Advice for short term Oxandrolone use


New Member
Hi. It seems like this site is helpful and informative, so I'll give this a shot. First, my info:

Part 1) I've never been a bodybuilder because I have no desire to be buffed. I have lifted weights for health reasons, but about 6 years ago I nearly destroyed my left elbow doing curls, and it was nearly a year before I could put dishes away without pain. I went back after that and lasted maybe two weeks before the pain started again. It took another six months to be pain free. I haven't done any lifting since. I did keep active though until about 3 years ago. For some reason, I started to lose my energy in a very short period of time. It got to the point that I was doing the bare minimum, and this continued until I was hospitalized 3 days before Christmas of 2021. It turns out that I was extremely Anemic. It wasn't just bleeding hemorrhoids as the doctor said. There was something else entirely. I also had 3 large, slow bleeding ulcers of which I didn't know about until one finally burst. I'm all fixed now. I'm slowly getting my energy back and have started working on dropping these extra pounds I've accumulated over the past few years.

Part 2) I'm taking Phentermine to help with the weight loss because it's the only way I can keep my caloric intake below my BMR (please don't judge me). I'm slowly getting more and more active day by day, and I'm making progress on the weight, but I also know that I'm losing muscle tissue too because it's hard as hell to ingest 160 grams of protein every day, even with shakes on a below BMR diet. I've also purchased a total of 200 5mg tablets of Oxandrolone for when the time comes.

My question(s) this: What sort of energy boost and mood enhancement can I expect. My musculature got pretty damaged over the past few years, and even with the Phentermine, it's been extremely difficult to go from somewhat active to actual exercise. Also, I'm still afraid for my left elbow, so the gym is out for now. I'm thinking 30 minutes of a good calisthenic workout 3 or 4 times a week to rebuild. It worked wonders in the military, so...... I turn 60 in May 2022. I'm thinking from everything I've read that 20 mg (10 mg twice a day) until the pills run out (50 days) should get me to the point where they're no longer needed to be able to exercise regularly. My cholesterol is good, and I'm hoping to keep it that way. Would a good omega 3 fish oil with a medium to low cholesterol diet be sufficient? I also need advice on a proper treatment for afterwards. 50 days is seven weeks and a day @ 20 mg, so I think I'll need it.

I've never taken a steroid, nor do I wish to continue to afterwards. I don't like that I need phentermine or the need to use Oxandrolone, but here we are. I don't like it, but I'm not going to be talked out of it. I'm just hoping that with the information I've provided, I can get some answers before I start.

Thank you.
Similarly for us folks that have been on prolonged glucocorticosteroid treatment, we tend to become overly catabolic, making it much harder for us to see anabolic affects on TRT/HRT. I’ve actually discussed prescription Oxandrolone with my own doctor because of this.
Hi. It seems like this site is helpful and informative, so I'll give this a shot. First, my info:

Part 1) I've never been a bodybuilder because I have no desire to be buffed. I have lifted weights for health reasons, but about 6 years ago I nearly destroyed my left elbow doing curls, and it was nearly a year before I could put dishes away without pain. I went back after that and lasted maybe two weeks before the pain started again. It took another six months to be pain free. I haven't done any lifting since. I did keep active though until about 3 years ago. For some reason, I started to lose my energy in a very short period of time. It got to the point that I was doing the bare minimum, and this continued until I was hospitalized 3 days before Christmas of 2021. It turns out that I was extremely Anemic. It wasn't just bleeding hemorrhoids as the doctor said. There was something else entirely. I also had 3 large, slow bleeding ulcers of which I didn't know about until one finally burst. I'm all fixed now. I'm slowly getting my energy back and have started working on dropping these extra pounds I've accumulated over the past few years.

Part 2) I'm taking Phentermine to help with the weight loss because it's the only way I can keep my caloric intake below my BMR (please don't judge me). I'm slowly getting more and more active day by day, and I'm making progress on the weight, but I also know that I'm losing muscle tissue too because it's hard as hell to ingest 160 grams of protein every day, even with shakes on a below BMR diet. I've also purchased a total of 200 5mg tablets of Oxandrolone for when the time comes.

