
  1. H

    Wellbutrin for orgasm troubles

    Hi guys: I`m a 38 years old thin guy,i began with trt on 2017, nice results, better mood better erections, recently better sleep, but still i have issues with orgasm, since long time i`ve been unable to achieve orgasm on an intercourse, and when i masturbate sometime i 'lost' the signal before...
  2. C

    Recommendations for help in Dallas Texas

    I'm new to the forum and am looking for help and guidance regarding low libido and most recently ED. Attached are blood work results from about 6 weeks ago. I was diagnosed with low test in November of 2016 and prescribed shots of test cyp. 200 mg every other week. It seemed to help with...
  3. T

    ED/Libido Issues on TRT

    Guys... Could use some progress has been great. A lot more energy in general, been feeling good overall but have an issue. I am 37 years old. I have a hard time reaching orgasm during sex as many times i feel desensitized. I have read through the forums spoken with my doctor...
  4. T

    Low E2 for 6 months.

    Hey everyone, I'm the guy who crashed his estradiol with an OTC AI by the name of Elim1nate. I have never been on exogenous test or any of the sort. I took the drug because it was recommended to me (by a PhD in physiology, nonetheless) and crashed my estradiol. I crashed it in March and still...
  5. D

    2 Months on Clomid and ZERO libido

    Hi, I have been diagnosed with secondary hypogonadism since I had extremely low T (100-150) and extremely low FSH and low LH. I started clomid 50mg ED as per my urologist almost 2 months ago, and I have ZERO libido. So was planning to try a lower dose like 25mg a day or even 25mg every other...
  6. Nelson Vergel

    A Guy's Guide to Maintaining Sexual Health and Libido - Video by Dr Turek

    Excellent lecture. Dr. Paul Turek, an international thought leader on men's health issues, will present an overview of sexual health for men at any age. This talk will address the concepts and cures for common sexual issues such as low sex drive, infertility, hormonal disturbances and other...
  7. A

    What dosage of testosterone/HCG is needed to affect libido?

    I got on testosterone therapy in February and the effects were unnoticeable for about 2 weeks. Then my libido exploded. After getting my bloodwork done (after starting therapy)...I was told my reading was too high and my doctor lowered the dosage. The original dosage was 100mg 2x per week...
  8. M

    Libido Non-Existent and ED Constant on Nebido

    Hey guys, one year on nebido and ive lost 1 stone, overall I am feeling great, but my libido is non existant, my ED is bad, my first week on nebido and i was like a horny 15yr old but after a week it was gone and has stayed gone.... i injured myself in the testicles years ago and my endo says...
  9. B

    Time for symptom relief? Aromasin "kick in" hcg etc

    General Questions I been having hard time with getting some anecdotal information on. 1) How long after starting an AI do you actually feel the benefits of it? I'm not gyno prone, but definitely bloated, mediocre sex drive, moodiness, erectile dysfunction and sexual sensitivity (when I can get...
  10. D

    Started TRT without actual need for it?

    Hi, Let me start of with the stats and blood work before I get into my actual concerns and questions: Stats : 32 years old. 172 cm ( 5 feet 7⅝ inches ) Weight : 71 kg ( 156,53 pounds ) Bodyfat : 9-10% Background : Based out of Europe (no prescription available here - so everything comes...
  11. A

    High testosterone but low other hormones in women

    So my lady got labs finally, from discounted labs she had high natural total testosterone 54, 2.7 free T, but relatively low progesterone at 0.2, and 105 estradiol. This was 5 days after her period. What's strange is despite the high T she has low libido for 26 years old, (never is horny sex...
  12. J

    Can anyone decipher what happened to me and what my labs mean?

    I went to meet with a TRT doc because of the experience my friend had in treating his low T. I was experiencing night sweats and poor sleep (tried melatonin and even ambien), diminished ability to grow muscle (following a strict diet and 6 days per week weight training), and high/low libido...
  13. B

    Mood, libido

    Hey guys. Got a question I'm hoping you can help me out with. I'm scheduled to see my Dr again in April, and that's a ways away so I'm wondering if I need to get in early, or if my experience is normal. I'll post as many details as possible, but if I forget anything just let me know. 38...
  14. Y

    35 with high SHBG, libido and erection issues. Labs inside, should I call defy?

    Hello, I've had libido and erection issues off and on for at least five years. During the same time frame I've also experienced periods of melancholy mood. I have a bit of anxiety but I've not needed medication. My sex drive and erection quality have both taken a huge dive over the past 12...