Hi, I am a 35 year old male and have been taking 80mg Test cyp twice per week. 160 mg weekly injections for about 9-10 months. I was originally put on by my doc for testosterone suppression while taking suboxone. Total T was in the low 200”s. My latest about two weeks ago was 900. My doc put me on Anastrozole 1/2 tab 25mg 3x weekly and my latest labs for estradiol was 20 and estrone level was 9. I am very active, I play hockey once a week, do weightlifting and Crossfit 3-4 times per week. Anyway, this is my first post and was wanting some advice on the best way to come off the Test?? I never had any issues with low T before taking suboxone so I am hoping my natural should come back, not to 900 but that’s ok. My doctor it seems to me is playing guesswork on the best way to take me off with minimal downtime. She does not know about HCg, says it is cost prohibitive in my case. I have Medicaid insurance right now.
She has prescribed me Clomid and advised I start taking it 25mg daily the day after my last injection of test cyp. Her theory is to use the clomid as a bridge for a couple months and then come off everything, hopefully with minimal downtime. Does this seem like it will work ok? Also was wondering about continuing with anastrozole while taking the clomid? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I have been off suboxone for a month now and my testicles are the size of skittles.
She has prescribed me Clomid and advised I start taking it 25mg daily the day after my last injection of test cyp. Her theory is to use the clomid as a bridge for a couple months and then come off everything, hopefully with minimal downtime. Does this seem like it will work ok? Also was wondering about continuing with anastrozole while taking the clomid? Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated. I have been off suboxone for a month now and my testicles are the size of skittles.