
  1. J

    Testosterone Therapy and Hematocrit

    This article argues that the risk of high hematocrit from Testosterone Therapy (TTh) is overstated: Clinical guidelines indicate that hematocrit should be monitored during testosterone replacement therapy (TTh), with action taken if a level of 0.54 is exceeded. We focused on literature...
  2. C

    Does Sleep Apnea Cause Elevated Hematocrit?

    Will sleep apnea alone cause clinically high Hematocrit? If so, will a CPAP machine lower it? I don’t know that I actually have sleep apnea but I will be getting tested in 2 weeks. But even before TRT I had borderline/clinically high Hematocrit, at least since 2013. Before that it was normal...
  3. T

    Anemia and hematocrit

    Hello everyone I wanna first thank you all, I learned a lot here about TRT. I am 23y and I had severe congenital anemia when I was a kid, which was treated by chemotherapy(the cause of my hypogonadism) and bone marrow transplant. I still have a little bit of anemia and I started with tostran 2...
  4. S

    Hematocrit 57.5

    3 weeks ago my Hematocrit came back at 57.5. I donated blood immediately and just drew lab again last week and I was at 53.2 normal range is 40 - 54 for this particular lab. RBC 5.7 HGB 16 Two months prior in March my HCT was 55 and I then donated blood.. Im concerned because I can't donate...
  5. W

    I seem to be a candidate for TRT, doc is concerned w/ hematocrit. (30y/o - all symptoms - low free T)

    Hello, I am 30 y/o, have had symptoms my entire life, almost all of them. My most recent labs with pertinent info: Hematocrit - 49.7% Prolactin - 19.6ng/ml Estradiol 40.8 pg/ml Total Testosterone - 569 ng/dl SHBG - 41.2 nmol/l Calculated Free T - 10.7 My previous lab which only tested total T...
  6. S

    Important Question About My 57 Hematocrit.

    Had blood drawn teasterday. I was dehydrated. Haven't had any water in a few days, just coffee and some juice. I have bad habits I know. The nurse had a very hard time finding. vein. Just got the results. Hematocrit 57.5 RBC 6.2 (normal) range up to 6.5 HGB 17.8 High. MPV 11.6 High MCV 93.3...
  7. G

    Twice/Week to EOD

    I’m at 50mg twice per week and curious to see how EOD injections would effect hematocrit and TT/free T. What would be an equal switch? Would 30mg EOD be appropriate or less?
  8. V

    Low Platelets with HIGH H/H

    I've been on TRT for about 2 years and have always been slightly paranoid about my higher Hematocrit and Hemoglobin. Hemoglobin usually runs around 18 (13.2-17.1) and Hematocrit usually runs around 52% ( 38.5-50). I've already done the donate blood / crash Ferritin thing and so I no longer...
  9. G

    TRT, Maca and Hematocrit/Hemoglobin

    Looks like Maca can reduce hemoglobin and hematocrit when elevated. Any chance it’ll reduce elevated levels in TRT induced erythrocytosis? “Ovariectomized rats showed significant (P<0.05) increase in red blood cells (RBC) count with administration of Maca-GO (Tables (Tables3a3a and and3b),3b)...
  10. T

    Hematocrit drives Blood Viscosity- Does that Matter in Men on TRT? Effect of Altitude?

    Hi ExcelMale folks, I wanted to start off by expressing my gratitude for this site, all of the amazing work that has been put in to make this place such a great source of information. I would expect no less from a chemical engineer :). I've been following this "debate" about how to properly...
  11. S

    Had consult with Defy, meds arrived, afraid to take the plunge.

    About me: 28 year old male, soon to be 29. 6'1" 182lbs, low body fat, moderate exercise (4 times a week), low carb diet, eat healthy fats and proteins for the most of the part. My problem: I don't have morning erections anymore, I probably haven't had one in 4 years, if I do, it's maybe once a...
  12. G

    Will breaking up the dose into 2-3 weekly injections help with Hematocrit?

    I've been dealing with multiple issues with high H and H numbers and iron deficiency. In just the first 6 months on TRT I've needed 5 phlebotomies and probably need another. I am also iron deficient and needed 2 infusions to recover only to turn around and require more phlebotomies. At this...
  13. F

    How common and how many times have you had to donate blood due to TRT?

    I am a newbie at TRT. I am still in the process of getting dialed in and have my first blood test in a few weeks. Everything so far has been going well on TRT. My biggest concern is blood getting too thick and having to donate. I am on some ******** groups were TRT users are donating every 2-6...
  14. A

    A change in morning erections - high E2

    I have been on TRT for 18 months initially on Sustanon and now on 100mg Test E a week and 200iu HCG every 2 days Blood work was all over the place on Sustanon. I had thought I had achieved some stability from November through to January on my new Test E/HCG protocol. Latest bloods now indicate...
  15. K

    New here and need help

    Hello, been on trt for 6 yrs now started with gel, then pellets and now injections once a week. Everything has been fairly well so far until now. I’m 56 yrs old and in good physical shape work out with weights 6 days a week and have a pretty decent diet. My hematocrit level is increasing now...
  16. S

    Hematocrit: How Doctors Respond

    I am curious if anyone has ever had their doctor pull them off TRT because of high hematocrit.
  17. S

    Donate Blood with a Cold?

