AI use and sleep apnea

Just curious if anyone else using a CPAP has had this happen. Normally my AHI is approximately 2 each night. If i throw .25mg arimodex into the mix it drops below 1 and I sleep like a bear minus the snoring of course. I’m injecting t cyp .375mg q3.5 days and use the arimodex the day of injection. I sleep well every night, but my cpap numbers are always better with the AI. Any thoughts?
I’m on a protocol of Cypionate .5ml, .25 HCG and half tablet anastrozole which is the same has arimodex 2x’s a week, Sunday and Weds. I’m also a member of the cpap community. First question what is AHI? But I can tell you my first cpap study I had done was 2010. After my mask tore I started using my wife’s cpap machine back in 2018. Not good experience. I slepted good but got up. Ore tired. Had another sleep study done last Sep 19 and had the machine reprogrammed for new settings and WOW what a difference. No more dozing off at work, concentrattion is way better. So I can say new cpap settings I sleep very well.
AHI is your apnea/hypopnea index. It’s a relative ratio of breathing cessations and obscurations per hour. Below 5 is considered therapeutic.
I have noticed not only less AHI I notice the fit is better too. I don't know if I toss and turn more and uncomfortable with the ai. I did notice this affect to but some are anti ai and I was afraid to say anything.
I have noticed not only less AHI I notice the fit is better too. I don't know if I toss and turn more and uncomfortable with the ai. I did notice this affect to but some are anti ai and I was afraid to say anything.

You should always feel free to post your thoughts and experiences. The pendulum has indeed swung away from AI usage on forums and podcasts, but no one but you can know what works for your body. If using an AI helps you sleep better, then it's probably a great choice for you health-wise.

What are your E2 levels when you use an AI versus when you don't? Do you have any objective measures of sleep quality like AHI, RHR, HRV, or other metrics to compare AI with non-AI?
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You should always feel free to post your thoughts and experiences. The pendulum has indeed swung away from AI usage on forums and podcasts, but no one but you can know what works for your body. If using an AI helps you sleep better, then it's probably a great choice for you health-wise.

What are your E2 levels when you use and AI versus when you don't? Do you have any objective measures of sleep quality like AHI, RHR, HRV, or other metrics to compare AI with non-AI?

Completely agree. I don’t think using an ai is a smart way to control E2, but if controlling E2 with an ai makes you feel better, and/ or improves sleep quality, keep on using it. And I also agree, everyone here should be able to voice their opinions/ concerns freely, without having to worry about how other members are going to react. We’re all here to help eachother. Well, at least that’s why I hope everyone is here.
Continuing my updates here for anyone who's following along. Last injection of nandrolone was December

  • On day 4 of hydrochlorothiazide. I'm not noticing much of a difference in abdominal bloating but my face does look slightly less bloated.
  • I'm also taking anastrozole at 0.1mg EOD for now to see how I feel with lower E2.
  • Dropped my T dose slightly yesterday to 36mg EOD from 40mg EOD, still subq shots.
  • For the first few days on the anastrozole my libido was lower, morning wood was gone, and ejaculate volume was radically lowered.
  • That seems to be changing this morning, which is about 12 hours after my 2nd dose of anastrozole.
  • I feel like I have more energy this morning, despite another night of very poor sleep.
  • My sleep data indicates my body is still under a lot of stress.
    • HRV and RHR are (respectively) lower and higher than they should be according to my baseline data.
    • Deep sleep time is still extremely low, ranging between 0 and 13 minutes the last few nights.
    • Sleep is still quite fragmented. This may also be due to the anastrozole and hydrochlorothiazide, which can both impact sleep.
    • The episodes of high heart rate at night appear to be dissipating, I haven't had a nighttime spike in heart rate for a few nights.
    • I have still been having episodes at night where my heart feels like it's working harder, but those are coming later in the morning and I've been able to calm myself with some breathing exercises and get back to sleep.
    • Those episodes are distinct from the nighttime spikes/"waking up with my heart racing" I was having and are more that I am aware that my heart is beating harder.
  • Constipation/lazy gut is still pretty bad. Trying to up fiber intake and not rely on laxatives to get a movement.

Based on my calculations, I still have another several weeks before the nandrolone is fully out of my body. My current blood levels of nandrolone are still above where they were even after the first shot, when I started noticing symptoms. Day 26 (noted below) is where I am today, so I'm still processing the nandrolone.
Screen Shot 2020-01-12 at 1.44.02 PM.webp

My current hypothesis is that nandrolone's agonist activity at the progesterone receptor (20x more than testosterone) threw me off. The symptoms I'm experiencing are still very similar to the ones I experienced when I overused progesterone cream last fall. Those symptoms went away within 24 hours after stopping the cream, but they have lasted weeks this time. If I think about how long nandrolone is active, how potent it is in binding to the PR, and how the symptoms match, it does indeed seem like that may explain what happened in me.

Plus I am still in the settling-in phase of getting back on this approximate dose of testosterone cypionate, so there's still a lot going on in terms of my body adjusting. What's most striking is the change in my sleep quality; it went downhill almost immediately on nandrolone and still has not recovered at all.
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