
  1. C

    Low test + blood test

    Hello guys, Ive been trying to increase my test levels recently with clomid (taking on and off for more than ~8 months, in totally arround 4 times with more or less a month on) Im 26y old with a weight of 108kg and height of 190 cm. Im pretty athletic, going to the gym 3-4d per wk + 2 times...
  2. T

    T lowers when switching to daily?

    Anyone switch from EOD to Daily and have their T drop? I went from 40mg/EOD to 20mg/Daily and my total T went from 422 to 355.
  3. R

    Estradiol sensitive testing time and day

    Is it same to assume. Estrogen sensitive and shgb need to be tested on morning before your injection just like t and free t?
  4. B

    Men who have good natural T levels.—-

    Very healthy men with good T levels who excercise experience the same fluctuations in mood and libido as most men on T injections/ replacement. I feel far too many men “ overly adjust dosages” in order to find that perfect level. There really isnt one. The key is to find a dosage that keeps you...
  5. Z

    Finishing really fast

    So the last two days I have sex with my wife I literally have been only able to last for like 30 seconds to 1 minute. Mind you I have always been a guy who can go for atleast 10 minutes or more sometimes. I almost feel like premature ejaculation is worse then ED. Could it be my testosterone is...
  6. Z

    Testosterone Injection protocol Switch from EOD to ED

    So I am on 40mg EOD of test cyp/prop. Was just wondering if people like ED injections better. Also was wondering because does ED give you the most consistent feeling in your mood? Thanks
  7. Z

    Alcohol - Depressed and Weak Following Binge

    So yes, there are post on this forum about alcohol and TRT. But nothing I could find in this forum and nothing specific to mine. Anyways I have been pretty dialed in the last 3 weeks, it took almost 2 months to get there. The other day I went out with my buddy and got pretty drunk. Had like 5...
  8. F

    At what age did you start testosterone and what was your total testosterone?

    I started recently at the age of 42 and my testosterone level was at 420. 6 months prior to this it was at 437 and 5 years prior it was at 473. I figured I am half dead and why not give it a shot.
  9. F

    How many days a week do you inject testosterone poll

    I thought it would be interesting to start a poll How many days a week do you inject testosterone? It seems the majority inject twice a week.
  10. Z

    Estrogen and sensitivity

    So after a long month of struggling with my erectile dysfunction I was able to be intimate with my wife for a whole session tonight )not saying that to boast there is a reason for me stating this) over the past month I have done tons of labs and research on here as well. People have been helpful...
  11. I

    2nd week-feeling bad and confused

    Guys, Labs below. I’m new to the cite but looking for some help. I am currently on week 2 of TRT. I battled with this decision for several years. 3 years ago I had a TT of 359 at age 33. Now 36, I had my labs done and I’m at 602 but my free test is at 13. My SHBG is also high and estradiol on...
  12. Z


    Here are my labs, I just started seeing a new doctor. These labs are from last doctor awhile ago. My main reason for posting them though, is I am wondering just how much or how little my PA was testing for... thanks.
  13. Z


    So 2 weeks my e2 bottomed out. Was exhausted as hell no libido the usual. Quit my AI. Move forward two weeks later, I have had sex a couple times with my wife. Libido has been up and down. Like today my exhaustion is high and no libido. Would it be my e2 is now super high? Or am I still...
  14. K

    Sensitive Estradiol tests not available where I live. What should I do?

    Hi guys, I live in Europe / Switzerland and the docs I've asked have never heard of a "sensitive" Estradiol test. I've read on the forums that over here in Europe, the test doesn't seem to be very common. What should I do in order to manage my Estradiol properly? Are there any rule of thumbs...
  15. K

    Doctor suggesting unusual TRT protocol.

