32 With low testosterone. HELP!!!

Andrew T

New Member
Hey, I'm not sure if im on the right forum but I'm hoping for some feedback from someone in a similar situation. I recently got blood work done because of low libido ED problems I suddenly started having. My results came back like this ... TESTOSTERONE SERUM TOTAL 2410.0 pg/ml. This first test was done in the morning. The second blood test came back as follows...TESTOSTERONE SERUM TOTAL 1750.0 pg/ml, PROLACTIN SERUM 8.9 ng/ml, LH SERUM 1.9 miu/ml, FSH SREUM 4.5 miu/ml(2nd test was done later in the afternoon) Are these really low levels for my age? I'm kind of freaking out. I've read up on trt and it scares me that it's for life and also a possibility of not having kids(I currently don't have any). After reading up more on this I have noticed that I do feel a lot more fatigued, less energy, having really been working out. I'm also not really overweight. 5'10 and about 205 lbs. thanks guys.
Hey, I'm not sure if im on the right forum but I'm hoping for some feedback from someone in a similar situation. I recently got blood work done because of low libido ED problems I suddenly started having. My results came back like this ... TESTOSTERONE SERUM TOTAL 2410.0 pg/ml. This first test was done in the morning. The second blood test came back as follows...TESTOSTERONE SERUM TOTAL 1750.0 pg/ml, PROLACTIN SERUM 8.9 ng/ml, LH SERUM 1.9 miu/ml, FSH SREUM 4.5 miu/ml(2nd test was done later in the afternoon) Are these really low levels for my age? I'm kind of freaking out. I've read up on trt and it scares me that it's for life and also a possibility of not having kids(I currently don't have any). After reading up more on this I have noticed that I do feel a lot more fatigued, less energy, having really been working out. I'm also not really overweight. 5'10 and about 205 lbs. thanks guys.
Welcome to Excelmale. Take a deep breath; we understand that you're upset, but don't let your imagination run wild.

Please post all your bloodwork WITH the associated reference ranges for each test. You mentions erectile issipues and libido - for how long and to what degree? What medications are you taking? Have you used anabolic steroids? What about testicular or head injuries? Your sleep, do you snore? Is there a possibility you have sleep apnea? It hammers hormones and is not diagnosed as often as it should be.
Hey thanks for the response. The reference ranges seemed normal except for the total testosterone. I never used steroids or have had any testicular or head injuries. I do snore but never been tested for sleep apnea. The ed and libido issues started about a year ago. I'm also on no medications.
Hey thanks for the response. The reference ranges seemed normal except for the total testosterone. I never used steroids or have had any testicular or head injuries. I do snore but never been tested for sleep apnea. The ed and libido issues started about a year ago. I'm also on no medications.
We need the reference ranges. Every lab establishes their own ranges; our comments will be meaningless if you don't ppat them.

Were other her tests run? If not, your workup was sadly lacking. You need free testosterone, a full thyroid panel, TSH, ft3, ft4, rt3, and the antibody screening along with SHBG, estradiol/sensitive, prolactin, a CBC, a CMP, and a PSA, along with estradiol/sensitive.
So far those are all the tests they've done. For prolactin serum my value was 8.9 ng/ml the reference range is 2.0-18.0, for FSH my value was 4.5 reference range 1.6-8.0 for LH I did not get a reference range. Doctors office calls me with these results and talk about possibly starting trt treatment. I guess I will go to another doctor and get a second opinion. I've only seen one urologist.
So far those are all the tests they've done. For prolactin serum my value was 8.9 ng/ml the reference range is 2.0-18.0, for FSH my value was 4.5 reference range 1.6-8.0 for LH I did not get a reference range. Doctors office calls me with these results and talk about possibly starting trt treatment. I guess I will go to another doctor and get a second opinion. I've only seen one urologist.
They were willing to start a man your age on TRT with the limited labs you Had? Given your concerns, and they are perfectly reasonable, that it absurd. You need a great deal of additional testing and, if the determination is made that you are dealing with secondary rather than primary hypogonadism, LH and FSH are the tests that sort that out, it may be possible for you to begin a Clomid "restart" protocol that *might* restore your own levels. Or...you may have thyroid issues that should be corrected...where do you live?
I live in New York. And this is all brand new to me so I'm not aware of all the tests that need to be done. The doctor is also kind of a ****. Will an endocrinologist be of better help?
I live in New York. And this is all brand new to me so I'm not aware of all the tests that need to be done. The doctor is also kind of a ****. Will an endocrinologist be of better help?
In all honesty, the answer to your question (you wondered if an endocrinologist would be of help) is...it's unlikely. The sad fact, as you are finding out, is that most doctors don't understand or know how to treat the hypogonadal man. We see it all the time.

You are in New York - we can refer you to an excellent urologist, Dr. Michael Rotman (he has an office in Manhattan and one on Long Island). He is a member here and answers questions in the "Ask a Urologist Anything" thread that is very active. We can also suggest the two national practices that sponsor the site (I'm not a patient of either, I don't live in the US, so there's no vested interest at work).
I live in New York. And this is all brand new to me so I'm not aware of all the tests that need to be done. The doctor is also kind of a ****. Will an endocrinologist be of better help?

I had similar symptoms but am older. I think you best bet is full blood workup so see what is going on. Often, there is some other reason for the low T and the other blood work will help understand that. Or, it could just be low T, life happens. For me, it was another issue (high iron) I am told that was causing the low T. I think you should get a full work up as others have said. Yes, a different doctor might be a good idea. I had page after page of blood work and it caught the issue. Good luck !

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