24 year old male hypogonadism


New Member
Hello to everyone. I hope someone will read it and help. I appreaciate any help.

I am 24 old male. I am suffering from hypogonadism for very long time. I will provide latest labs but at first I want to tell you about my past.

I remeber going into puberty at age 13 or 14. I had normal erections, morning woods and wet dreams. My libido was good I was intrested in girls. After some time I noticed decerased sex drive at age maybe 15. At 16 it was completly gone I thought it is becouse I masturbated a lot(2 times a day) Then I remember that I wanted to get my drive back and try with girls. So I stopped masturbation. I could do without a masturbation for like half a year and my drive didnt came back at all. Then I masturbated once a month. At the age of 18 I finnaly decided to go to the doctor becouse I had almost no facial hair and after like half hour after masturbation I felt somthing like pelvic floor tension. The doctor has check my prostate and said that everything is ok. And he wanted me to get out. Then I compained about my very very low sex drive. He ordered a labs. The labs came with t levels below normal range I believe it was like 2.100 ng/ml. He examined my balls and said "yeah they are small thats why". It actually pissed me off he was a douche. Then I continued my battle visiting some doctors. One of them prescribed proviron which raised my total t levels to 3,100 ng/ml. I felt no diffrence and went to another doctor he prescribed pills which was called undrestol. Still no diffrence.

Then I finally got a better doctor who did some testings. When I first came to him my hormone panel looked like this:
Testosterone 2.320 ng/ml (2.490-8.360)
LH 4.22 IU/I (0-12,4)
FSH 16.32 IU/I (1.7-8.6)
prolactin 197 mlU/l (155,0-324,0)

He ordered new labs which came out strange.


Testosterone 3.980 ng/ml (2.490-8.360)
LH 8.76 IU/I (0-12,4)
FSH 28.18 IU/I (1.7-8.6)
prolactin 170 mlU/l (155,0-324,0)
DHEA-s 229.40 (70.2-492.0)
e2=61,89 pg/ml

He ordered to do testicles usg. My testicles are small they are 3.4cm x 1,5cm. He prescribed t omadren 250mg every 2 weeks and he said that this is primary hypogonadism. He did check SHBG which was 23.6 (13.5-71.40). Thyroid levels were within the range.

There is still 2011 and my t levels are 8,550 after some t injections. And still nothing I dont feel drive at all. My lh and fsh drop to 0.I had MRI which indicated I had 2 micro benigin tumor in my pituitary gland which was realising prolactin. I also had kariotype test done and they said i am 100% man. I was taking testosterone less frequently becouse my doctor said that we will be dropping testosterone and maybe my body will kick in and produce it naturally. We then switch to testosterone entantan. We did the tests after 3 weeks of my last t dosage and t levels were varing form 2.7 ng/ml to 3.7 ng/ml.

There is 2013. I said I am done with trt and i started lifting weights and diet. I was desperate. The t injections did nothing to my sex drive which still was 0. I was for like 3 months without testosterone shots and the labs were:

Without trt.

Testosterone 3.860 ng/ml (2.490-8.360)
LH 5.99 IU/I (0-12,4)
FSH 16.25 IU/I (1.7-8.6)
prolactin 213 mlU/l (155,0-324,0)
e2=26.91 pg/ml
TSH 1.01 (0.30-4.00)

My endo was suprised. He said that I only need to watch for my prolactin levels. And prescribed bromergon which stops prolactin

Without trt.
2014/04 My levels t levels drop to 2,760 ng/ml (still no drive)
2014/09 My t levels increased to 4,970 ng/ml
2015/05 t levels 5,280 ng/ml

And my latest labs:

Testosterone 5.570 ng/ml (2.490-8.360)
LH 7.44 IU/I (0-12,4)
FSH 11.11 IU/I (1.7-8.6)
prolactin 120 mlU/l (155,0-324,0)
e2=39.91 pg/ml

Still no sex drive. Sometimes I do get morning wood but it is weak. I am also suffering from insomnia. I remember I had 1 day in may, when I woke up with a morning wood and alot of energy and I was attracted to female parts like butts... But it was all gone after 3 hours...

I think my puberty proces stopped and this is fked up. I look young altrough I am 24 years I look like a 18. Sometimes they ask me for id. I have pubic hair and arm pit hair but my facial hair looks awkward. I have testicles with volmue of 8ml. My penis is 5 inches but it is thin. According to tanner scale I am at the second stadium... of puberty

If you read what I have written I have questions:

1.What should I do to get my drive back? I have no sex drive since 16.
2.Can it be possible that my puberty procces stopped ? Maybe it will eventually come back?
3. Should I do more labs? If so, what labs?

Hi excel - I like your name LOL!

So sorry to hear your story; untrained Physicians, missed diagnosis', wrong drugs...just a lot wrong.

