Vince, come on brotha. This article is absolutely horrible lol. Ur smarter than this lol. Not being sarcastic. I’ve read ur comments on here for years. U really are smarter than this. But clearly u haven’t really delved too deeply into what actually causes cardiovascular disease. Not trying to put u down or anything. Most people haven’t. But I’m sure ur not far from being able to understand the actual root causes of cardiovascular disease.
But any article that says “clearly we know ldl is the bad cholesterol” has no idea what they’re talking about, and can be disregarded as credible information, just from that
They also talk about multiple drugs being on the market that increase HDL, but have not been able to prevent cardiovascular disease. This is because cholesterol isn’t what causes or prevents cardiovascular disease. Having a high hdl and high ldl can help prevent cardiovascular disease, to a degree, but it’s not the main things that cause or prevent it. The main things that prevent it, are having a very low fasting insulin level, aka being as insulin sensitive as possible, having very low triglyceride levels, having as low levels of chronic inflammation as possible, having consistently healthy blood sugar levels, having healthy vital signs (mainly blood pressure), and having blood that’s a healthy viscosity. Obv there’s more factors, but those are the main ones. Cholesterol levels aren’t a main contributor to cardiovascular disease, however. That’s why u won’t see meds that increase HDL, or decrease LDL, have much of an actual effect on decreasing all cardiovascular risk. They do nothing to adjust the other things that I mentioned, that greatly affect preventing, or having cardiovascular disease
Then it mentions that to prevent cardiovascular disease, to eat mostly plant based. Don’t even get me started on that one lol
And at the end it says that to lower cardiovascular risk, a doctor will likely recommend an LDL of less than 70, if u already have cardiovascular disease, and an LDL less than 100 for everyone else. Again, don’t get me started on this lol. There’s many many benefits to LDL. The last thing u want, if optimal health is ur goal, is to have an ldl less than 100, let alone less than 70! Like I’ve said before, I personally like my LDL close to, or above 200. But usually it comes back right below 200, which is good enough for me
But articles like this are perfect examples of complete misinformation, and confusing people on what is health, and not healthy, in regards to diet, and things like cardiovascular disease. People read things like this, take it as gospel, and spread/ repeat it as such. But no offense to u personally. I know ur clearly just trying to help. I don’t blame u for thinking what’s in this article is actually the truth. I’m sure many many others would think the same