
  1. E

    How long does it take to get to pre TRT levels!?

    Long story short. I've made the big mistake of starting my own protocol of TRT about 6 years ago after my doctor would only give me the gel. So I did 100 MG cyp twice a week, and it helped my mood and sex life dramatically. Now... Im going to come off my TRT and follow a PCT for 1 month...
  2. E

    Help with PTC

    Hoping I can get a lil input on my upcoming PTC 43 yrs old... Been taking TRT of 200mg cyp wk for over 3 yrs....., six months ago I added HCG twice a week at 500iu.. Finally Found the one (again) and now I want to stop it all and do a good PTC ... And my big concern is that She doesn't...
  3. C

    HPTA recovery log

    Has anyone ever recovered from testosterone abuse or long term testosterone therapy (can it cause permanent damage)?? If so, I would like to hear your story and how long it took you to recover your HPTA... There may be a topic out there already, but I figured I ask again. I know there are a lot...
  4. N

    Pct results, need some advice

    Test 316 ngl Estradiol 25.5 Free test 12.8 LH 7.7 FSH 5.3 I used steroids for about 8 months a year ago, didn’t do blood work before and didn’t use any PCT. At the end I got really bad folliculites and just stopped completely. In about 4 months that cleared up and about 7 months ago I got hit...
  5. C

    When to get labs after quitting clomid

    I’m 28, was on injections and hcg for 1.5~2 years with test levels over 1200. Urologist determined I may no longer need exogenous testosterone and I went off injections and onto Clomid for 4 months with the first three being at 25 mg eod and the last month at 12.5 eod. I quit Nov. 6th. My...
  6. N

    Quitting TRT after 1,5 years. There is hope

    Hi Posting my story here, for the off chance someone can learn something from it. Male 34 years old. Made a bad desicion 6 years ago, and did an oral only cycle for 6 weeks. Only 40mg turinabol ed. Didnt read anything about this stuff until after I was done. Went off after 6 weeks, and felt...
  7. B

    Waiting on labs...looking to stop...PCT questions

    So as some of you have probably read on past posts I have made, I have never really felt GREAT on TRT. It has been one big try this, try that, ok, stop this, add that, etc. I give a BIG way to go to those who have stuck with it for years trying to get dialed in. For me, I am kinda over it at...
  8. C

    Recent lab work help

    Hey guys, Recently I just came off Testosterone Cypionate at a very low dose of 10mg twice a week. I tapered from 100mg a week to 10mg a week for TRT and the dose I decreased to had no therapeutical impact on my system, I just wanted to give it a go and try it out. And my numbers on 10mg were...
  9. T

    My triptorelin recovery log.

    Hey guys :) Info about me: Im a 24 years male. Been on and off on juice since when i was 17 years old. Now im try to recover my test production. Before anyone talk. I can NOT tolerate Nolva/clomid because it has already F%€# my vision due to high doses.The power pct you know ... - I now try to...
  10. J

    Test rising in restart, but E2 remains very low at 10.1. Is this normal? Is this extremely low? How can I raise my E2?

    Since Clomid was giving me vision sides at just 12.5mg per day, I have switched to Torem at 60mg per day. My total T at this dose is weighing in at 456, taken mid afternoon, but my E2 is a weak 10.1. Is this horrible low? How can I make it rise? Will I end up with bone issues or osteoporosis...
  11. A

    Clomid for PCT after 12 weeks on TRT/HCG

    Hello All! After some disastrous results due to bad guidance from my urologist (tele-medicine) - I am quitting TRT/HCG after 12 weeks. My testosterone was over 1,400 , estrogen over 100, and other blood markers were dangerously off. This same doctor is wanting me to do 50mg Clomid every day...
  12. J

    Attempting restart with Clomid and arimidex (for E2). Logging experience, and ready for input!

