is ephemeral reward for the sex act, NGF is the mechanism that bonds couples for the long haul. Unless you want to dump your wife, you'd best be inseminating her with NGF — the more often, the better the bond. And that's not all. Semen has many other constituents with functions yet unknown. Better to consider a little common sense when messing with the body. If it's not broke, don't fix it.
It's surprising that NGF, alongside vasectomy, isn't at the top of search engine results. No wonder men are still undergoing vasectomy, obviously by urologists in huge denial here.
Semen has direct effect on female brain
by Kate Taylor
Posted August 21, 2012 – 04:00
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The reason why I posted the above stories is to relay my own personal experience. After 15 years of marriage that had a good sexual relationship, I had a vasectomy performed. My wife and I never used birth control aside from abstaining from intercourse during her ovulation window. The thinking naturally was that we would have limitless sex afterwards. Around the same time I also started using Propecia. I believe my wife lost her sexual attraction towards me just before finasteride annihilated my sexual function. Within two years we became separated. Prior, we had regular hot sex. She would always embrace me, telling me that my smell would always make her feel better. My 10 year old daughter also loved the smell of my t-shirts. This all ceased post-operatively.

After I separated, I became involved with another woman that I knew in a primarily text-based relationship that included sexting and declarations of love. I had quit finasteride, and regained some unpredictable sexual function. I had recently discovered those vasectomy stories that validated and shocked both me and my wife. It unfortunately was too late for us because we had both started new relationships openly. This motivated me to have my vasectomy reversal scheduled.

Just before the procedure, I finally wound in bed with my new love interest. This would mark the very first time I got a woman into bed, and could not sexually excite her. We were both devastated. I confided in her my history. She said that I "didn't have an attractive smell or lacked any real smell at all." After I had my reversal, my wife became more attracted to me, and we resumed some sexual activity though there was too much damage done to the relationship. I just recently started successful TRT thanks to Excel Male and am in a new relationship with lots of kissing and sex. She just recently told me she loves the way I smell. She also told me that knowing I have the power to get her pregnant is a huge turn-on. I believe I read somewhere once that some women can unconsciously detect sperm count or virility through saliva / kissing.

Hope this helps someone. More research should be done. Even if this only accounts for a small percentage, it should eventually be included in pre-op informed consent / disclosure.
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I’ve always been with men who didn’t have a vasectomy. I got in to a relationship with a man who did have one. At first I was glad about it and thought it was great. After being together for over 3 years I can literally feel the lack of. The sex is great but it’s like having sex with a dildo. There’s no chemical reaction. That enamored feeling that I have no control of when a man with sperm fills me is no longer. It’s hard to describe. If another man walks by I can smell him. I don’t get that pleasing smell from my boyfriend. I find my boyfriend sexually attractive it’s just the chemical part I guess. It sucks because when you’re in a monogamous relationship it’s nice when u can have unprotected sex but when a man has a vasectomy it takes that away. If your a woman who’s experienced this you know what im talking about. It may be hard for men to wrap their mind around because biologically they aren’t women. I’m noticed this since my early 20s I’m now in my mid 20s. My body is so sensitive in general. I’m loyal. Hoping he will get reversed. It’s hard though, I naturally crave that feeling. It’s not even about getting pregnant at this point. I just know if I had sex with a man who didn’t have a vasectomy I’d get that biologically driven satisfaction that my body literally craves. Kind of sad tbh. I’ve been thinking of going on birth control to suppress that wanting feeling.
I’ve always been with men who didn’t have a vasectomy. I got in to a relationship with a man who did have one. At first I was glad about it and thought it was great. After being together for over 3 years I can literally feel the lack of. The sex is great but it’s like having sex with a dildo. There’s no chemical reaction. That enamored feeling that I have no control of when a man with sperm fills me is no longer. It’s hard to describe. If another man walks by I can smell him. I don’t get that pleasing smell from my boyfriend. I find my boyfriend sexually attractive it’s just the chemical part I guess. It sucks because when you’re in a monogamous relationship it’s nice when u can have unprotected sex but when a man has a vasectomy it takes that away. If your a woman who’s experienced this you know what im talking about. It may be hard for men to wrap their mind around because biologically they aren’t women. I’m noticed this since my early 20s I’m now in my mid 20s. My body is so sensitive in general. I’m loyal. Hoping he will get reversed. It’s hard though, I naturally crave that feeling. It’s not even about getting pregnant at this point. I just know if I had sex with a man who didn’t have a vasectomy I’d get that biologically driven satisfaction that my body literally craves. Kind of sad tbh. I’ve been thinking of going on birth control to suppress that wanting feeling.
is it the semen load ? Your saying you can tell the man doesn't live sperm?
I wish I had read this a few months ago. My husband got a vasectomy and since then I just don’t have any desire for him anymore. He doesn’t smell the same. I don’t want to have sex with him. The fire is gone and I’m devastated. I thought this was going to be so great and now I feel like I’ve been robbed and I’m only 30. We still have frequent sex but I just feel like I’m going through the motions. I don’t burn for him anymore. I wasn’t on birth control and he’s actually in better shape too. This was the biggest mistake ever I feel like my happy ever after is gone.
Its funny how all these BS posts in this thread are by new members with no other posts. Some organisation with an agenda is posting these.
I promise you I am very real and found my way here by searching the internet while grasping at straws to figure out wth changed these last couple months and why I no longer desire the love of my freakin life. I actually just came across this forum last night and typed out my post while in tears, but ok.
Thanks to all for these posts. Very interesting and something I hadn't heard before, and a strong motivator to stay intact. This also seems like an argument for the use of HCG as part of TRT. I also wonder if the suppression of sperm production due to TRT would have a similar affect. The affect of "smell" in general seems to be very underappreciated.
I promise you I am very real and found my way here by searching the internet while grasping at straws to figure out wth changed these last couple months and why I no longer desire the love of my freakin life. I actually just came across this forum last night and typed out my post while in tears, but ok.
I found your post very interesting and glad you decided to share your experience.

