3 Months TRT Bloodwork / E2 sky high


New Member
I am on 210MG once a week + 250 IU of HCG EOD, no AI

My initial levels back in May were:
Test Total 151 ref range (300-1080)
test free 29.8 ref range (47-244)
estradiol 18 ref range (0-56)
SHBG 76.6 ref range (16.5-55.9)

My blood work from last week:
Test Total 1060
Test Free 208
estradiol 78

I have been feeling really good other than a few things, increased blood pressure, oily skin and hot flashes.
What do you think of my protocol considering my high SHBG? Also should I start an AI?
The increase blood pressure is usually estrogen related, oily skin is probably excess DHT with is a byproduct of testosterone, so lowering testosterone will lower DHT. DHT can increase ache as well.

High blood pressure usually accompanies hypertension, do you have mood swings and or irritability?

Is that the LC/MS/MS E2 test?
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The increase blood pressure is usually estrogen related, oily skin is probably excess DHT with is a byproduct of testosterone, so lowering testosterone will lower DHT. DHT can increase ache as well.

Is that the LC/MD/MS E2 test?

I have had a few more pimples but its hardly noticeable and yes it was the sensitive test.
Also as a sidenote im 29 years old and am now starting to grow facial hair and body hair for the first time.

I'm 46 and I also have more hair on TRT compared to before, hair is fuller and it's longer. I've got hair coming out the armpit cracks with arms at my sides, I try to trim them the best I can.
I understand the high dose of 210 mg to try and offset the high SHBG of 76.6. You've got good Total T and good Free T levels but that is also giving you the high E2 of 78. You could cut back your dose a bit to bring the E2 down which will also bring down the high DHT your likely experiencing. You don't seem to have a lot of high E2 symptoms other than higher blood pressure and hot flashes. Backing off your dose might help with those. I wouldn't start an AI unless you absolutely have too. I'd rather see you lower your dose a bit.

Are you trying to remain fertile? If not, you could eliminate the HCG and if you secondary hypogonadism that will help reduce the E2.
AI's are drugs and like all drugs can have long term side effects. We shouldn't take any drug unless we have serious symptoms that the drug decreases and then only after we have tried everything else first. Just my opinion. The AI has nothing to do with you being fertile but the HCG can assist in that arena.

I am not saying that one should never use an AI, just be cautious about it. Your Estradiol Sensitive at 78 is on the rather high side and most with a number that high would have some serious high E2 symptoms. How are the nipples doing? Itching or burning badly?
I have no symptoms in regards to my nipples. The only negative side effects ive had are the oily skin, high blood pressure, hot flashes and I havent lost any fat since starting TRT even though I work out 5 times a week and eat healthy. Ive actually gained 11 pounds since starting TRT in May. I honestly think its muscle gain but I wish the fat would go away.
The oily skin is probably due to an increase in your DHT and the hot flashes and blood pressure increase from the E2. How long have you been working out and eating healthy? If a short period of time be patient and stick with it.

Have you had your thyroid tested? If the thyroid is under performing it is next to impossible to loose weight. It can also give you low T symptoms. You might want to consider having a complete thyroid panel done. If you have it tested, make sure to have the complete panel done which includes: TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Reverse T3, and both thyroid antibodies. Many people just test TSH and Free T4 and think that all is good if they are in range but there is much more to it than that. Do the complete thyroid panel. That could very likely be what is hindering you from loosing weight.
I had some thyroid tests done back in may

TSH 1.602 ref (.300-5.00)
T4 Free 1.02 ref (.80-1.80)
T3 Free 3.1 ref (2.4-4.5)

Last week the doc only ordered TSH and it came back abnormal

TSH <.004 ref (.350-4.940)
Ive been working out and eating healthy since january. In that time ive gained a decent amount of strength, just no noticeable fat loss.
If you have high Reverse T3 and or antibodies attacking your thyroid you are not going to be able to lose wight even with the others within range. Your Free T3 is actually on the low end and so is the Free T4 compared to optimal levels.
in may my doctor prescribed my armorthroid (i think that was the name) but I quit taking it after a month because I was feeling jittery and had diarrhea all the time.
in may my doctor prescribed my armorthroid (i think that was the name) but I quit taking it after a month because I was feeling jittery and had diarrhea all the time.
Maybe you just needed to adjust the dose. Did you speak with your doctor about stopping? Getting the thyroid dialed in is just as important as getting your testosterone therapy dialed in and many say is more important to get the thyroid dialed in first. You probably wouldn't do the testosterone therapy for one month and stop just because you had a couple of symptoms, instead you would tweak your protocol. Just saying........
That almost looks like a lab error, which happen more frequently than we think they do. HCG would not impact your TSH.

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