    Long story short, I never really got "dialed-in" on TRT. My dosage fluctuated, but I never felt "great." My ending dose was 100mg test cyp (2 shots IM weekly of 50mg) and 600iu HCG (3 shots SQ weekly of 200iu), with no AI. This kept my total T at around 800 measured in my trough, and E2 at about...
  13. Nelson Vergel

    Video Lecture: hCG Use in Men- Review of Studies by Nelson Vergel

    Nelson Vergel, co-founder of ClinicOptimizers.com, founder of ExcelMale.com and DiscountedLabs.com, and author of the book "Testosterone: A Man's Guide", reviews current data on the use of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in men to preserve/regain fertility, testicular size, libido and higher...
  14. Nelson Vergel

    Low Testosterone After Anabolic Steroids: A Review of Online Site PCT Protocols

    Male central hypogonadism secondary to exogenous androgens:a review of the drugs and protocols highlighted by the onlinecommunity of users for prevention and/or mitigation of adverseeffects: Androgen- or anabolic steroid-induced hypogonadism (ASIH) is no longer confined to professional...
  15. T

    Anyone have a protocol for PCT post trt

    Hi all, So I have been on trt for about 1 whole year. Currently on 40 mg t cyp every 3.5 days with anywhere from 250 - 500 IU hcg twice a week and around .25 mg of arimidex a week. Anyways even on a low dose I have experienced high hct which has made cardio almost impossible to perform and...
  16. C

    Conflicting Information. Does my Doc know what she is doing??

    I started steroids when I was 27 and ran cycles on and off for about 4 years. Wasn't a hardcore user or anything and never experienced a single side effect. Then I ran a Deca Test cycle and the sides were awful. I could barely get an erection for about 3 months. I quit running cycles after that...
  17. Nelson Vergel

    Post Cycle Therapy Blood Work to Determine HPTA restart

    This panel is designed to measure the health and recovery of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) after attempting to normalize it spontaneously or with the use of Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) with hCG, clomiphene and/or tamoxifen. PCT is prescribed by some physicians for men who stop...
  18. Nelson Vergel

    Post - PCT Blood Test Panel

    This panel is designed to measure the health and recovery of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis (HPTA) after attempting to normalize it spontaneously or with the use of Post-Cycle Therapy (PCT) with hCG, clomiphene and/or tamoxifen. PCT is prescribed by some physicians for men who stop...
  19. J

    Past Experience With Anabolics - Hoping For a Restart

    Hi, im a noobie to this forum but thought I'd share my past experiences in the hope that it will help some of you as well as getting any insight. Ill try to make it short. When i was 18 i was arrogant etc, hopped on my first steroid cycle of test 500 each week, trenbolone 250 Each week...
  20. F

    PCT advise

    Hello guys, i need some help with my post cycle therapy this is my first cycle im 34 years old male been back to working out before 4 years now 182cm tall 95kg yes i have fat around 20% not sure tho maybe less. since i started test e till now i gained +- 6 kgs .. i started taking Test E alone...
  21. I

    Please help with blood test :(

    Hi everyone, I'm doing my second cycle, it's a only 250mg test/week cypionate from pharma. I did my last shot 7 days ago (on 8th week) and I did a blood test (4 days ago) to see how I was to start PCT. (but now I know i can't start it) Since first week I'm using HCG 500ui e5d I started having...
  22. Nelson Vergel

    Recovery of sperm production following testosterone replacement or anabolic steroids

    The use of testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for hypogonadism continues to rise, particularly in younger men who may wish to remain fertile. Concurrently, awareness of a more pervasive use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) within the general population has been appreciated. Both TRT and...
  23. R

    Anyone from this forum had success with HPTA restart ?!

    Hello guys! I have read Nelson Vergel`s book,the HPTA protocol , Michael Scally PCT program as well,and there are a lot of studies about this subject! I was wondering if anyone from this forum had any success restarting HPTA?! I am trying to collect as many info as possible for next appointment...
  24. Nelson Vergel

    Interview with Dr. Michael Scally about Testosterone and Its Side Effects- Part 2

    Part 1: Here NV: Can you tell us about your experience with prescribing different options for TRT? Have you seen any difference in using gels versus injections? Is there any advantage or disadvantage to using either one? MS: Injectable, transdermal, buccal, and oral testosterone...