You say they found a Pituitary Tumor on an MRI; these are known as Adenoma's and are not cancerous but can cause some problems and if it's a prolactin producing tumor it can cause elevated levels which will cause hypogonadism and also suppress libido as well.

BUT, I don't see where you have elevated prolactin levels on any of your labs; am I missing something?

If you stay on testosterone replacement it will go to help restore much of what you lost during puberty.

I would try to find a specialist who really understands pituitary tumors and see if this is the root of your cause.

You may want to get DHT and Progesterone tested as well.
Hi excel - I like your name LOL!

So sorry to hear your story; untrained Physicians, missed diagnosis', wrong drugs...just a lot wrong.

You say they found a Pituitary Tumor on an MRI; these are known as Adenoma's and are not cancerous but can cause some problems and if it's a prolactin producing tumor it can cause elevated levels which will cause hypogonadism and also suppress libido as well.

BUT, I don't see where you have elevated prolactin levels on any of your labs; am I missing something?

If you stay on testosterone replacement it will go to help restore much of what you lost during puberty.

I would try to find a specialist who really understands pituitary tumors and see if this is the root of your cause.

You may want to get DHT and Progesterone tested as well.

Thanks for reply and kind words.

Well I know that my Pituitary Tumor is non cancerous. My prolactin levels started to be elevated since 2012. So Pituitary tumor may not be the cause. Here are the labs
prolactin 445,5 mlU/l (155,0-324,0) H
prolactin 515,2 mlU/l (155,0-324,0) H

I am taking bromocriptine and thats why in my latest labs the prolactin is below norm.

I read a lot of forums and some guys do fine with testosterone levels like me which are now 5.570 ng/ml. But I still feel no sex drive. And I know that E2 should be in 20-30 range however in my country there is no sensitive e2 test so I dont know if the tests are accurate. According to my labs my e2 is 39.91 pg/ml

Yes I was thinking about the DHT and progesterone tests but I need to travel to bigger city becouse they dont do that in my lab.
Hi excel - I like your name LOL!

So sorry to hear your story; untrained Physicians, missed diagnosis', wrong drugs...just a lot wrong.

You say they found a Pituitary Tumor on an MRI; these are known as Adenoma's and are not cancerous but can cause some problems and if it's a prolactin producing tumor it can cause elevated levels which will cause hypogonadism and also suppress libido as well.

BUT, I don't see where you have elevated prolactin levels on any of your labs; am I missing something?

If you stay on testosterone replacement it will go to help restore much of what you lost during puberty.

I would try to find a specialist who really understands pituitary tumors and see if this is the root of your cause.

You may want to get DHT and Progesterone tested as well.

Thanks for reply and kind words!

Yes they found 2 pituitary adenoma's. According to labs they are 7mm on right side and 6mm on left side. Prolactin started to be elevated since 2012. It may not be the cause for me, here are the labs where prolactin is elevated.
445.5 mlU/l (155,0-324,0)
prolactin 515 mlU/l (155,0-324,0)

I am taking bromocriptine to lower my prolactin.But sometimes in lowers too much.

I know that trt may help me.But this is strange becouse I read a lot of forums and some guys do just fine with my testosterone levels which are now 5.570 ng/ml (2.490-8.360)

I think pituitary tumors may not be the cause I started to have elevated prolactin since 2012. I never had man boobs when I was young. Puberty procces stopped and I don't remeber any trauma.

Yes I think that is a good idea to chec DHT and Progesterone I will need to go to bigger city becouse they dont do that labs in mine.
Thanks for reply and kind words!

Yes they found 2 pituitary adenoma's. According to labs they are 7mm on right side and 6mm on left side. Prolactin started to be elevated since 2012. It may not be the cause for me, here are the labs where prolactin is elevated.
445.5 mlU/l (155,0-324,0)
prolactin 515 mlU/l (155,0-324,0)

I am taking bromocriptine to lower my prolactin.But sometimes it lowers too much.

I know that trt may help me.But this is strange becouse I read a lot of forums and some guys do just fine with my testosterone levels which are now 5.570 ng/ml (2.490-8.360) but I still have no sex drive.

I think pituitary tumors may not be the cause I started to have elevated prolactin since 2012. I never had man boobs when I was young. Don't know why my puberty procces stopped and I don't remeber any trauma to my testicles.

Yes I think that is a good idea to check DHT and Progesterone I will need to go to bigger city becouse they dont do that labs in mine.
Don't know if this is relevant but according to my latest blood tests. I have low wbc, lymphocytes and monocytes.

White blood cell count 3.0 [10^3/mm^3] (4.0 -10,0)
lymphocytes 1.1[10^3/mm^3] (1.2-3.2)
monocytes 0.1 [10^3/mm^3] (0.3-0.8)

In earlier tests sometimes wbc and lymphocytes are normal but my monocytes are always low 0.1-0.2

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