28 y/o Bloodwork Results, to TRT or not to TRT

New user to this forum, posted labs on another forum but was interested in additional opinions.

I've been lifting for the better part of 12 years; reasonably strong for someone who trains hypertrophy goals.
Age: 28
Height: 5'9
Weight: ~215
BF%: 15-20% (visible 4-pack in the right lighting lol)
Bench: 275x5 (incline, I don't do flat bench to avoid pec tears (close-call a couple years back))
Squat: 405x5
Deadlift: 495x5

Dick works fine, no ED, just low libido. Irritable most of the time, sometimes feel like riding in the backseat when I'm really more comfortable being dominant. Tired all the time (diagnosed hypersomnia) possibly due to Sleep Apnea (diagnosed OSA) but I use my CPAP 4hrs a night average. Strength is doing okay, not progressing a lot - but I am on the far end of muscular development as is so maybe a nonfactor. Focus is okay sometimes but even with prescription Adderall I find myself focusing on the wrong stuff sometimes, putting off important tasks for shit that doesn't really matter that much comparatively. Have been cutting since November but started hitting a weight loss roadblock while in a 1,000cal daily deficit (eating 2,000cal daily, 25%carb, 35%fat, 40%protein). Went from 235lb down to current weight so ~20lbs give or take.

I work 10 hour days 4-5 days a week (9/80 schedule) with 2 hours of daily commute, occasionally 6 hours overtime on a weekend, and train hard usually 4x per week (when I say hard, I mean I train to failure for half of my training and leave drenched in sweat - even on the days I go easy). I have blended University classes for a BS in Computer Information Systems and I should be graduating in about 14 months... This usually involves ~20hrs weekly schoolwork, pending difficulty of classes. When I'm not at work, the gym, or doing schoolwork, I spend time with my wife and daughter (5yrs). I eat very healthy - almost never any fast food or restaurants, and maybe a few alcoholic drinks a year... no smoking, no pre-workout, or any other supplements except Curcumin, daily vitamins, and a protein powder. Stress levels are okay, but only okay; finances and burdens of being a single-provider home along with a stressful job and college courses - all of which are unavoidable at the moment.

A few years ago I went on a 2 month Rad140 cycle and saw significant muscle mass improvements (>20lbs), only side effect was increased aggression. Tried YK11 a couple months later and had nothing but side effects (cycstic back-acne when I rarely have bacne to start with). Haven't touched any SARMs or prohormones since.

I try hard to get 7 hours of sleep, but most nights I find myself with 6.5 hours of time in bed. I track my sleep with a sleep tracker + CPAP and both show I averaged 5hr 34m sleep a night, and that's with 8-9 hours a night on weekends. I have done about everything I can to improve sleep quality (no melatonin or other sleep aids because I rarely have 8+ hours to dedicate to sleep, so they make me wake up even more tired).

Had labs drawn back in December of '21 because I was feeling like I might be low T, and because it would obviously help me with physique goals as well.




Calculated Free T: 9.23 ng/dL
Calculated Bioavailable T: 231 ng/dL

Apologies, no LH/FSH available

I've been considering this for some time now and I'm not sure what the right path is for me to be honest. I would love to have some symptom relief, and the obvious answer is to sleep more and reduce stress - both of which are a bit fruitless in my current lifestyle. I'm not sure if it's worthwhile to risk shutdown for a situation that may be resolved in about 18 months or, but I also might find myself still in need of symptom relief once the current situation is over too.

My cautious side is telling me to wait, but my impatient side is telling me just to jump on TRT already.

My cautious side is telling me to wait
Wait for what, until things get worse?

You could wait and feel like you do now for 10-20 more years, then start TRT, feel amazing and wonder why you waited so long.

Your testosterone is low especially at your age, your CBC is showing on the lower end which limits the oxygen-carrying capacity to all your organs and tissue.

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Wait for what, until things get worse?
Wait until I've finished with my degree, and by extension, reduced some financial stress.

I also don't know if the stress will go away at this time. I don't remember a time in my adult life I wasn't incredibly stressed to be honest. Of course saying this out loud makes it sound that waiting is pointless too.

I don't like waiting, just looking for some perspective I may not have considered is all.
your CBC is showing on the lower end which limits the oxygen-carrying capacity
Could you expand on this? I don't know what you're looking at to determine this.
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If you really want to avoid TRT, you have to change your lifestyle now because later may be too late.

Between your work schedule, overtime on the weekends and workouts, it looks like you're exhausting yourself at work and then going to the gym.

Maybe focus on work and cutting back at the gym and getting more rest.

This would reduce stress.
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If you really want to avoid TRT, you have to change your lifestyle now because later may be too late.
It's not so much that I want to avoid TRT, it's that I don't want to jump into a very long-term comittment if I don't actually need to. Again, this is where my impatient side is arguing that I may find myself in the boat of still having these symptoms after lifestyle has been improved - so I would have just wasted all this time feeling like shit when I could have just sought symptom relief.
It's not so much that I want to avoid TRT, it's that I don't want to jump into a very long-term comittment if I don't actually need to. Again, this is where my impatient side is arguing that I may find myself in the boat of still having these symptoms after lifestyle has been improved - so I would have just wasted all this time feeling like shit when I could have just sought symptom relief.
I have seen guys over the years side with their inpatient side, always looking for shortcuts in life, start TRT and do well, but the nagging question swirls inside their head, could I have gotten away without having to go on TRT...

I say get it out of your system and answer that question now, worst case you need TRT, best case you don't.

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