
  1. J

    Downwards T values... to bottom.

    I had posted description of the problem on FB first. I move it here... I had been on Testim treatment for slightly over two months. I had received request of blood reanalysis and consultancy with dr. Something went apparently not really right. Initial value for total testosterone was 7,5...
  2. Nelson Vergel

    Update on Aveed (Nebido- testosterone undecanoate- long acting testosterone)

    Update on Aveed (Nebido- testosterone undecanoate- long acting testosterone): After a few problems with the FDA review process that have slowed down its approval by 3 years, this was the last announcement: "Endo Pharmaceuticals Inc., a subsidiary of Endo Health Solutions Inc. (Nasdaq: ENDP)...
  3. Excel Male

    Benefits of Treating Hypogonadism (Testosterone Deficiency)

    Information provided by Gene Devine What are the Benefits of Treating Hypogonadism? Sexual dysfunction and low libido are among the most easily reversible symptoms of hypogonadism. Systematic reviews of randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials of testosterone in men, including older men...