Having blood work done for Defy this week. Will see where the hematocrit is at and then decide if I should continue it or not after consult.
If the Metformin is working, maybe the tired feeling could be from lowered hematocrit??? I have lived at a mile high for 34 yrs. so my hemtocrit is at the top end of the range. Doesn't bother me or my PCP, but Defy doesn't like it.
Very unlikely given the reduction in hematocrit is probably only a few points from an already elevated number. Maybe worth checking glucose levels. Like Nelson mentioned metformin sometimes causes vitamin B12 malabsorption which can cause fatigue... however this is correlated with how long you have been using it. My initial dosage of 500mg 2x a day the tiredness went away in a litte over a week. But the 1g 2x has been tough on me. I will most likely reduce dosage back to 500mg 2x a day. I started TRT mostly because of being tired all the time amongst other things. So taking a drug that makes me tired makes no sense in my case