My question(s) this: What sort of energy boost and mood enhancement can I expect. My musculature got pretty damaged over the past few years, and even with the Phentermine, it's been extremely difficult to go from somewhat active to actual exercise. Also, I'm still afraid for my left elbow, so the gym is out for now. I'm thinking 30 minutes of a good calisthenic workout 3 or 4 times a week to rebuild. It worked wonders in the military, so...... I turn 60 in May 2022. I'm thinking from everything I've read that 20 mg (10 mg twice a day) until the pills run out (50 days) should get me to the point where they're no longer needed to be able to exercise regularly. My cholesterol is good, and I'm hoping to keep it that way. Would a good omega 3 fish oil with a medium to low cholesterol diet be sufficient? I also need advice on a proper treatment for afterwards. 50 days is seven weeks and a day @ 20 mg, so I think I'll need it.

I've never taken a steroid, nor do I wish to continue to afterwards. I don't like that I need phentermine or the need to use Oxandrolone, but here we are. I don't like it, but I'm not going to be talked out of it. I'm just hoping that with the information I've provided, I can get some answers before I start.

Thank you.

Oxandrolone solo is a horrible idea!

Have no idea where your natty T levels sit at age 60 but highly doubtful your levels are robust/healthy.

Taking oxandrolone will shut down your HPGA and you will be in a world of hurt.

Low T = low E

When it comes to a man's overall health let alone body composition having healthy testosterone levels let alone thyroid/adrenals are critical.

Keep in mind that the metabolites estradiol and DHT are needed in healthy amounts to experience the full spectrum of testosterones beneficial effects on (cardiovascular health, brain health, libido, erectile function, bone health, tendon health, immune system, lipids, and body composition).

*Natural testosterone is viewed as the best androgen for substitution in hypogonadal men. The reason behind the selection is that testosterone can be converted to DHT and E2, thus developing the full spectrum of testosterone activities in long-term substitution

If anything I would be getting full blood work done to see where your hormone levels sit.

TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, DHEA, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel, 4 point cortisol, VITD, lipids, CMP, CBC.

You can use Nelson's discountedlabs.

Oxandrolone solo is a horrible idea!

Have no idea where your natty T levels sit at age 60 but highly doubtful your levels are robust/healthy.

Taking oxandrolone will shut down your HPGA and you will be in a world of hurt.

Low T = low E

When it comes to a man's overall health let alone body composition having healthy testosterone levels let alone thyroid/adrenals is critical.

Keep in mind that the metabolites estradiol and DHT are needed in healthy amounts to experience the full spectrum of testosterones beneficial effects on (cardiovascular health, brain health, libido, erectile function, bone health, tendon health, immune system, lipids, and body composition).

*Natural testosterone is viewed as the best androgen for substitution in hypogonadal men. The reason behind the selection is that testosterone can be converted to DHT and E2, thus developing the full spectrum of testosterone activities in long-term substitution

If anything I would be getting full blood work done to see where your hormone levels sit.

TT, FT, estradiol, SHBG, DHT, prolactin, DHEA, LH/FSH, PSA, full thyroid panel, 4 point cortisol, VITD, lipids, CMP, CBC.
This is only going to be a one time thing with a PCT of clomiphene citrate also for 50 days. I know that at 60 there is bound to be a normal loss of muscle, but until a few years ago when I started to suddenly lose my energy, I was always pretty fit. Now that I have my general health back with energy levels rising, the goal is to quickly get back to a point of regular exercise. As with my weight loss, I simply need an effective boost to get me going. That's it. From all the reading that I've done over the past month, I always come back to phentermine for appetite suppression (it really does work) and oxandrolone for energy and muscle without turning into Hulk Hogan. What's wrong with my muscle at the moment is simple atrophy due to lack of use over the past couple of years. My testosterone is fine. Even at nearly 60, and at my most anemic, I still ejaculate(d) 3 and occasionally 4 times a week. Even twice a day once in a while. Hell, last month I went three times in 11 hours, and that's without the little blue pill and still recovering. Muscle atrophy has not affected that part of me. Also, because of my hospital stay I've had 7 complete blood screenings in the last two months and the only things that were off had everything to do with the production of my red blood cells, and they are almost all back to normal thanks to 2 iron drips and additional iron supplements. I will be taking it. I just need advice on the questions I asked.

Thank you for your concern.

