A few odd questions, E2/Anastrozole....


New Member
A bit of background:

I've been lurking and reading here for quite a while (as well as other forums) and I have a strange phenomenon occurring I'd like to run by y'all. I started TRT in March of 2017, doc put me on 200mgs/w of Cyp (single injection) and 2mgs/w of Anastrozole.

I thought both of those dosages were pretty high for TRT, so I lowered the dose of Anastrozole way down (.5mgs E3Ds) and went slightly under the 200mgs of cyp a week.

After a month, that put me at about 900 total and 20ish free, along with 10ish E2. Interestingly enough, my testicles have remained the same size, and haven't gotten smaller at all.

Full disclosure - I don't suffer most of the same symptoms that I've read here, and elsewhere from low E2. Yes, my sex drive is slightly reduced, and I have some dry skin, but otherwise I feel completely fine. In fact, I've had my E2 measured down to 2-3ish before or not detectable, and felt no ill effects. That doesn't mean it's not screwing me up on the inside, I realize that, but I'm just adding that in here in case it's relevant.

I AM sensitive to high E2 though. I get cranky, my chest/nipples burn/get itchy, and I'm pretty anxious/miserable. :) Anytime I've ever noticed those symptoms, and gotten my E2 tested, it's always come back high.

In the past, I have used steroids for extended periods of time, taking anywhere from 250mgs of Enanthate a week to 500mgs/w. During that time I'd take Anastrozole at a dose anywhere from 2mgs/week to 1mg/ED.

Anyway, on to why I'm posting. So, skip ahead to November 2017, I notice a bit of acne and I'm holding some water. That's odd. I don't usually get that. I have been eating pretty crappy so I chalk it up to that. Around the middle of December I notice that the day or two after my injection, my chest starts to get tingly and my nipples are sensitive. Hmmm, that's odd.

The following week I woke up one morning and my nipples were on FIRE. I went and took a panel from discounted labs and my E2 was in the 40s.

How'd that happen? That's odd..and why'd it happen almost a full 8-9 months after I started all this?

So...I changed up my protocol. I split the just under 200mgs a week dose into two injections (100mgs/Friday - 100mgs/Monday), and upped my Anastrozole a bit, 2mgs/week.

My high E2 symptoms went away, and I got some dry skin, and I was peeing - A LOT. BUT no more high E2 symptoms. Everything else felt normal. Got my E2 tested and I was back in the low teens.


Fast forward to now, in June, almost 7 months after that, and I'm starting to get high E2 symptoms again. My chest is on fire the day after my injections, and my nipples are starting to burn in the morning. I'm also holding water and generally cranky.

I've got a panel through discounted labs I'm going to do this week and we'll see, but I won't be surprised when my E2 is high.

So, what gives? Why would my E2 just start rising repeatedly after 6-7 months?

I read on another forum that it could possibly be because the E2 produced by my testes (which are still large and in charge by the way) isn't impacted by the Anastrozole, and that's what's getting me?

I really don't feel like injecting 3 times a week, or upping my Anastrozole at this point. My doc is on the side of letting me just take charge here, and he'll just ask if I want to up my Anastrozole, which I don't.

Maybe I lower the test dose, inject every 4th day? But why would it be fine for so long, and then just keep creeping up? Especially a second time?

Your thoughts are appreciated.
What's your SHBG level at? And what's the range on free T. I think the top end is 18, correct? I use quest and the ranges are very different, so not really sure.
What's your SHBG level at? And what's the range on free T. I think the top end is 18, correct? I use quest and the ranges are very different, so not really sure.


January 2018 - 40.0 REF 16.5-55.9
May 2018 - 43.9 REF 16.5-55.9

Range on Free T is 4.80-25.70

Depends on the lab from what I've seen.

I noticed my levels are always at the higher marks on SHBG.
Hopefully that's the right estradiol test the sensitive one for men. Estradiol levels under 20 will really hurt you, will contribute to osteoporosis and joint problems long-term.
Hopefully that's the right estradiol test the sensitive one for men. Estradiol levels under 20 will really hurt you, will contribute to osteoporosis and joint problems long-term.

Sensitive E2 from discounted labs.

I guess my question is, where is this estrogen coming from, the rampant increase? Even before I was on TRT/HRT, my E2 hovered around 20/high teens.
maybe your body needs more estrogen at this moment so it increased number of aromataise enzymes or their activity. estrogen is neuroprotective (against alzheimers, parkinsons) maybe something is going on
Have you gotten fat? amarataze enzyme lives in body fat. The more body fat you have the more E2 you make.
Are you taking DHEA you might want to stop if you are since it is a E2 building block.
At your T lvl for this length of time I find it hard to believe your boys are doing anything down there unless you are taking HCG.
Nope, not fat. If anything I’m probably more lean than I’ve been in the past 6 months. I lift heavy 5 days a week, and eat only complex carbs, lean meats and good fats. 6 meals a day around 2400-2600 cals total.

No DHEA, no HCG.

It’s a big mystery! Argh! Lol.
From reading, it seems like the longer guys are on TRT they seem to move to more frequent injections at lower doses to prevent side effects and feel good... I could be wrong but that seems like a pattern I've noticed. Now this may be from TRT lowering their SHBG, which wouldn't really apply to you since yours is still high. But there may be something else going on, I don't know what the mechanism would be. Something to consider

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