
  1. M

    HELP!! Horrible effects from letrozole months later.

    Hello everyone, Desperate for some help. I’m 23 years old. I’ve been bodybuilding for 8 years, and started competing at 21. I was prepping to compete at nationals this summer before everything went wrong. I was on a test only cycle around June and started to get some gyno symptoms. All I...
  2. Pnw0031

    Solvent-free propionate: finally a successful protocol for me!

    Hello everyone, I hope everyone is doing well and is excited for the holidays coming up. After years of experimenting, pain, insomnia and more I believe I have finally found a protocol that works for me! Solvent free propionate 12mg before bed with 5mg topical dhea in the morning Funkodyssey...
  3. T

    Libido - 1 huge leap forward, 5 steps back.

    I have always struggled with libido and generally feeling good on TRT. I am a relatively low aromitiser and have single digit SHBG. I have tried just about every protocol under the sun over the last 10 years. Over the last year I have been experimenting with lower doses (60-90 mg per week)...
  4. S

    My PT141 Arrived Today - Is 20 Units Considered Too Much?

    Hi guys.. My pt141 arrived today with instructions to keep it refrigerated. I never tried it before in my life. Dosage of injection is 20 units. I assume 20 units is whats marked as '20' on the syringe, correct? If thats the case, is that considered too much for a 1st time user?
  5. S

    Is there a Way to Increase Libido or Testosterone without Losing Hair?

    Hi guys.. I suffer from ED and low libido. I'm somewhat low in testosterone and was given clomid 2 years ago which helped improve my low libido. But it caused hair loss which I'm not happy about. I have 2 questions: 1. Is there a way to increase testosterone without causing hair loss? 2. If...
  6. S

    Cialis Lowered Libido?

    Hey there, to get right to it I took 20mg before an outing with a girl last weekend as some insurance. Oddly enough before taking the Cialis libido felt strong, and erections were normal, but about an hour after taking it I noticed my libido start to fade. This is resulted in inability to come...
  7. W

    Test No Ester

    I’m curious if using this maybe once or twice a week for a libido boost will shut down natural production?
  8. D

    Shedding, Low libido, ED, Loss of penile sensitivity for 7 months now. HELP!

    So, long time since I blast a cruiser here; I'm pretty moderate in my use and never go above 600mg total in gear. 2023, I cruised on 150mg test/150mg mast all year. I got a divorce, and I decided to go cold turkey off everything in January. I noticed ED and libido after three weeks of being off...
  9. phalloguy100

    How to increase DHT?

    Say what you like, but I want higher DHT! Deeper voice, manly chest hair, higher libido, and fortunately I am not prone to male-pattern baldness. What testosterone formulations help increase DHT? Is scrotal cream/gel/patch the only way? What else can help increase DHT? And perhaps more...
  10. Z

    Test P improved TRT, libido still at 0 – what next?

    I've been on TRT for roughly 3.5 years now, with very limited results. I started and kept using Test E most of this time. In the honeymoon phase I had great symptom relief, however after 3 months almost all of those symptoms returned, I only felt better emotionally and mentally. Honestly I was...
  11. L

    A Cautionary Tale...

    TLDR: I fucked up my hormones because I didn't listen to everyone on the site, and now I'm paying the price. Stay away from hormone treatments if not medically necessary. Hi Everyone, I'm here to post a follow up to two posts I made a couple of years back as a cautionary tale to others who...
  12. BadassBlues

    DHT Cream Plus Testosterone Propionate = Major Libido Boost

    If anyone has been following the other threads regarding DHT cream and Test Prop, you will know the discussion of libido has been mentioned. I recently ordered some test prop and have been using it the past few days. I have also dialed in my DHT cream home brew to a very nice end product. I do...
  13. F

    Everything is perfect except low libido

    Started test 6 weeks ago. I feel great. Good sleep, good training, feeling good and so on. Was at 140 mg test and 500 iu hcg every week (EOD shots). I started to feel some pain in the chest and did a fast blood test to only check test and estradiol. Came back at 48nmol/l and 0.17 nmol/l (Do I...
  14. RotnGun

    Who here takes HCG with TRT for libido improvement?

    So who here takes HCG with their TRT protocol for libido improvement and what is your weekly dose:)?
  15. B

    Choline associated hypersexuality in a 79-year-old man Choline associated hypersexuality in a 79-year-old man Hypersexuality, also referred to as sexually inappropriate behavior and sexual disinhibition, involves persistent, uninhibited sexual behaviors directed at oneself or at others, sometimes...
  16. A

    How long did it take you to notice any effects from TRT?