    I was discussing my low T symptoms with my new GP (he sounds much more knowledgeable than all the endos I've been to btw) and told him that I came off TRT because it wasn't working for me. I recovered after one year on TRT + HCG and recovered to my pre TRT levels (low normal range). He...
  16. B

    25 y/o male low T

    Hi guys been feeling like crap now for sometime. I finally had some lab work done a few months back and my total testosterone came back at 331..with a reference range of 300-1800 ng/dl. My estradiol was 16.8 ...with a reference range of 0-60.7 pg/ml. Probably unrelated but Vitamin D was...
  17. L

    How to inject Testosterone Cypionate

    Hey guys. I've been taking 200mg/ml of Testosterone Cypionate for just about a month now. So far I've given myself 4 total injections, 2 in butt muscle, and the following 2 in thigh. Once in each location, when I removed the needle, a lot of blood came following. Im guessing this is because I...
  18. A

    Manage E2 without sensitive test.

    Hello, Basically: there is no sensitive E2 test in my country. Last week I did two blood tests for e2 in two different labs, the difference was WAY too high. First test (CLIA, no electro): 47 pg/ml <80 pg/ml Second test (ECLIA): 81.8 pg/ml 25.8-60.7 pg/ml Both where on the same...
  19. D

    Defy Medical Blood Test Results - 11 Week Follow Up

    Hi EM Community, I just got my blood test results after 11 weeks on TRT @ 150mg/week, HCG 800iu/week and Arimidex 1mg/week. so I am really happy with the results. Main Tests: Total Test 341 ---> 1093ng/dl Free Test 6.8 ---> 27.2 pg/dl E2, Sensitive Assay 19.9 ---> 18.7 pg/ml SHBG 31.5...
  20. R

    Greetings and introduction

    Good day group. Wanted introduce myself. I'm 38, have had low T since 29 years old. When first diagnosed, in Indiana, my count was in the low double digits. Family Dr prescribed androgel. A few months of "therapy" and I lost insurance, couldn't afford to continue. After a few years of either no...
  21. I

    Getting pregnant: Test / HCG / Clomid (Asking for hubby)- Please Help!

    Hi all, First post here so I apologize if this is the wrong place to post this. Asking for hubby because he feels entirely emasculated during this whole process, so I'm trying to research and take some of the burden off. We have been Trying to Conceive for 1.5 years, perfectly timed every month...
  22. T

    Thigh Sub Q

    What's up everyone? I'm trying to do sub q into my thigh just so I'm not doing all my shots in my stomach area just for rotation. How high up on your thigh do you do it? I'm going to be using a 30G 1/2 inch needle. Do any of you use sub q thigh area?
  23. T

    How fast will Test E effect blood levels? Forgot to get labwork today and took dose already.

    I wanted to check my test levels today, but forgot and took my usual 75mg dose 2 hours ago How quick will Test E effect blood levels? Is it pointless now (I wanted to test the trough) Not a big deal, it was more out of curiosity and bloodwork is cheap here. Thanks
  24. O

    Just done a blood test, need your opinion.

    Symptoms: Fatigue (sometimes severe), overweight, Gynecomastia, loss of memory and concentration, depression, acne, Age: 36 Male Height 5 11 , weight 222 , activity level:extremely low, very stressful life :( ..i take nexuim, addarel, fish oil, vitamins, calcium, magnesium, melatonin, OTC...
  25. L

    How can this be???

    I feel more or less the same if I have test at 200 or 1200???
  26. T

    Sub Q Injections

    Why is it that every doctor that I have told that I am doing sub q injections are like "Those are supposed to be done via Intramuscular." Even the nurses at the place I'm getting my testosterone has said the same thing. It's very annoying. I have to tell them to look at my chart where it says...
  27. T

    Did my doctor order the best test for me?

    Hi all, I got my first blood test back (pre trt) from quest diagnostics (image attached). I've looked through a lot of posts and videos and my test does not look like most tests I see online. Did my doc order the best test for me? I can see the testosterone is low (as I expected) but are...
  28. Black Beard

    Discountlabs is awesome! (WORKS IF YOU LIVE IN NJ/NY AND DRIVE TO PA)

    Hey guys, just got my lab results back and i'm stoked. I drove from NJ to PA.(I was worried it might not work because of state regs) So if you live in NJ/NY and are worried if discountlabs will work, it did for me. The process was super simple and stress free. The hardest part was just driving...