This is only going to be a one time thing with a PCT of clomiphene citrate also for 50 days. I know that at 60 there is bound to be a normal loss of muscle, but until a few years ago when I started to suddenly lose my energy, I was always pretty fit. Now that I have my general health back with energy levels rising, the goal is to quickly get back to a point of regular exercise. As with my weight loss, I simply need an effective boost to get me going. That's it. From all the reading that I've done over the past month, I always come back to phentermine for appetite suppression (it really does work) and oxandrolone for energy and muscle without turning into Hulk Hogan. What's wrong with my muscle at the moment is simple atrophy due to lack of use over the past couple of years. My testosterone is fine. Even at nearly 60, and at my most anemic, I still ejaculate(d) 3 and occasionally 4 times a week. Even twice a day once in a while. Hell, last month I went three times in 11 hours, and that's without the little blue pill and still recovering. Muscle atrophy has not affected that part of me. Also, because of my hospital stay I've had 7 complete blood screenings in the last two months and the only things that were off had everything to do with the production of my red blood cells, and they are almost all back to normal thanks to 2 iron drips and additional iron supplements. I will be taking it. I just need advice on the questions I asked.

Thank you for your concern.

I see you are dead set on this.

Best of luck!
Hi. It seems like this site is helpful and informative, so I'll give this a shot. First, my info:

Part 1) I've never been a bodybuilder because I have no desire to be buffed. I have lifted weights for health reasons, but about 6 years ago I nearly destroyed my left elbow doing curls, and it was nearly a year before I could put dishes away without pain. I went back after that and lasted maybe two weeks before the pain started again. It took another six months to be pain free. I haven't done any lifting since. I did keep active though until about 3 years ago. For some reason, I started to lose my energy in a very short period of time. It got to the point that I was doing the bare minimum, and this continued until I was hospitalized 3 days before Christmas of 2021. It turns out that I was extremely Anemic. It wasn't just bleeding hemorrhoids as the doctor said. There was something else entirely. I also had 3 large, slow bleeding ulcers of which I didn't know about until one finally burst. I'm all fixed now. I'm slowly getting my energy back and have started working on dropping these extra pounds I've accumulated over the past few years.

Part 2) I'm taking Phentermine to help with the weight loss because it's the only way I can keep my caloric intake below my BMR (please don't judge me). I'm slowly getting more and more active day by day, and I'm making progress on the weight, but I also know that I'm losing muscle tissue too because it's hard as hell to ingest 160 grams of protein every day, even with shakes on a below BMR diet. I've also purchased a total of 200 5mg tablets of Oxandrolone for when the time comes.

My question(s) this: What sort of energy boost and mood enhancement can I expect. My musculature got pretty damaged over the past few years, and even with the Phentermine, it's been extremely difficult to go from somewhat active to actual exercise. Also, I'm still afraid for my left elbow, so the gym is out for now. I'm thinking 30 minutes of a good calisthenic workout 3 or 4 times a week to rebuild. It worked wonders in the military, so...... I turn 60 in May 2022. I'm thinking from everything I've read that 20 mg (10 mg twice a day) until the pills run out (50 days) should get me to the point where they're no longer needed to be able to exercise regularly. My cholesterol is good, and I'm hoping to keep it that way. Would a good omega 3 fish oil with a medium to low cholesterol diet be sufficient? I also need advice on a proper treatment for afterwards. 50 days is seven weeks and a day @ 20 mg, so I think I'll need it.

I've never taken a steroid, nor do I wish to continue to afterwards. I don't like that I need phentermine or the need to use Oxandrolone, but here we are. I don't like it, but I'm not going to be talked out of it. I'm just hoping that with the information I've provided, I can get some answers before I start.

Thank you.
If you're "not going to be talked out of it", I can tell you exactly what to expect. Keep in-mind that I'm a fan of oxandrolone and have a prescription for it along with the rest of my TRT protocol.
1. You're going to have very minimal gains, if any.
2. If you're having joint issues, a drug like oxandrolone that doesn't aromatize is only going to make matters worse.
3. Steroids do not build muscle out of thin air. You need protein to make them work. If you say you somehow can't eat enough protein per day, adding this compound is not going to help.
4. Your natural testosterone may not be entirely shut down, but will definitely be much lower, and you won't even get to a "break even" point using 20mg daily. You'd probably have to use 50mg daily if only using oxandrolone by itself.
4. If you do experience any positive effects, they will be completely gone in a matter of 2-3 weeks after stopping. Anyone thinking that they're going to take steroids for three months, and then keep that muscle by doing a PCT is going to be sorely disappointed in the results.
5. You will not get an energy boost, and since your testosterone and estrogen will be lower your mood is going to be far worse than it is now.
Another issue would be that "oxandrolone" is often faked with Winstrol when you buy it without prescription.