    TRT help In short: Today is my second day on testosterone gel (50 mg). I know gel isn’t the best option. I don’t feel any difference mood-wise or libido-wise yet. I know some people say it can take 3 weeks or more to notice the effects of testosterone. The problem is, there’s a detail from a...
  17. R

    TRT - whats normal

    Tried multiple protocols and high libido only lasts a couple of weeks. Tried Nebido, gel and test e. Nebido and gel did not work well in regards to all symptoms and doctors will not prescibe test e, so I did it myself. Started 125mg test e EW 9 weeks ago. Felt normal by day 3 and libido was...
  18. jacb

    Free Testosterone targets for the best Libido

    In the Anabolic Doc’s Video (minute 1:50) he says that a Free Testosterone target of 155 pg/ml is optimum for Libido (“Trough value” – Ie Just before your next testosterone shot). FT - 155 pg/mL = FT - 16 ng/dl. Using the Free Testosterone Calculator and my last test SHBG and Albumin...
  19. E

    Post-SSRI Sexual Dysfunction, Post-Finasteride Syndrome, Post-Accutane Syndrome Possible Cruise

    Hey everyone, I'm gonna need a long preamble here to fully explain my situation and make an earnest, last-ditch request for help. TLDR at the bottom. I've taken SSRIs (literally every one that exists at months-long minimum for the one I took least--I'm talking Paxil, zoloft, prozac, celexa...
  20. T

    Surprising Blood Work - Attempting to restore non existent libido

    I have battled with libido for years and it has been suggested that my E2 is too low and I am probably running my test too high. Despite only running 140mg my Free test was sky high, very high androgen index and low SHBG. So in order to attempt a more favorable test/androgen to E2 Ratio I...
  21. J

    Libido Issues

    Hey Guys, Hoping for some insight. 35yrs Started TRT 6 months ago, feeling good except suffered low libido and erection quality is not great. Protocol: 75mg test cyp every 3.5 days 500iu HCG every 3.5 days 12.5g emexestane twice weekly Recent Blood day after pinning: Test 43.4 nmol Free...
  22. T

    low SHBG. Zero libido - help please

    Hi all, I am hoping for some guidance around libido and addressing low SHBG. I have struggled for years on TRT in terms of Libido - I have zero. I wake up with morning wood most days but when it comes to sex I get ED a lot because I’m never actually horny. I have really poor sensitivity as...
  23. M

    Libido issue

    Hi im looking for advice on getting libido back. So I’ve been on trt for about 7 years. Up until about 4 months I’d been doing it myself and then I decided to go to a clinic hoping for better results. So they wanted me to stay off the shot for about 2-3 weeks so that my level would come back...
  24. E

    Would it be a mistake to try TRT? Attached bloodwork. 30 YO disappointing libido

    30 YO. 5’11” 150 lbs. workout 4x/week. Married with 2 kids. Experiencing a disappointingly low libido. I’ve been using Gene’s NO stack (Citrulline, Tadalafil) daily for the last few years to combat this successfully for the most part, but recently libido has been declining to a disappointing...
  25. J

    Stanozolol for Sexual Function?

    I have post-finasteride sexual issues. I put them in 3 categories: 1. ED, 2. loss of libido, and 3. loss of sensitivity/increased refractory period/anorgasmia. The ED resolved on its own with time but the other 2 issues persisted. My doc suggested Stanozolol 2% Cream applied to the scrotum...
  26. L

    Mysterious libido issue after starting TRT

    Hi everyone, Curious to get some input as to what may be going on here. 28 male prior to TRT mostly very low energy and libido. Was at 270 total and 41 free test. Estrogen was fine. Started at 100 mg weekly spread across two doses. In weeks 4-5 I noticed a decent improvement in libido. I...
  27. K

    Permanent ED from tamoxifen?

    Hello. So my doctor gave me tamoxifen for low t and I only took 5 pills (20mg) eod. Didn’t help with the symptoms only gave me severe loss of libido, ed and anhedonia. Then we changed to sustanon 250mg every 10 days. My doctor said symptoms of tamoxifen will go away in “couple of weeks” And I...
  28. L

    Why TRT are ruining my libido? Need help

    Hi, my name is Juan 35yo (M). I don't know if anybody can relate to me and my problem but everything started around 8 months ago when suddently, after three years on testosterone replacement, I lost my libido. It did never happened for three years till it happened. So for 8 months I've been...
  29. G

    Salt, Healthy Blood Pressure Levels, and Libido: Highlights from the book The Salt Fix

    I just finished reading the book The Salt Fix, and it addresses many topics which have come up in various threads here so I am posting some highlights, along with a few other items not covered in the book. The book has been out about ten years and I have heard many podcasts with the author, but...
  30. FunkOdyssey

    Does hCG boost libido by stimulating 5-alpha-reductase?

    I started a previous thread to unravel the mystery of why hCG improves libido in some men, which generated some good discussion but didn't reach any firm conclusions: Now comes a youtube video from Cortex Labs that claims...
  31. J

    Addyi Experience

    I have post-finasteride sexual issues. I put them in 3 categories: ED, loss of libido, and loss of sensitivity/increased refractory period/anorgasmia. The ED resolved on its own with time but the other 2 issues persisted. I started Addyi and it's working very well for libido. I'd highly...