No vasectomies for me.
This topic reminds me of some other related findings. The book "This is your brain on birth control" has a lot of interesting discussion of how hormone fluctuations change women's desire for certain men, and their overall sex drive. For example, women who meet a man when they're on birth control may no longer feel attraction when they go off the birth control, and vice versa, so if women are going off birth control in conjunction with their man's vasectomy could also have an influence. Birth control also seems to make women tolerate low-quality men in some cases according to th eauthor of the book above. It is also fairly well-established that women can "smell" men with compatible genes. Dave Asprey has a podcast with the book author for those who want an audio overview. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that women can "smell" some anabolics, particularly Trenbolone, so the idea that a vasectomy could be disruptive, both through physical and psychological mechanisms seems quite plausible. Nature would not have wanted women to waste their energy on men who couldn't re-produce, and vice-versa.
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I don't know if I should post this or not? I love the smell of a woman, on my penis. After morning sex, and I'm at work. When I urinate, sometimes I can smell her. It gets me very aroused and I want her that much more.
I promise you I am very real and found my way here by searching the internet while grasping at straws to figure out wth changed these last couple months and why I no longer desire the love of my freakin life. I actually just came across this forum last night and typed out my post while in tears, but ok.
Yes, girl. There aren’t a lot of post on the internet on this subject. I research everything in general. Stumbled across this thread. I made an account so I could share and maybe encourage other women to speak on their experience. I knew I couldn’t be the only one.
This topic reminds me of some other related findings. The book "This is your brain on birth control" has a lot of interesting discussion of how hormone fluctuations change women's desire for certain men, and their overall sex drive. For example, women who meet a man when they're on birth control may no longer feel attraction when they go off the birth control, and vice versa, so if women are going off birth control in conjunction with their man's vasectomy could also have an influence. Birth control also seems to make women tolerate low-quality men in some cases according to th eauthor of the book above. It is also fairly well-established that women can "smell" men with compatible genes. Dave Asprey has a podcast with the book author for those who want an audio overview. There is a lot of anecdotal evidence that women can "smell" some anabolics, particularly Trenbolone, so the idea that a vasectomy could be disruptive, both through physical and psychological mechanisms seems quite plausible. Nature would not have wanted women to waste their energy on men who couldn't re-produce, and vice-versa.
Its funny how all these BS posts in this thread are by new members with no other posts. Some organisation with an agenda is posting these.
They’re done by women who are secretly Googling this subject trying to keep the flame alive with their man. What would an organization have to gain stating these experiences?
My husband just got a vasectomy a few weeks ago and I assure you these stories are very much real. It was like a switch was flipped after he had it. We had a great (2-3 times a week) sex life prior. Now the only way I’ve been able to have regular sex is to get myself drunk enough to ignore the lack of attraction, or just have quick “get it done” sex to keep him happy. No reaction on my side. I’ve not been able to have an orgasm via sex since he had it done. It’s like my body can sense that he isn’t fertile any longer and just isn’t into it anymore. So sad. I don’t want this to destroy our marriage.

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