free t

  1. T

    Question about recent labs and free T

    Greetings, 41 YOA male. Very good health, highly active. Recent bloodwork showed the following: Total T 631 ng/dl Free T 69.1 pg/ml SHBG 47 nmol/L No major low T symptoms I guess. Nothing sexual, no major mood issues. Simply put, I don't recover anywhere like I used to and have...
  2. O

    Low SHBG high Free T Injection Protocol

    Hello, Long time reader of this forum. First time actually posting. I’ve been on TRT for 2 years due to steroidal induced hypogonadism. I’m 25. Total T was low 200’s and never came back. After two years of TRT i’ve finally come to the conclusion and realization that I have low SHBG and thus...
  3. A

    Testosterone injections vs Clomid for secondary sexual characteristics, need help!

    Hi everyone, I'm 32 years old and have secondary hypogonadism (was diagnosed at 25 years old). I've been on clomid for around 7 years now that was prescribed by my urologist. My main question is whether testosterone injections are more effective than clomid for secondary sexual characteristics...
  4. Reason

    Guidance with Initial Labs (very low Free-T)

    Help Reading Initial Labs? Hey all, New here, first post! I just got my initial labs en route to a Defy consultation (2-3 weeks out). I'm somewhat new to this so I would really appreciate some guidance reading the results. Background: 37 / 5'11" / 190lbs / ~18-20% body fat Gyno as a...
  5. R

    Up to 2% of cancers may be caused by medical imaging

    ["A National Institute of Cancer study estimated that up to 2% of cancers are caused by medical imaging"] A story published by USAToday, which lacks citations, cautions us...
  6. N

    Primary Hypo, TRT for 7 years, Good T, Low Free T

    Hi all, Please bear with me as I have a story to share and a number of questions. I'm 29 years old, about 6'1 215 20-22% BF, and been on TRT for over 7 years. I was diagnosed as primary with low testosterone (270 ng/dl), very high LH and FSH, small testicle volume (< kidney bean size), and...
  7. T

    High SHBG low Free T, Help

    Please advise. Just finished first round of Bio T pellets and about to switch to T gel (20%) next week to get a steady consistent dose. My dilemma is my high SHBG levels. Total T: 646 SHBG: 77.4 Free T: 7.6 Two part question. Will lowering SHBG level increase Free T, and is there a...
  8. J

    Which Testosterone Test is the Most Accurate

    I see discountlabs offer two different tests for Testosterone. A $29 version and $79 version. Historically, I have gotten my labs done at Quest. Wondering which of the two tests offered by discountlabs would give the most accurate reading.
  9. D

    Can free T be to high?

    My total T is 800 and free T is 150. This is at 7 days after last pin. I feel great, don't know my E2. Is my free T to high as related to total T. I started getting some nipple sensitivity so added Adex .25mg E3.5D
  10. L

    TT: fine - Free T: Really low still on TRT...please help!

    Been on TRT for 2 months now. My TT midrange now but my free testosterone is still off the charts (low) so I'm not benefitting at all. Where do I go now!!!? &#128591;&#127995; UK BLOODS ------------- TT 18 nmol/L E2 60 pmol/L (we dont have a sensitive test in UK!!!) Ref= 30-155 SHBG 40...
  11. Nelson Vergel

    What is the lowest free testosterone blood level for low T symptoms?

    Abstracts printed from ASSOCIATION OF FREE TESTOSTERONE WITH HYPOGONADAL SYMPTOMS IN MEN WITH NEAR NORMAL TOTAL TESTOSTERONE LEVELS Authors: Nathan Wilken, Jason Scovell, Ranjith Ramasamy*, Dolores Lamb, Larry Lipshultz, Houston, TX Abstract: PD37-03 Introduction and Objectives...
  12. Nelson Vergel

    Lab Tests Needed Before and During TRT

    Proper monitoring of men on testosterone replacement therapy has been dictated by several medical guidelines groups. However, most of them fall short in guiding doctors on what to if different key variables are not optimal. The following list includes all important blood tests and health...
  13. Nelson Vergel

    Blood Tests Needed Before and During Testosterone Therapy

    Posting blood test results without comprehensive quality of life information may not get you the best quality of input from members of this site. To save time and make your questions clearer, please review this list. You can copy and paste it on a post and add your answers if you wish. This will...
  14. Nelson Vergel

    Blood Tests Needed Before and During TRT

    Proper monitoring of men on testosterone replacement therapy has been dictated by several medical guidelines groups. However, most of them fall short in guiding doctors on what to do if different key variables are not optimal. The following list includes all important blood tests and health...