Holy shit this is going to be a long one........this makes me remember all the mRNA vaccines that never completed stage III or IV showing long term effects. Yet millions of people all over the world took the chance and got the jab.
This peptide hit the markets in the first place because athletes saw that it might work well for injuries. It was sold underground since about 2012 and those who gave it try were amazed at how well it worked. This is not popular opinion but educated observation by people that know their bodies well. Most of these same people have been using it frequently for almost 12 years which is longer than a stage IV clinical study and no one has ever been shown to have had serious side effects. Its not until the masses joined in that minor side effects started happening. But then we also get the same when people take testosterone and can't sleep.
Here is the problem which attributes to people making the decision to try a substance that has not been approved by the mighty FDA (which did approve nRNA vaccines without completing a clinical trial):
In the USA, figures from 2008 show that 33 million musculoskeletal injuries are reported per year, with 50% involving ligament and tendon injuries (James et al.
2008). Figures also show that an estimated 300,000 tendon and ligament repair surgeries are performed annually in the US alone (Pennisi
2002). Prevalence of injury is also mirrored in professional sporting populations, with the diagnostic grouping of ‘most common injury’ as skeletal muscle/tendon in nature, accounting for 45% of all diagnosed injuries (Brooks
Thus, the need for a therapy that can alleviate the social and economic burden that presents itself with debilitating and recurring soft tissue injuries is apparent.
We live in a medical society where surgery is the answer for everything. You can't get doctors to think outside the box because there is more money to be made with surgery. Active people are looking for other options and are willing to try what our medical society and the FDA ignore. 1000's of high level athletes found BPC 157 over the past 12 years or so to be very beneficial, keep them out of surgery and return to sport quickly.
This same thing happened back in the 60's when pharmaceutical companies and the medical community told athletes that anabolic steroids would not help grow muscle, would not increase athletic ability or speed up the healing injuries. I remember the inserts on the boxes that came with injectables. Despite these warnings we all tried them and were amazed at how well they worked. Yea, we actually got stronger and did much better in sport. No clinical trials were needed, proof so to say was in the pudding. Long term effects?
NO ONE cared. Your dreams in competition and winning are all that matter. Kind of hard for those who never competed to understand how and athletes mind works but
winning is the only goal. What ever might give you and edge will be used. Now look at the millions who jumped on board to use testosterone.
When GHRPs and GHRF's came out there was a group of us who read what ever research there was available, put 2 and 2 together and found Chinese lab 2who were willing to export this back in 2005. We gave them a try, did blood testing and posted our results to forums on the internet keeping very detailed records of doses and results. Look at the sales now. But how much of this has ever been approved by the FDA? But we took the chance. Now look what happened to the market regardless of clinical trials or FDA approval. Again, many times what happens in the trenches is much more important that what the FDA approves. Many times FDA approval has little to do with safety or that the product is remotely effective. It seems to be about how much money and power a company has to push their product through.
In 12 years of using BPC 157, I have had no rashes, not sleeplessness, now hives or any other side effects you read about on Reddit. Most likely any side effects that are real come from the source where the BPC 157 is made or the water being use to reconstitute. there are some allergic reaction duet to the additives in the synthesis process.
Now why would anyone invest in taking BPC 157 to clinical trials? It cost on average about $14,000 to get a patent. Why would anyone with a brain cell left in their head invest that kind of money when China produces tons every year and has for many years? Now, just of get through clinical trials it cost around $20 million. Again a whole lot of money spent on a peptide that anyone can make and is already being sold on the internet by 1000's or peptide dealers. Will the medical community use BPC 157 if it is FDA approved? Well you gotta get insurance companies to cover it and then talk doctors in to believing that sometimes surgery is not necessary. How much money is lot thinking this way? No one in the medical community is going to waste time and money doing a lot of research on anything that won't make money. Its kind of like doing research on exercise science and supplements. Find money is impossible.
One thing people who have never been a competitive athlete don't understand is often times, what happens in the trenches is much more valid that anything that goes on in a labs. Science has done quite a few studies on Usan Bolt. Oh is spring form is biomechanically incorrect. REALLY? How can you tell the fastest human he is doing it wrong? Perhaps science need to go back to the drawing board and figure out why athletes are successful doing what they do. Instead they go back and study untrained individuals and tell athletes you are doing it all wrong.
On the BPC 157, it goes like this.....if you believe it needs to compete a clinical trial and approved by the FDA, then by all means it is your body, don't take it. I took the leap of faith a long time ago and still use it when I am injured. As most athletes do, we take chances trying to find things that give us an edge. If it works we use it, those that don't get tossed out and on to the next one. Most here are not athletes and never have been so my advice is if you have a grade 1 or grade II muscular injury you will have a choice, Go to a doctor, pay for a MRI, go through physical therapy/surgery until you are healed or take a chance using one of the may peptide that are used frequently for healing. As I mentioned, I used PEG-MGF and IGF-1 Lr3 to speed up recovery after quadriceps reattachment surgery in 2010. My surgeon did not even want to know what I was doing but damned if I was not back doing full squats after 5 week. My surgeon said he had done quite a few of these surgeries on professional athletes and never seen anyone recovery as quickly. Why, because I was willing to go outside of the box and use things that were not FDA approved, and no studies backing my techniques and certainly no clinical trials. Ricky? Moist definitely, but that is how athletes think.
The right to try is not for everyone. It has to be a personal decision and you accept the consequences good or bad, just like taking an mRNA vaccine.
BPC 157, also known as Body Protection Compound 157, is a peptide that was first discovered in the gastric juice of humans in the late 1990s. It is a 15 amino acid long peptide that has been thought to have a variety of beneficial effects on the body, including promoting healing of injuries, reducing inflammation, and protecting the gut. Neither gastric juices or genetically modified bacteria are use to synthesize BPC 157 in a lab.
BPC 157 was discover buy research conducted by Dr. Slawomir Makowski and his team at the University of Zagreb in Croatia. They were studying the healing properties of gastric juice when they discovered the peptide, which they found to be particularly effective at promoting the healing of injuries to the stomach and intestines.
The amino acid sequence of the natural gastric substance were analyzed is used to synthesize BPC 157. It has been synthesized in the lab by using the amino acid sequence Gly-Glu-Pro-Pro-Pro-Gly-Lys-Pro-Ala-Asp-Asp-Ala-Gly-Leu-Val. A more technical description, peptide synthesis is the production of peptides, compounds where multiple amino acids are linked via amide bonds, also known as peptide bonds. Peptides are chemically synthesized by the condensation reaction of the carboxyl group of one amino acid to the amino group of another. This peptide has a molecular formula of C62H98N16O22.
How peptides are synthesized:
Conclusion, BPC 157 is sold in gray markets, Its not approved by the FDA, there is very little human science on it, no clinical trials, it can't even be sold for human use. However there is tons of anecdotal evidence that it works to heal injuries. It is your body and your choice to use substances like this. You get either the benefits or the consequences. So it has to be your choice. If you need clinical trials and the FDA to approve this substance, then by all means DO NOT use it. Its too late for me, I made the decision over 12 years ago. There is not one peptide or SARM I have not used and I tossed those that did not work and kept the ones that do work. What works for me may not work for anyone else. But it is your right to try or not. Buying these products is not illegal, but selling them for human use seems to be against the FDA rules. They are also illegal if you compete in any sport that uses WADA drug testing standards. So buyer beware!