Adrenal, thyroid, testosterone lab results - need help with review


New Member

I have had problems with my health for many years and i have not figured out what is wrong with me. I I feel depressed, cant sleep, extreme fatique, no strength. I have been on antidepressants like sertarline, venlafaxine, mirtazapine - did not get any relief.

First thing i found out few years ago was that my testosterone was low ranging from 6-10 pmol/l. I thought this was the cause of my symptoms. I started taking clomid. Body reacted well on clomid, testosterone went up but feeling did not improve. E2 was in check, SHBG was ok. (i quit clomid many months ago)

Two weeks ago i decided to test for cortisol and many other hormones, minerals and the results are are posted below.

At this point i am going to need a help of a good adrenal? doctor to start recovering. Best option would be consultations over phone/email. Everything necessary for treatment i can get myself - drugs if needed; lab results. If anybody knows a good doc that would accept these terms then could you please tell me.

Pregnenolon 36.9 ug/l [45-150ug/l]


7:00 - 8:00 0.55nmol/l [1.38-15.7nmol/l]

12:00 - 13:00 0.52nmol/l [0.55-9.94nmol/l]

16:00 - 17:00 0.52nmol/l [0.55-6.62nmol/l]

22:00 - 23:00 0.69nmol/l [0.55-3.59nmol/l]

Cortisol seems to be low throughout the day. I feel better at night.


rT3 0.206 nmol/l [0.140-0.330nmol/l]

TSH 1.86 mlU/l [0.40-4.00mlU/l]

FT4 13.31 pmol/l [11.5-22.7pmol/l]

FT3 5.70 pmol/l [3.50-6.50pmol/l]

TPO 35 kU/l [<60kU/l]


FSH 2.5 IU/l [1.4-18.1IU/l]

LH 4.19 IU/l [1.5-9.30IU/l]

Progestoron 0.79nmol/l [<4.11nmol/l]

Estradiol 105 pmol/l [<146pmol/l]

Testosterone 14.6 nmol/l [8.00-29pmol/l]

SHBG 16nmol/l [15-95nmol/l]

DHEA 7.7 umol/l [0.9 -15.4umol/l]

IGF-1 273ng/ml [90 - 357ng/ml]

Free androgen index 91.2% [15-80%]


Ferritin 170ug/l [28 - 370 ug/l]

B12 332pmol/l [156 - 672 pmol/l]

D3 81.7 nmol/l [75 - ]

Natrium 141 mmol [135-145 nmol/l]

Kalium 4.5 mmol/l [3.5 - 5.0 mmol/l]

Caltcium 2.40 mmol/l [2.15-2.6 mmol/l]

Magnesium 0.86 mmol/l [0.53 - 1.11 mmol/l]

Fe 22.3 umol/l [11.6 - 31 umol/L]

Cholesterol 4.3mmol/l [<5 mmol/l]

HDL 1.2 mmol/l [ 1.0 mmol/l]

LDL 2.7 mmol/l [<3.0 mmol/l]

9.27.2018 UPDATE.

Decided to find out whats wrong with me so i could heal and start living again. Ordered all the best tests from all the best clinics. The tests were ordered from Regenerus Labaratories UK. I am not an expert on interprenting the results but below is what i think:

PDFs of my test results:
My test results - Google Drive

1) DOCTORS DATA hair mineral
Hair Elements | Doctor's Data

Hair mineral test showed that i have mineral deficiency like copper, lithium, rubidium, selenium and other minerals are in range but lowish like calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium. Toxic metals like barium and antimony are high because of my work - i am a welder(i think). The results were a surprise to me because i do not smoke, drink and try to eat healthy 3 times a day. I received this test first of the four and when i saw it i thought that something is wrong with my bodys absorption of food.

2) DOCTORS DATA Comprehensive Parasitology x3
Comprehensive Parasitology x3 | Doctor's Data

Few days later i got the results of my stool analysis. Blastocystis, Dientamoeba and yeast. I got confirmation that i have parasites in my gut.

