20 y/o with Low T, high Prolactin, Erectile Dysfunction, No Morning wood


New Member
Hey guys, I hope someone of you might point me in the right direction. I never had morning wood in my entire life and when I first had sex with my GF at 15, I noticed weak erections, low penile sensitivity and losing erections. I went to a Uro who tested my T and said it was "normal", but I knew it was at the low range which was more normal for an 80 year-old male.

So I started a quest to increase my T naturally over the coming years and recently I had sex with a beautiful girl and had complete erectile dysfunction - it's not psychological either, I am pretty confident in that regard. I got more tests done and my T came back pretty low, prolactin elevated and some other things don't seem to be in range. Doctor said everything was normal ...

I have an appointment with an endo in 2 weeks but I honestly don't have much faith in him, TRT isn't an option in my country at all and given my age, it shouldn't be either. What strikes me is the high prolactin which probably goes hand-in-hand with high estrogen levels (doctor didn't test even though I told him to) and this is probably causing my low T. But with most people high prolactin means either a tumor (I don't think I have one) or hypothyroidism but I am leaning more into HYPERthyroidism. Also, my low cholesterol even though I am eating a cholesterol-rich diet. Anyways, here are my lab values:

LH: 7.7 (1.7 - 8.6)
FSH: 3.8 (1.5 - 12.4)
Prolactin: 346! (86 - 324) clearly high Prolactin
Testosterone: 3.93! (2.49 - 8.36) clearly low T

TSH basal: 0.94 (0.27 - 4.2)
Free T3: 4.4 (2 - 4.4)
Free T4: 1.6 (0.9 - 1.7)
Vitamin D: 46 (31 - 100)

Average Blood Sugar: 100 (80 - 120)
Cholesterol: 89 (<200)
Triglycerides: 75 (<200)
HDL-Cholesterin: 42 (>40)
LDL-Cholesterol: 32 (<150)

CHOL/HDL: 2.1 (<4.5)
LDL/HDL: 0.8 (<3)
gamma-GT: 18 (<64)
GOT: 25 (10-50)
GPT: 26 (10-50)

Alk. Phosphatase: 66 ( 40 - 129)
LDH: 178 (135 - 270)
Amylase: 62 (28-100)
Lipase: 19 (13 - 60)
Uric Acid: 4.7 (<7)

Creatinin: 0.9 (<1.2)
Renal Function: 123
Potassium: 4.6 (3.8 - 5.3)
Sodium: 141 (137 - 147)
Calcium: 2.4 (2.1 - 2.6)

Magnesium: 0.98 (0.7 - 1.05)
Iron: 169! (40 - 160 ug/dl)
Acid Phosphatase: 5.8 (<6.6)
Total Protein: 7.3 (6.5 - 8.5)

Albumin: 60.9 (55.8-66.1)
alpha 1 - Globulin: 3.8 (2.9 - 4.9 )
alpha 2 - Globulin: 10.8 (7.1 - 11.8)
beta 1 - Globulin: 5.4 (4.7 - 7.2)
beta 2 - Globulin: 3.4 (3.2-6.5)

leukocytes: 10.5! (4 - 10)
erythrocytes: 5.00 (4.6 - 6)
Haemoglobin: 15.1 (14 - 18)
Haematocrytes: 47 (40 - 54)
MCV: 94 (83 - 95 fl)

MCH: 30.2 (28 -34)
MCHC: 32.1 (32 -36)
Thrombocytes: 303 (150 - 351)
MTV: 10.7 (7.2 - 11.1)
Neutrophile: 53.5 (50-70)

Lymphocytes: 35.3 (25 - 45)
Monocytes: 9.9! (2-9)
Eosinophile: 1.0! (2-4)
Basophile: 0.2 (0-1)
IG: 0.1 (<4)

Microcytosis: 0.5
Macrocytosis: 4.2
EVB: 12 - (11.5 - 14.5)
HBA1c: 5.1 (4.3 - 5.9)

HBA1c: 32 (23-42)
You have primary hypogonadism, high LH and low testosterone, testicles are damaged and responding poorly. You may become infertile in the not so distant future, I suggest you freeze sperm now while you have a chance. I doubt the prolactin is responsible for low testosterone, the cause has already been established. Clomid and HCG will not work as your testicles are drying.

High monocytes is all about inflammatory disease, a parasitic or viral infection, a collagen vascular disease, such as lupus, vasculitis, or rheumatoid arthritis.
You have primary hypogonadism, high LH and low testosterone, testicles are damaged and responding poorly. You may become infertile in the not so distant future, I suggest you freeze sperm now while you have a chance. I doubt the prolactin is responsible for low testosterone, the cause has already been established. Clomid and HCG will not work are your testicles are drying.

High monocytes is all about inflammatory disease, a parasitic or viral infection, a collagen vascular disease, such as lupus, vasculitis, or rheumatoid arthritis.

Thanks for the answer. The urologist checked my testicles and penis with ultrasound and said everything was normal. Also the size was normal and development, too. The test was 2 weeks ago and since yesterday a cold with sore throat and congested nose broke out. Might be connected but I sometimes feel like I am in a constantly inflamed stated and my body never heals from colds but rather just suppresses them.

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