Anybody have any experiences with topically administered hormones mixed in dmso?
Yes, I have two years worth of experience with mixing AAS in DMSO and measuring the results via lab tests.
Mixing ANY esterified hormone (such as test prop or mast prop) in DMSO will NOT work unless you add some form of alcohol to the solution.
All unesterified hormones are HIGHLY mixeable in DMSO, I still haven't found the limit. I regularly make myself TNE solutions in DMSO at 10% concentration. The recipe is simple: TNE powder + 99.99% DMSO.
It does NOT irritate one bit when applied to the scrotum, contrary to popular belief.
After applying 100mg of testosterone in DMSO throughout the day, my levels the next morning BEFORE application (10 hours after last application) were:
2200 TT (250-860)
450 DHT (25-90)
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