45 Male - TRT since October 2016. Blood work coming soon. Detailed Backstory.


I'm 45 years old and got onto TRT back in October of 2016 when I started with what is basically a legal steroid shop out of FLA. They gave me a 20 week cycle of 400mg Test Cyp a week and 50mg of Anavar ED with Adex to control estrogen and they gave me HCG, Clomid and Nolva for PCT. It was okay. Running heavier amounts of gear is enjoyable but not the healthiest and the side effects are a pain to manage when you don't know a thing like me back in Oct '16. I did not PCT but instead decided to cruise/TRT.

So, I ran the 20 weeks and then moved over to 180mg of Test Enanthate a week in February '17 which I ran through May 2017. For about six weeks in April/May, I added 10mg ED of Methandrostenolone working up to 20mg ED Strength was outrageous and recovery was great but I'm old and I ended up with some tendonitis in my knees and right elbow. Back pumps are terrible on Dbol and BP and E2 are up. I was able to keep my E2 in line with 1mg of Adex a week. Still, I don't like Adex unless it's necessary. 10mg of Linisipril daily and LISS cardio normally controls my BP regardless of what I'm running. Also, this is the time where I found my HCG sweet spot of 300IU EOD.

In late May 2017, I changed over to 200mg Test Enth and 300mg Nandrolone Decanoate per week, 25mg Anavar ED, 25mg of Proviron, and .25mg Adex E3D with my normal HCG protocol. Joints got cleared up and libido went through the roof. I stayed on this protocol from May 2017 through October 2017. Trough blood work showed 900-1300 ng/dl and lipids, Hematocrit, and PSA looked fine. Prolactin was elevated at the end though. Free Test was about twice the outside "high" range according to the tests. Libido stayed super high and in all honesty I think that I desensitized myself a bit during the months of insane sexual escapades with my wife. I ended up with a bit of anorgasmia that I treated with .25mg Dostinex E3D. The Caber helped but the libido was still crazy and my self control around my cute, very willing wife is poor; lots of rough sex and lots of over play and penis was suffering...kind of.

Cut to November 2017, I jumped to 200mg of Test Cyp/wk injected 100mg E3.5D, 50mg Proviron ED, and my regular HCG protocol. I dropped the Adex on advice from a friend in the TRT industry and penis sensitivity returned (Note: Cialis seems to exacerbate anorgasmia). I have not done blood tests since November 2017 and have been on this exact regimine since November. I am scheduled to get pretty detailed bloodwork this week and will post when I get the results. I am curious about my prolactin, My E2 with no Adex though I feel great, and my lipids.

Daily Supplements since November 2017 include:
- 6000mg Vitamin C
- 4000mg Maca (2000 Black and 2000 Red)
- Calcium and D3 combo
- 1000mg NAC
- Kirkland Multivitamin
- 1500mg Glutamine
- 1000mg Metformin
- 6000mg Fish Oil

Note: I mix my HCG at 1000IU per ml and typically use B-12 injectable as 1/5 of the solution I use to reconstitute.

Stats October 2016
- 5'10" - 195 - 20% BF

Stats as of Today
Same height :) - 188 - 12% BF
Lifts - 1RM: Squat 365, Bench 255, Deads 405, OHP 175 (These are safe numbers, could maybe do more in a competition)

I lift 3x a week and do LISS for an hour on the treadmill at a 5% incline at 3.8-4mph with anywhere between 25lbs -70lbs in a weighted vest of pack.

Fingers crossed for good bloods!
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Blood Work Arrived! UPDATE.


200mg Test Cyp per week (100mg e3d)
300IU HCG eod

Total Test: 1446 ng/dl
E2: 46.3 pg/ml
Free Test: 47.34
SHBG: 16 nmol/L


No high E2 sides. Feel great all around.
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Those are some good looking numbers. Surprised you don’t feel any negatives from your E2 being 46 considering you have a very low SHBG. Were you still on 50mg of Proviron during this blood work or have you dropped that from your protocol?
So far I seem to have been fortunate with having higher E2 than would be normally advised. I feel creaky on Adex: knees ache from squats and ankles hurt.

I was still on the Proviron when I took the blood test. I think that could well be the reason my SHBG is so low. My SHBG was at 20 pre-TRT when my Total test levels were around 230 or so there's that.

Last summer I had bloods drawn and the test showed 67 on a non sensitive E2 test (Roche ELCIA method). I felt good then too but was using an oral compound (Methandrostenolone) that aromatizes heavily and was taking 1mg of Adex a week during that time.

I have dropped the Proviron and am planning on reducing my Test to 150mg a week, maybe even lower for a month or two to see how I
feel. I have a good protocol that I can return to but I'm always curious to see what responses I get from changing things up.

Super glad to know that my prolactin was in check after the nandrolone experiment. I know Nelson ran nandrolone for a long time and seems fine though :)
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