When I did my testing of oxandrolone, I made my doctor prescribe it and got it from compounding pharmacy, which drastically reduces the probability to get something else.
3. Steroids do not build muscle out of thin air. You need protein to make them work. If you say you somehow can't eat enough protein per day, adding this compound is not going to help.
That's why I'm not taking them right now. The best way to lose weight is to eat well (healthy), and not just by burning more than you take in, but with a caloric intake below your BMR. THAT is my problem with protein at the moment. The BMR part. Once I can up the calories, protein consumption won't be an issue.

1. You're going to have very minimal gains, if any.
I'm not trying to bulk up. I'm not going for a physic like shown in before and after photos. All I want is to get this body of mine going again and get to a point where I can continue on my own. I don't know if you know what it's like to be active your whole life and to suddenly lose that ability for nearly three years. Suddenly becoming whatever is worse than a couch potato and not knowing why is not pleasant.
My two cents...I've used prescription compounded Oxandrolone, clomid and have recovered from several debilitating injuries. 1) Trying to optimize for everything at the same time is a prescription for failure at everything. Forget your BMR, eat healthy (paleo!!!) and eat enough quality animal protein to get your muscle strength back including your elbow. Nothing else is going to work for you until you do that. You can worry about any extra pounds later and they may not be an issue when you get the rest of your conditioning in line 2) Start with clomid 12mg every other day before you touch the Ox. Some people have a very bad reaction to clomid, so if that is you, you don't want to find that out later. That was the first thing I did when I was in a similar position and the T boost I got from clomid alone seemed to help heal several injuries I was dealing with at the time. 3) Get through the period of "newbie" gains before you even think about touching the Ox. IMO anabolics have their place, but that place is after you have essentially exhausted the gains you can make without them. Much of your gains to start with will be nervous system as well as muscle so anabolics are a waste until you get through that phase. 4) Your T may not be "fine" for your situation. Another reason to start by using the clomid to boost it.
eat enough quality animal protein to get your muscle strength back

This is my main objective at the moment. But it's hard. I have found a good protein bar recently that contains double the amount of protein by weight that meat does. And, they're only 9gr of carbs per 100gr (9%). So, as a supplement only, that helps. I also found a very good unsweetened and flavor free vegan powder that's 83% protein with all essential aminos. But it thickens. So I can't use much at once. For me to lose fat and build muscle, I need 160gr of protein daily. That's 800gr of animal flesh every day while eating less than 1700 calories. That's tough. However, I really am putting effort into it.

Get through the period of "newbie" gains before you even think about touching the Ox.

Actually, I was thinking more along the lines of burning more body fat first. I went from fit to fat over the last 3 years. There's no way I'm going to start it until I drop a little more weight. The problem is however that I'm losing even more muscle mass, making exercise even more difficult. It's a conundrum.

Start with clomid 12mg every other day before you touch the Ox. Some people have a very bad reaction to clomid, so if that is you, you don't want to find that out later.

That sounds like a very good piece of advice. I'm going to look into that. Thanks.

Your T may not be "fine" for your situation. Another reason to start by using the clomid to boost it.

I'm going to look into this too. I just ordered some 25mg Zink tablets that I was going to use for that purpose and for when I start the OX. The only meats that carry enough daily zink is beef and pork. All the "Healthy" meats are low in it.

Forget your BMR, eat healthy (paleo!!!) and eat enough quality animal protein to get your muscle strength back including your elbow. Nothing else is going to work for you until you do that. You can worry about any extra pounds later

I've already tried that a few times. I can do low carb, but not paleo. It looks to me like I have to do this the hard way. I don't mind as long as there is progress. At least I'm getting my energy back and moving more and more every day. That helps.

I am going to look into that clomid thing though.
Hi. It seems like this site is helpful and informative, so I'll give this a shot. First, my info:

Part 1) I've never been a bodybuilder because I have no desire to be buffed. I have lifted weights for health reasons, but about 6 years ago I nearly destroyed my left elbow doing curls, and it was nearly a year before I could put dishes away without pain. I went back after that and lasted maybe two weeks before the pain started again. It took another six months to be pain free. I haven't done any lifting since. I did keep active though until about 3 years ago. For some reason, I started to lose my energy in a very short period of time. It got to the point that I was doing the bare minimum, and this continued until I was hospitalized 3 days before Christmas of 2021. It turns out that I was extremely Anemic. It wasn't just bleeding hemorrhoids as the doctor said. There was something else entirely. I also had 3 large, slow bleeding ulcers of which I didn't know about until one finally burst. I'm all fixed now. I'm slowly getting my energy back and have started working on dropping these extra pounds I've accumulated over the past few years.

