
  1. lemonflavor

    Strange/Scary/Humorous CALM Injection Story and Questions

    I wasn't sure which board to post this on, because it's related to an injectable supplement called CALM, a water based mix of four components like magnesium, etc, which Defy/Empower sell. I had used a .5ml syringe to inject this supplement and it didn't have any effect. I needed to go up to...
  2. M

    Is a one inch needle too much?

    I just started my therpy last week and I am aiming to do IM injections on my M,W,F schedule. I have been using a 25 gauge 5/8" needle to draw and inject into my quads. I have read about a lot of people using the easy touch insulin syringes/needles to inject. I figured either of these would hit...
  3. K

    Upper range SHBG - IM injection frequency?

    Hi guys my SHBG is consistently in the upper part of the range (e.g. last test: 45.8 nmol/l with a range of 14.5-48.4). What would be a recommended injection frequency? Thx
  4. G

    Wasted test

    I started my treatment about 4 weeks ago, I have noticed that after my test injection there is about .3ml left after. Should I adjust my dose for this or not worry about it. Seems like a pretty big waste after it’s all added up.
  5. I

    Does bleeding after injection could waste testosterone?

    Hi, Does bleeding after injection could waste some of testosterone that you injected? Thanks.
  6. R

    Transdermal vs injection... Quick question.

    I was re-reading TOT bible and as its discussing T therapy it mentions that Dr. Rob Kaminarek is using a therapy of Transdermal T in a lipiderm base along with Tesamorelin to treat patients with High body fat. I'm a big guy. I've lost quite a bit but im still working toward my optimal weight...
  7. S

    Testosterone Injection Question

    I hope this isn't the dumbest question thats ever been asked. I have scoured the forums and google and cannot find a real answer.....When you pull the testosterone from the vial all the tutorials say to pull it back to the prescribed dose. HOWEVER, after pulling the T in, if you then pull the...
  8. A

    How to Inject Testosterone Intramuscularly, Shallow IM or Subcutaneously ?

    Click here to watch videos on how to inject testosterone intramuscularly or subcutaneously More information on subcutaneous testosterone injections: Subcutaneous Testosterone...
  9. T

    protocol review

    Dr put me on: HCG - 500IU 2x / week AI - 0.5 mg once a week Testosterone Cypionate - 200 mg once a week Do you guys think 200 is too high?
  10. R

    How to transfer hCG 10ml syringe to insulin syringe?

    pharmacist: "You are to reconstitute the hCG inside the 10 ml syringe and inject from there" me: "please send insulin syringe 31G" pharmacist: "get from the the pharmacy that supplies your insulin" me: "31G is for hCG" pharmacist: "No way can you get it in the insulin syringe after...
  11. L

    Trimix injection

    Does someone here has a lead on where to get Trimix abroad ( Thailand) where I am working now? Thank you:o
  12. P

    Testosterone leaking from injection site

    Hi, I just started T injections last night. I used Nelson's HCG/T protocol without the HCG: 50 mg at 90 degrees in the shoulder with an insulin syringe. The only difference is that although I asked for and my doctor prescribed 27 gauge, 1/2-inch syringes, the pharmacy gave me 26 gauge, 3/8-inch...
  13. C


    I met with my doctor (the 4th one I have seen) last Friday and blood test showed my T level went up some on clomid but not enough and no positive benefits were seen. He agreed to the injections. Starting me on 200 mg every 2 weeks. Told me a few days before time for my next shot I may feel a...