A neurostimulator may be the answer to people with sleep apnea who hate CPAP machines

Nelson Vergel

Founder, ExcelMale.com
Now scientists may have found an alternative, at least for some patients: a pacemaker-like device implanted in the chest that stimulates a nerve in the jaw, helping to keep part of the upper airway open. The device, called a neurostimulator, helped reduce breathing interruptions and raise blood oxygen levels in about two-thirds of sleep apnea patients participating in a trial.


Just heard about this device today. I'd be more than glad to give it a try because as someone whom sleeps on my stomach, the CPAP machine was useless since I could not fall asleep on my side or back.
Thanks for the link, I appreciate you taking the time to send it. I have a deviated septum so the one you are using would not allow enough air-flow. I tried several masks and the only one that worked was the full mask, which does not work well for someone who sleeps on their stomach. But, I am going to try again as soon as I can get an appt. with my sleep Dr.
Such a horrible disease...I cant wear the full one because I turn my head so often....so I have to wear one w/ nasal pillows and then use a chin strap. Going from a CPAP to an APAP proved just as important for me as finding the right mask. Talk to the doc about an apap if you haven't already....here is a link to a support group I follow on FB that can provide some good info...the moderator Kath Hope is great. She works at a sleep clinic and answers all the posts. Most posts are about issues w/ masks.
Still not FDA approved and don't like the external scars, but at least it's an alternative. I recently started using a BIPAP for now. Will be correcting a deviated septum with surgery soon hopefully which should do noting but help.
Avoid the UPPP like the plague...does not work for most, made my OSA and CSA worse, and is extremely painful. I found BiPAP less tolerable than CPAP. Two fixwd pressures ughhhh but gl Marco it helps many.
I use a BIPAP and sleep ok for a while, but am having an issue with my mouth/throat becoming dried out from the device's air even with the humidifier setting up. I am having to stop because of this. Anyone else experience this and any workarounds?
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Marco, is your mask a nasal mask? Mine used to do the same thing with my nasal mask until I read that I am opening my mouth in my sleep and the constant down of air comming from my nose is exiting my mouth and drying it out severly. I got a chin strap and only had to use it for about a month. Works great and no more dry mouth.
Marco, is your mask a nasal mask? Mine used to do the same thing with my nasal mask until I read that I am opening my mouth in my sleep and the constant down of air comming from my nose is exiting my mouth and drying it out severly. I got a chin strap and only had to use it for about a month. Works great and no more dry mouth.

To be honest, I haven't even been using mine lately. Since my apnea is mild, I try sleeping on m,y seises for now. I also need to have nasal surgery to correct a deviated septum which won't sure apnea, but will help with overall breathing, but have had to put that off due to other health issues at the moment.
My sleep apnea is also mind and I could not use the CPAP even with nasal pillows since I sleep on my side and turn several times per night. I am looking into a oral appliance. It is costly and not covered by insurance. I am discussing it with my dentist. But there are so many!


@Nelson Vergel, did you ever settle on a sleep apnea treatment? Mine got worse on CPAP/APAP. I started having central events when my diagnosis was mild/subclinical OSA on my side and moderate on my back (<5 events per hour on side and <20 on back) and my sleep specialist told me (over a year ago) to stop using the machine. I've been having a noticeable decline in sleep quality lately along with a protocol change and I'm back to looking at treating my sleep, at least for the short term while my body settles. Curious what you ended up going with.
These devices, including CPAP, oral appliances, etc. are nothing more than patches that address the OSA (not central SA) but not the underlying cause. In many cases, OSA itself is just a symptom of an underlying anatomic deformity. My research over the last 18 mos. has led to me ascertain that resolving the OSA via non-surgical orthodontic correction of the maxillary/mandibular retraction, narrow arches, and pathologic bite that gave rise to OSA is the key. In the meantime, I am managing ok using a DreamWare nasal mask. But that is definitely not something I wish to use the rest of my life if I can correct the underlying cause.
@Nelson Vergel, did you ever settle on a sleep apnea treatment? Mine got worse on CPAP/APAP. I started having central events when my diagnosis was mild/subclinical OSA on my side and moderate on my back (<5 events per hour on side and <20 on back) and my sleep specialist told me (over a year ago) to stop using the machine. I've been having a noticeable decline in sleep quality lately along with a protocol change and I'm back to looking at treating my sleep, at least for the short term while my body settles. Curious what you ended up going with.
I used CPAP with a myriad of masks and felt they interrupted my sleep enough that they were not a net benefit. Mouth devices made my teeth hurt like hell. I ended up just using simple nose strips. They're mildly effective but way better than nothing... they're also cheap (generic on amazon) with no side effects.

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