testosterone cypionate

  1. C

    Decision Time: T-Cyp or Clomid

    I was given two choices for treatment of low T: Option 1: Testosterone Cyp 200 mg/ml – 0.35 ml IM/SQ TWICE A WEEK (140 mg/week) HCG 400 iu SQ 2x/week Anastrozole 0.125mg 2x/week – h/o elevated E2, titrate on follow-up Vitamin D3 5000 iu daily Fish oil 3-4...
  2. S

    Testosterone Cypionate Carrier Oils - Differences

    So far, I have only injected T Cyp in Grapeseed Oil. Like many of you, I draw and inject SubQ with a 29g insulin syringe. Assuming I could also draw/inject with 29g if I were to switch to a solution in cottonseed or sesame oil? Aside from allergies (I don’t have any) do the different oils...
  3. M

    Blood Work In After Starting Test Cypionate Injections

    This month, on March 5th I began TRT via testosterone cypionate injections. On this day I was injected with 1cc containing 200mg of testosterone cypionate suspended in grape seed oil. The doctor gave me paperwork for a blood analysis and told me to have it done after waiting one full week from...
  4. S

    Most common total weekly dose for cypionate/enanthate

    I wanted to get some feedback from members on what dosage range is the most widely used. 60-80mg 80-100mg 100-120mg 120mg and up Not concerned with the frequency, just the total 7 day amount.
  5. H

    Filling testosterone cypionate prescription at pharmacy

    Does anyone here fill their testosterone cypionate prescription at a regulat pharmacy (not a compounding pharmacy)? I have Cigna which i found out covers testosterone cypionate without requiring pre-approval. My questions is: my dosage is 0.35ml 2x week which comes down to a little over 3.5...
  6. J

    PSA over 5 and now off TRT

    Been on Test Cyp for 2 years and for the most part my dose has been consistently low. At a trough my T was 297. After complaining to my Uro that I was still fatigued and needing more sleep he bumped me to 180mg weekly from 150...every month i would be increased 10mg to gauge how I feel. Finally...
  7. A

    How to Inject Testosterone Intramuscularly, Shallow IM or Subcutaneously ?

    Click here to watch videos on how to inject testosterone intramuscularly or subcutaneously More information on subcutaneous testosterone injections: https://www.discountedlabs.com/blog/intramuscular-vs-subcutaneous-testosterone-injections-are-they-both-effective Subcutaneous Testosterone...
  8. S

    Need help with TRT protocol

    Hi, I have been on TRT for 2 months now. I had two tests performed pre trt. The total for the first was 234. The total for the second was 184. I don't have the numbers for free or e2 prior to trt. I am 35 years old have have been experiencing the standard side effects of low t for years...
  9. F

    Test cyp and milk thistle

    Anyone know how milk thistle affects testosterone, if at all? I started taking 175mg 3x a day for about two weeks now and I feel like its enhanced my trt. I feel more pumped and I even look veinier. Fyi,I also started taking primrose supplement for my acne, the week before I started the...
  10. F

    Injecting at night vs day

    I know everyone has their own preference on what time of the day but I was thinking... If a male's body naturally produces testosterone during sleep, wouldn't it make sense to inject at bedtime to mimic the body's own natural state? I inject around lunch time 3times a week subq. Any comments...
  11. D

    Testosterone Cyp Half Life

    How long does Test Cyp last in the body? Is this the same as "half life"?
  12. F

    Is Testesterone Cypionate available from big pharms

    Hi, I am wondering if anyone knows if there is any Testosterone Cypionate available from big pharmaceuticals companies instead of it comming from Compounding pharmacies(I don't trust compunding)? and specifically made with grape seed oil. If so what companies.? am also assuming that Arimidex...
  13. F

    APS vs EMPOWER Pharmacy

    I started TRT 6weeks ago with lowtestosterone .com I noticed that the first shipment of meds were sent from Empower. then out of nowhere they changed my pharmacy to APS. I had issues with them(APS) on having them filling my Anastrazole prescription that my doctor recently prescribed as my E2...
  14. F

    Muscle gains on TRT vs overdosing

    Im 35. Ive been on TRT for 6weeks with TestCyp @125mg per week. I started with a testosterone level of 359ng/dl and after 6 weeks my test levels were at 1200. I have noticed my stamina and overall well being have improved. I also find myself wanting to workout almost every day in comparison to...
  15. E

    Testosterone Cypionate Side Effects

    Hello I am Eddy and I have been taking 0.4cc of testosterone cypionate injections for 8 weeks (twice a week). I have recently been experiencing some side effects which is causing major discomfort: redness under my breasts redness & sensitivity of testicles when i urinate I get a burning...
  16. bruin

    Recent Labs, please advise....comment

    I realize that what I have submitted is not a thorough as the norm on this site. Having said that, this doc says that the tests he has ordered are what is necessary for him to treat me. Recently he has ordered me off HCG. Yeah, I think the day has come for me to probably find a new doc. Not...
  17. M

    Test Cyp and B12

    I have a quick question, I know back in the day many bodybuilders would load different ester's ( hope thats the right term) and pin a larger dose..with that theory could one load B12 into a Test cyp shot AKA mix the two so your not doing two shots at a time but just one. Sorry if this was an...
  18. Excel Male

    Benefits of Treating Hypogonadism (Testosterone Deficiency)

    Information provided by Gene Devine What are the Benefits of Treating Hypogonadism? Sexual dysfunction and low libido are among the most easily reversible symptoms of hypogonadism. Systematic reviews of randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials of testosterone in men, including older men...