side effects

  1. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone Therapeutic Options and Best Practices in Management

    This excellent lecture is recommended for clinicians and educated patients. From largest urology conference in the world (2015) TRANSCRIPTION: Speaker 1: So without further ado, I'd like to bring Dr John Mulhall to the podium. Dr Mulhall: It's my pleasure to be here...
  2. S

    Strange Side effect when using Hcg injections ( warm skin/ heart palpitations )

    Hi (i posted this in the wrong forum Before) I have a question about a strange sideeffect of mine I got secondary hypogonadism and ive tried some different Trt through the years here in Sweden. ... And the Products doesnt seem to work for me...cause i get the same side effect of them...
  3. S

    Strange side effect? warm skin/hot flushes of Hcg and Tostran

    Hi I have a question about a strange sideeffect of mine I got secondary hypogonadism and ive tried some different Trt through the years here in Sweden. ... And the Products doesnt seem to work for me...cause i get the same side effect of them all..Nebido,Tostran gel and now the latest i...
  4. E

    Testosterone Cypionate Side Effects

    Hello I am Eddy and I have been taking 0.4cc of testosterone cypionate injections for 8 weeks (twice a week). I have recently been experiencing some side effects which is causing major discomfort: redness under my breasts redness & sensitivity of testicles when i urinate I get a burning...
  5. Nelson Vergel

    The FDA to meet on Sept 17, 2014 to discuss testosterone risks

    By Reuters Staff The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has called an advisory committee meeting on Sept. 17, to discuss the adverse cardiovascular outcomes with the usage of testosterone replacement therapy. The FDA has called for a joint meeting of the bone, reproductive and urologic drugs...
  6. Nelson Vergel

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 4 (Final)

    By Dr Mauro Di Pasquale For Part 1 For Part 2 For Part 3 While there are several measures that can be taken to minimize the effects of anabolic steroids on the HPTA, perhaps the most important precaution is that the athlete take sufficient time off anabolic steroids so that the bodies...
  7. Nelson Vergel

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 3

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 3 By Dr Mauro Di Pasquale For Part 1 For Part 2 There are also several other hormones and compounds, such as inhibin and the endogenous opioids, involved in the regulation of testosterone secretion. For example inhibin, a hormone produced by certain...
  8. Nelson Vergel

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 2

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 2 By Mauro DiPasquale, M.D. Dealing With Side Effects While there are many possible short term and long term consequences of anabolic steroid use, most of these side effects can be minimized by the judicious use of, or if necessary the discontinuation of...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    How to Manage Anabolic Steroid Side Effects

    Anabolic Steroid Side Effects- Part 1 By Mauro DiPasquale, M.D. As used by most athletes, the side effects of anabolic steroid use appear to be minimal. Even in those using large doses for prolonged periods of time, clinical evidence shows that any of the short term side effects are mostly...
  10. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in testosterone guidelines after another negative study

    A new study published last week and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens when older men are given testosterone replacement without managing potential blood level increases of factors that can affect their health. Testosterone...
  11. Nelson Vergel

    Should Lawyers Be Suing Researchers who Performed Flawed Testosterone Studies?

    A new study published last week and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens when older men are given testosterone replacement without managing potential blood level increases of factors that can affect their health. Testosterone...
  12. Nelson Vergel

    Poorly Done Testosterone Studies Fuel Concerns and Lawsuits

    A study published at the end of 2013 and a previous one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see below post) show what happens when older men are given suboptimal testosterone replacement without proper monitoring and management of factors that can affect their health...
  13. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in TRT guidelines after another negative study

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in testosterone guidelines after negative studies
  14. Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel asks for change in testosterone guidelines after negative studies

    A new study published yesterday and a previously published one from the Veterans Administration Hospital System (see both below) show what happens when older men are given testosterone replacement without managing potential blood level increases of factors that can affect their health...
  15. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone Side Effect Management Table

    It is suggested that you talk to your physician about the need for proper blood tests before and during testosterone. Problem Solution and Comments Acne/oily skin Caused by Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) effect on increased oil production · Accutane – a powerful prescription item - 40...
  16. Nelson Vergel

    TRT and Anabolic Steroid Side Effect Management Table

    It is suggested that you talk to your physician about the need for proper blood tests before and during testosterone. Read this first since it is the most common testosterone side effect: High hematocrit Problem Solution and Comments Acne/oily skin Caused by Dihydrotestosterone (DHT)...