He stated to you in a previous post....."i was doing 20mg EOD ~ 70mg/week. I don't recommend that anyone dose x2/week. It's either EOD, ED, or just get on cream. That is MY opinion"
"That said, i am now titrating down to 10mg EOD to see how i feel. Less is More"
You went on to ask....."What are your levels on 20mg eod, and do u have low shbg?"
He replied..... "I get monthly labs and levels are 700-800. SHBG is normal. Not low, not high"
Now the clown wants to go and cut his weekly dose in half!
When one is tweaking a protocol whether increasing/decreasing dose a 10 mg reduction in weekly T dose can have a big impact on ones TT/FT levels.....he is cutting his weekly dose in half.....70 mg--->35 mg which is a huge drop (35 mg/week less) and although he is injecting more frequently......his levels will still drop a lot.