
  1. Nelson Vergel

    Article: ExcelMale Testosterone FactSheets for Download

    ExcelMale FactSheets for Download Here are a few PDF files members can download to show to doctors or for own reference. I will be adding others.
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Trimix Antidote-Treatment for Priaprism: PHENYLEPHRINE HCL INJECTION

    Priapism is a medical condition in which the erect penis does not return to its flaccid state, despite the absence of both physical and psychological stimulation, within four hours. Improper dosing of Trimix can cause priapism. Phenylephrine injections can be an antidote to an erection that...
  3. C

    Compounding Pharmacy FDA inspections

    I am considering going down the TRT and Trimix road, but I am concerned about compounding pharmacies and the safety of the products. I like researching I found this: And also this...
  4. C

    Any doctors willing to prescribe trimix in Washington DC Metro area (Maryland, Virginia, DC)

    I was wondering if anyone had a good recommendation for a urologist or endo who would prescribe Trimix and TRT in the DC Metro area. I have had ED for 2 years and diagnosed with low-t 6 months ago. I will soon be starting TRT but have gone to two urologists and both have been dead set...
  5. C

    About to start TRT...incompetent docs?

    I am 41 and have had low-t for probably 2 years now, but only had it checked 6 months ago (total t = 308). -First Urologist, said exercise and lose weight for 3-6 months, and then try TRT. -Endocrinologist said Androgel and come back in 3 months. -Second Urologist (second opinion) said...
  6. C

    Trimix - QuadMix Fail

    I've been trying to get trimix dialed in for quite awhile now. First I was put on trimix, then after getting up to around 25 or 30 units they provided me a stronger solution of trimix. That didn't really do the trick either, so I'm now on my first vile of quad mix. That hasn't worked too well...
  7. T

    Trimix advice, soft glans, allergy meds

    Took first .05 dose of trimix. Worked for 2.5 hours, then I did some things to get it down. (Squats worked) so I will reduce the dose. I noticed that the glans was not as hard as when I get erect naturally. Reason? Was alone, maybe needed partner to be in the mood? Of course I was nervous...
  8. L

    Trimix injection

    Does someone here has a lead on where to get Trimix abroad ( Thailand) where I am working now? Thank you:o
  9. K

    what size needle for trimix?

    I got a Rx for Trimix today and I believe the needle is 30g - 1/2 inch. I thought about it afterwards, isn't a 1/2 needle too long? I don't want to inject it into my urethra. ;) she must think I'm "girthy".
  10. V

    How long does Trimix work once injected...

    As we users know, trimix doesn't make Mr. Johnson hard, there needs to be some stimulation to get things moving... What Im wondering is... If I injected, then went out to dinner, would Trimix still be hanging around waiting to help out, say an hour later... That would allow more spontaneity and...
  11. Nelson Vergel

    Interview with Compounding Product Expert Shaun Noorian from Empower Pharmacy

    Nelson Vergel: I'm very happy to have Shaun Noorian, the owner and manager of Empower Pharmacy in Houston. He's a member of, and answers a lot of questions there. He's also a member of our ******** group called Testosterone Replacement Therapy Discussion and I consider him an...
  12. Nelson Vergel

    Interview with Expert Shaun Noorian from Empower Pharmacy- Part 1

    Nelson Vergel: I'm very happy to have Shaun Noorian, the owner and manager of Empower Rx Pharmacy in Houston. He's a member of, and answers a lot of questions there. He’s also a member of our ******** group called Testosterone Replacement Therapy Discussion and I...
  13. P

    Has anyone had erections lasting more than 3 hours with Trimix?

    I am looking for best ways to prevent priaprism. I do not want to end up in an emergency room
  14. B

    HRT is changing my life

    I'm a 66 year old male that was having depression outbreaks quite frequently. Also, ED problems and was not able to have sex with my wife for the last 3 years, just could not get auseable erection. About 5 months ago found a sports medicine doctor who checked my T and it was in the "normal"...
  15. Nelson Vergel

    Penis Injections for Hard Erections: TRIMIX

    Trimix or Quadmix—Available by prescription from compounding pharmacies. These are mixtures of prostaglandins and papaverine that increase blood flow and retention into the penis. Prostaglandins are mediators and have a variety of strong physiological effects, such as regulating the contraction...
  16. Nelson Vergel

    Some compounding pharmacies used by Nelson Vergel

    I have been using for 5 years for HCG, testosterone, TRIMIX, ED drugs, injectable aminoacids/vitamins, nandrolone,Sermorelin and other products. They are reasonably priced and ship to almost every state. I have toured their facilities to look at the sterility rooms and was...
  17. Excel Male

    Why Do I Feel So Tired on Testosterone ?

    Taken from the book: Testosterone: A Man’s Guide by Nelson Vergel If no improvements in fatigue are observed after 6 weeks of testosterone replacement, factors beyond hypogonadism may be present. Thyroid and adrenal function should be checked to ensure that those two glands are working...