    I have had a cold for the last month, on and off. ITs much better but still have a bit of a cough left. I would really like to donate blood this week as my HCT was 52 last I checked 6 weeks ago. Are there any problems donating with a cold?
  18. L

    Testosterone injection frequency and it’s effect on hematocrit

    Hello everyone, I’ve been on TRT for over a year now and I’ve had some trouble with my hematocrit and RBCs getting too high. I’ve had to donate blood about 3 times and every time I do my ferritin drops pretty dramatically. I’d like to avoid donating blood so frequently or at least because I...
  19. T

    Hematocrit down after donation

    Hematocrit after 1st donation 51.3 Hematocrit after 2nd donation 46.5 (this donation was 30 days after my first donation) And I feel a lot better!
  20. R

    Hematocrit increasing on TRT?

    Is increased blood thickness always a common problem when going on TRT? It seems like its very common and is something I would not want to deal with since I'm starting TRT soon.
  21. Scott Myslinski

    Hematocrit raising - what causes it?

    Hi all - I know testosterone raises hematocrit (and doctors like Crisler have said it levels off after starting TRT), but what most influences the degree to which it rises? For example: - Injections vs. non-injections - Injection frequency - Dose How much do these factors matter or is just...
  22. P

    Can't control hematocrit even on low dose??

    Hoping I can get some insight on why I am unable to control my hematocrit levels on low dose TRT. A bit of background: -Healthy and fit 32 year old male. Cardio 7 days a week. Lifting 5 days a week. -Underwent 3 years of various fertility treatments due to low test and sperm count. Which...
  23. T

    New Labs Your Thoughts

    I donated blood about three weeks before my most recent labs. I still have high RBC, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrit. My doctor has given me a script for phlebotomy. What gives? Current protocol: 30mg Monday/Thursday 200iu HCG Monday/Thursday 81mg aspirin daily Fish Oil Coq10 Cardio 6 days a...
  24. S

    Skin Rash, Elevated Hematocrit?

    Hi guys I've been on TRT now for 5 weeks, and I have labs ordered for after January 2nd. I take 50MG twice a week IM. I noticed on my hand a skin rash that goes to under my wrist I've never noticed before. Has me worried I have elevated hematocrit. I have had some heart palpatations as well...
  25. C

    Hematocrit levels

    At what level does your Dr require you to donate blood and on average how often to you end up donating?
  26. I

    Suggestions for facilities that offer affordable therapeutic phlebotomies?

    I have a hematocrit of ~54.5 and I found out that I'm ineligible to donate blood because I (i) lived in the UK for a few years between 1980 and 1996 and (ii) had malaria at one point in my life. ]: My Low T Center charges $50 per phlebotomy and I'm wondering if there were facilities that were...
  27. D

    Help with surprising 3-month lab results?

    Hello all, So I got my 3-month lab results today along with a note to STOP my protocol for now, take baby aspirin, hydrate, give blood, and get another CBC panel in 10-14 days. The surprising results: - Hematocrit: 54.2 (37.5 - 51) - Total T: 1396 (264 - 916) - Free T: 31.8 (7.2 - 24) - E2...
  28. G

    Testosterone Dosage Change Effects

    Basic question, how long from changing from let’s say 120mg testosterone per week to 100mg testosterone per week would you notice the effects, such as lowered libido, and more importantly, when would you see the resulting drop in hematocrit?
  29. J

    High Hematocrit Before TRT

    Looking at past bloodwork, my hematocrit has always ran a bit high: (THIS IS PRIOR TO TRT) May 2015 = 48 Feb 2017 = 48 Oct 2017 = 50 July 2018 = 51 Aug 2018 = Started TRT I am now going on week 7 of TRT. I have NOT had a CBC since starting TRT at 100mg/wk Tcyp, but will find out in another...
  30. Nelson Vergel

    TRT Monitoring Lab Tests and Their Management

    Click here to learn what blood test variables to watch for when starting testosterone replacement and how to manage them when they get too low or too high: Testosterone Replacement Blood Test Targets
  31. A

    TRT Bloodwork 120 mg per week

    Been on trt since last December. This bloodwork represents 120 mg of test cyp per week split in two doses. 60 mg Monday morning. 60 mg Thursday afternoon. No ai. No hcg. I'm concerned about the hematocrit that seems to be going down. It was 43% last bloodwork in feburary. Any insight is appreciated.