Part 2) I'm taking Phentermine to help with the weight loss because it's the only way I can keep my caloric intake below my BMR (please don't judge me). I'm slowly getting more and more active day by day, and I'm making progress on the weight, but I also know that I'm losing muscle tissue too because it's hard as hell to ingest 160 grams of protein every day, even with shakes on a below BMR diet. I've also purchased a total of 200 5mg tablets of Oxandrolone for when the time comes.

My question(s) this: What sort of energy boost and mood enhancement can I expect. My musculature got pretty damaged over the past few years, and even with the Phentermine, it's been extremely difficult to go from somewhat active to actual exercise. Also, I'm still afraid for my left elbow, so the gym is out for now. I'm thinking 30 minutes of a good calisthenic workout 3 or 4 times a week to rebuild. It worked wonders in the military, so...... I turn 60 in May 2022. I'm thinking from everything I've read that 20 mg (10 mg twice a day) until the pills run out (50 days) should get me to the point where they're no longer needed to be able to exercise regularly. My cholesterol is good, and I'm hoping to keep it that way. Would a good omega 3 fish oil with a medium to low cholesterol diet be sufficient? I also need advice on a proper treatment for afterwards. 50 days is seven weeks and a day @ 20 mg, so I think I'll need it.

I've never taken a steroid, nor do I wish to continue to afterwards. I don't like that I need phentermine or the need to use Oxandrolone, but here we are. I don't like it, but I'm not going to be talked out of it. I'm just hoping that with the information I've provided, I can get some answers before I start.

Thank you.
I'm 70. Have lots of issues physically. Lumbar spine is a wreck, in 40 years I've shrunk from 5'10" down to 5'6.75 inches. I lost my Thyroid to Cancer in 2008 and up to then had been fit and active. In 2011 my natural testosterone tanked (Total 45, Free .9, E2 was 65) I got
Lifting is one of the joys in my life. Even with my spinal issues I've found ways to keep lifting with effect. Normal


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I'm 70. Have lots of issues physically. Lumbar spine is a wreck, in 40 years I've shrunk from 5'10" down to 5'6.75 inches. I lost my Thyroid to Cancer in 2008 and up to then had been fit and active. In 2011 my natural testosterone tanked (Total 45, Free .9, E2 was 65) I got
Lifting is one of the joys in my life. Even with my spinal issues I've found ways to keep lifting with effect. Normal
I'm 70. Have lots of issues physically. Lumbar spine is a wreck, in 40 years I've shrunk from 5'10" down to 5'6.75 inches. I lost my Thyroid to Cancer in 2008 and up to then had been fit and active. In 2011 my natural testosterone tanked (Total 45, Free .9, E2 was 65) I got on 200mg a week TRT.
Lifting is one of the joys in my life. Even with my spinal issues I've found ways to keep lifting with effect. Normal for now is lighter weights with targeted muscle training. The last 8 years I have worked and gotten the best body of my life, even as a skinny kid 50 years ago.
Wouldn't Deca (nandralone) be more what you are looking for than anavar - especially when it comes to aches and pain? Also pill form of bpc157 could help a lot with ulcers.

Lastly, at 60 just get on T. There truly doesn't seem like much downsides if any...
Wouldn't Deca (nandralone) be more what you are looking for than anavar - especially when it comes to aches and pain?

Ah hell no!!!! I ain't going anywhere near the needle!! :)

Also pill form of bpc157 could help a lot with ulcers

I just checked up on it. It looks like it may turn out to be a promising new therapy for many people. My ulcers were NSAID produced due to massive amounts of aspirin over the years, and my last checkup showed 2 completely healed and the third reduced in size to about the size of a q-tip head. I'm taking pantoprazole for that, and I'm quite happy with it. I am, however, going to look into more. It's interesting.

Lastly, at 60 just get on T. There truly doesn't seem like much downsides if any...

I have done a lot of research on this lately. All the literature, both medical and real world application (body building), shows that for the purposes I want it for that OX is the better of the two. I still can't even do a calisthenic workout or take a 5 mile walk. Actually, the irony is that the medical literature shows that low dose usage would probably be helpful for me right now. But I want to lose another 15lbs first.

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