3) THE GREAT PLAINS LABARATORY organic acid test
Organic Acids Test

Third test of four i received. High yeast, fungal markers. High bacterial overgrowth of GL tract. Low vitamin C?

4) PRECISION ANALYTICAL dutch complete hormones
DUTCH Complete – DUTCH Test

Lastly i received the dutch test which shows that i do not have adrenal fatique but overproduction of adrenal hormones. DHEA and cortisol both over the scale. Salaiva testing showed flat pattern throughout the day which is odd.

What i changed after the results:

For mineral deficency:
Liquid Ionic Lithium Ultra Concentrate
Liquid Ionic Rubidium Ultra Concentrate
Lindens Calcium 400mg Tablets
Selenium Tablets
COPPER - took only once. Want to be sure that i dont have hidden copper toxicity!

For vitamin deficency:
Innopure Vitamin D3 4,000 IU
Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin
Zinc Picolinate Tablets
Vitamin C 1000mg

For adrenal support:
Natures Root Organic Reishi Mushroom Powder
Rhodiola Rosea Powder
Sevenhills Wholefoods Organic Raw Ashwagandha Powder
Sevenhills Wholefoods Organic Raw Maca Powder
Carlson Labs Very Finest Fish Oil

For gut problems i ordered:

Paracel Natural Dewormer Supplement
Clove Bud Essential Oil
Naissance Cold Pressed Castor Oil
Lindens Oregano Oil 25mg Capsules
Bio-Cultures 180 Capsules
Odourless Garlic 240 Capsules x 5000mg
JustIngredients Essentials Wormwood Powder 500 g
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You have cortisol insufficiency. You are below range on 3 diurnal periods and only the evening you are just in range which is probably why you feel better in the evening comparatively. Addison's disease is an autoimmune response that can be tested for as well. This is where I would start. If your having trouble locating an MD who know how to treat this... many don't.. contact our sponsor they are inexpensive, based in Tampa FL but they also work by phone if you are out of town. But they need a medical report and probably some other labs done before they will Rx for you.

Cortisol is a key hormone that is necessary to have normal levels of, because with low levels it causes a cascading effect to your other hormones. Other hormone levels cannot be accurately ascertained until cortisol levels are normal. So you need to get on top of this before you look at anything else.
The arrow is certainly pointing toward an adrenal issue. I have successfully been treated for Addison's Disease for decades and I know how I felt before treatment started. You are open to a tele-health provider, you tell us, so Defy Medical would be my first call.
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I don't see a Thyroid problem, pretty common to see FT4 on the low end, and Free T3 on the upper end. FT3 is the one that matters the most, some might call it Hypo or sluggish thyroid but I would not treat anything there at this time. I concur with others about Adrenals and Cortisol though Adrenal Fatigue isn't a legit medical condition and really just a catchall for mystery illnesses that are more psychosomatic than anything else though your low Cortisol levels are not indispute.
I took serum cortisol and ACTH in the morning:

ACTH 5.79 pmol/l (... -10pmol/l)

CORT 317 nmol/l (138 - 690nmol/l)

What do you think?
I doubt that will help you. When all 4 times are low on saliva testing you need to go on hydrocortisone. Maybe not permanently but you need to go there.

Your FT4 is also very low.. 50% is 17.1 and you need to have that in the top third of range which is above 66% This alone makes you hypothyroid.

Your D3 is low as well so you should probably supp 5000iu daily until this improves.

You are also a low SHBGer. Most TRT experts need to know that if you decide to go on TRT

I would recommend you call they are able to treat you effectively for all the above and yes it can be done by phone.
Definitely have a cortisol issue, I would fix this issue first before considering TRT. Free T is 2.89 % and 2-3 percent is considered normal, however I don't feel good unless at or above 3 percent amd my SHBG is also 16 nmol/L.
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I am going to keep updating until i have found out whats wrong with me and i hope this helps somebody who has similar problems like i do.

I updated the first post of the topic.
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