
  1. K

    What does the "trough" feel like?

    Hey guys, so my endo wanted to do some follow-up bloodwork on my starting protocol (125mg E2W) after 6 weeks, which is going to be next week. It's now been 12 days since the last injection - with 6 more days to go, as he is on holidays and only draws blood on Wednesday (it's Thursday now). I...
  2. Jiu Jitsu Dude

    Is TRT mono therapy practical and more beneficial?

    Hi Guys, I'm in my 9th week of TRT without AI and no HCG. My question is: Is it more beneficial to simplify my protocol at least in the beginning year with just TRT only? My concern is reading all the complications of controlling high and low E2 with an AI can get to be a mesh of its own...
  3. D

    8 weeks into TRT - need help with protocol adjustments

    34yo male, 5′10, 185lb, low(ish) bodyfat, healthy diet, weight training 3-5/week I've read the stickies and I'm sorry I won't have all the required lab test results for you to provide. Still working this thing out with my doc who for some reason doesn't want to order too much labs so might have...
  4. G

    How many of you take pregnenolone

    Just trying to get a ball park figure of how many men here use pregnenolone in their protocol.
  5. C

    new protocol new labs

    As I mentioned in a previous thread titled (am i heading in the right direction) I changed my protocol about 6 weeks ago to 50 mg of test cyp every 3.5 days. I feel so much better on this protocol but feel there is still room for improvement beginning with a better diet and exercise. I've been...
  6. H

    Finally dialed in after 2 years (my current protocol)

    I think it might be useful to share my current protocol after 2 years chasing a protocol that would address all my symptoms and minimize side effects. I started TRT for one main reason. I was tired ALL the time (i started TRT in my mid 30s). Libido was not great. Erection quality so so. Very low...
  7. S

    100 mg of cypionate a week with high Estradiol of 75.6 pg/ml on day 3 after shot. Feedback please!?

    I have been on 100 mg a week for 8 weeks now(started trt 6 months ago). My bloodwork came in and I'm a little concerned with my e2. My doc doesn't seem concerned and does not prescribe AIs. Should I be concerned with my bloodwork? Estradial 75.6 (7.6-42.6) Prolactin 15.3 Test serum 546 ng/dl...
  8. W

    Protocol for Fertility/Low Testosterone Questions

    I recently had my initial consultation with Defy. It went really well and I'm very pleased to be working with them. As is usual after any doctor appointment, I always think of questions later. I'm a 32 year old male that is currently trying to conceive with my wife. Over the past several years...
  9. C

    My T dosage is too high. E2 high as well. Fighting symptoms.

    I've been lurking on this forum for about 6 weeks now. I was diagnosed back in Dec with low T. Low E2 as well. I went to see an hrt specialist in my area and he immediately put me on 100mg cyp + 300iu HCG every 3.5 days. No AI. I had bw done last week on my own volition (Thanks DiscountLabs!)...
  10. A

    Good Hematocrit Results from Grapefruit Seed Extract but low SHBG

    For the last 2 months I have been taking Grapefruit Seed Extract to hopefully help lower Hematocrit. My last blood donation was June 1st, 2017 at which time my hematocrit was 52.5 after 5 months without donating. I just did bloodwork this past Friday (after not donating since June 1st which is...
  11. T

    Anyone have a protocol for PCT post trt

    Hi all, So I have been on trt for about 1 whole year. Currently on 40 mg t cyp every 3.5 days with anywhere from 250 - 500 IU hcg twice a week and around .25 mg of arimidex a week. Anyways even on a low dose I have experienced high hct which has made cardio almost impossible to perform and...
  12. A

    Bloodwork -High estradiol - TRT protocol questions

    Howdy! I'm a 29 year old male from Spain. I'm a healthy adult that has been weight lifting for the past 10+years and eating clean. I'm 183cm, around 90kg and 15-17%bf. Despite my healthy eating habits and training I'v been having some libido problems lately and finding it hard to loose bf. I'm...
  13. A

    HELP...TRT Results Changing Over Time - Would greatly appreciate some input

    I have been on TRT for over 4 years with generally good results. It does seem that I have to keep tweaking my protocol to maintain good levels of hormones and feel good. It also seems that I feel best in the first weeks that I am adapting to a change in protocol. All the following tests were...
  14. G

    Need help with protocol. Can't get dialed in.

    I have now been on TRT for 16 weeks. I've had quite a few ups and downs, and now cant seem to get on the right protocol. Current protocol: 54mg test cyp e3.5 days Subq 250 IU hcg e3.5 days .25 Arimidex e3.5 days Latest Labs : 02/06/2017 (test was 56mg e3,5 for these labs) Total Test 741 (...
  15. J

    What Do You Think Of My Protocol?

    Sorry I haven't updated you all (not sure if you really care anyways :D) but after almost pulling the trigger on going with Defy I ended up finding a Dr. through a cousin of mine that used the T+HCG+Arim protocol. He is also letting me self inject, good thing because his office it 120 miles...
  16. E

    Who else follows Nelson's protocol ?

    does anyone else here follow nelson's protocol with success ? I know Vince is.... Thinking about trying it