erectile dysfunction

  1. A

    To anyone taking Cialis daily — did you develop a dependence on it?

    Anyone been on Cialis for extended periods of time to comment on whether they became dependent on it? Granted if you had ED before taking it and it fixed it for you then I can see that being some form of dependence, but I’m mainly interested in people or anecdotes of others that have taken it...
  2. H

    Testosterone cream applied on genitals

  3. G

    Basic erection questions

    I wanted to crowdsource some thoughts on erection issues I'm having. Background I am 33 years old, generally healthy Started TRT at age 28 - after symptoms, discovered a pituitary tumor and T levels in the 100s. Ruled out primary hypogonadism. TRT has done wonders for my physical appearance...
  4. L

    Help - I think I have an ED problem - Dr says No.

    I'm 62 and have had ED for about 30 years. Looking back, I can see roughly when it gradually began and continued to slowly get worse over time. When Viagra and Cialis came out, they were miracle drugs for me - I couldn't have been happier with their performance. However, their effectiveness...
  5. A

    Low fertility the cause of low libido? Some studies.

    I recently came across these studies: These men are not on trt, but could it be possible that fertility and libido are...
  6. Hormetheus

    Med student here. I have been on TRT since 21. Here is what I have learned about ED, libido and hormones.

    What I take for TRT. I am a med student in my last year. For years I have been on TRT. Because there is just so much misinformation around, I wrote some stuff about what I have learned along the way. What I found works best for me: 2x 50mg Test cyp per week (s.c. with 30G insulin syringe) 2x...
  7. Nelson Vergel

    Addressing male sexual and reproductive health in the wake of COVID-19 outbreak

    J Endocrinol Invest. 2020 Jul 13 : 1–9. Addressing male sexual and reproductive health in the wake of COVID-19 outbreak A. Sansone,1 D. Mollaioli,1 G. Ciocca,2 E. Limoncin,1 E. Colonnello,1 W. Vena,3,4 and E. A. Janninicorresponding author1 Abstract Purpose The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by...
  8. Bentiger07

    Unconventional Erectile Dysfunction ED Treatments

    Friends, Hope all's well. I'd be happy to hear people's experiences with unconventional treatments for ED, such as: Pelvic Floor Therapy for Men/ED (most curious about this due to some pelvic pain) Shockwave Therapy (somewhat curious due to reasonable prices if done at home, such as the phoenix...
  9. C

    Pregnenolone kills libido

    Hello, anyone else here whos libido goes down with pregnenolone? I use 50mg day and its totally kills my libido and erection, it took a while to figure it out. Same thing happened with even smallest dosage 500iu/wk hcg in a past. Probably im sensitive to increased progesterone from pregnenolone...
  10. S

    PT-141 and Trimix?

    Just putting my feelers out there before I experiement myself. Has anyone used both PT-141 and Trimix? Since they work on seperate systems I don't think there will be much of a chance of complications but just curious what you guys think. Thanks!
  11. D

    New member - pre TRT blood test results

    Could I get some advice/suggestions on my blood Test results? I got the first test done in July 2019 through (UK) and a few repeat tests in Nov 2019 through my GP (GP said everything looks normal). These were done fasted at 9am Symptoms -Low/Loss of Libido -ED (weaker...
  12. J

    Daily Cialis and viagra when needed

    Hi Folks, Not sure whether its a right thread. I am in the process of getting TRT as i am suffering from Low T but not sure whether it will cure my ED. I am suffering ED my whole life and never had proper erection till now. Even Viagra dont work. I mean, sometimes it works and sometimes it...
  13. K

    A Med that Boosts Dopamine that in Turn Boosts Libido?

    After taking it for less than 2 weeks, I've given up TRT androgel testosterone therapy since hair loss is a symptom I cannot risk possessing. Recently I read an article about a med that docs prescribe to boost dopamine levels in the brain that in turn boosts libido. Sadly I can't find this...
  14. P

    trt - negative side affects

    Newbie, first post. Started trt just over 3 months ago. 50 yo, slim and fit, 6-1" 180lbs. allways been on skinny side even after working out for years. had bloodwork done which showed tt low/mid end of range, free t was right at bottom of range. started transcrotal trt 20% cream 1ml/day split...
  15. T

    Erectile Dysfunction Problems

    Hello everybody. I am a middleaged swedish guy, that have been working out for 3+ years. For the last 20 years i have been cycling steroids 15 weeks every summer, without any serious side effects. All my lif i had erection problems and it is breaking me down. The countless humiliating sexual...
  16. A

    Perfect Labs - Libido , ED, GARBAGE! On Trimix! Why?

    Thank you guys, I have posted this before, but it is worth it to post it again as I desparately need some help and i do not trust any doctors at this point, what is happening is I have been on TRT for 2+ years now, my libido is up and down , my ED is terrible 90% of the time and 10% of the time...
  17. J

    Gene Stack - Long Term Use?

    Hello, I’ve had a lot of erection success using the “Gene Stack” referenced many times on this site. My question is this: Is this the sort of protocol that can be used long term or indefinitely, or only as needed for scheduled or likely sexual occurrences? I’ve used it for months and hope...
  18. T

    AI Troubles

    Guys... Need some help. When I'm high or low with estradiol I'm sensitive where I have a hard time with erections or get soft ones and have no penis sensitivity. Also I have low shbg which is between 13 and 17 depending when taken. My daily dose of test cyp is 30mg and hcg 300iu 2x per week...
  19. G

    At my wits end - progressively cannot achieve an erection

    Guys - realize this is a long read. Hoping for some help. I am 33 years old and have been on a stable TRT protocol for 3 or so years now. Recently, I’m progressively unable to achieve a solid erection. In my most recent consult in March, my doctor (who is great and well respected here) added...
  20. H

    Would this likely be low or high E2?

    I am experiencing some symptoms that I suspect are related to high E2 -- but I also wonder if low E2 could be the cause. I'd appreciate any thoughts from the hivemind here. Current regiment: T Cyp 200 mg/ml and HCG 400 iu -- both twice weekly. Also take .25 Anastrozole twice weekly, taken at...
  21. G

    Doxazosin restored my morning erections

    I have been on a stable TRT protocol administered by one of the more reputable physicians often mentioned on this forum, but have been chasing ED issues since the beginning. Most recently, I was having issues getting physically aroused, and would lose my erection during intercourse, which is...
  22. S

    Platelet Rich Plasma, for erectile dysfunction

    Has anyone had this, or know anything about if it works. Platelet Rich Plasma, was designed to help men suffering from erectile dysfunction by improving their sexual performance.
  23. madman

    Erectile Dysfunction

    KEY POINTS Erectile dysfunction is common but undertreated, because of patient reluctance to selfreport. Patients with cardiac disease, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, and diabetes should be screened for erectile dysfunction. Patients with erectile dysfunction may have undiagnosed diabetes...
  24. Zetor

    Dizzines and Sex problems

    Hello, I've been struggling with depression and low well being for about 7 years now (I am 26). I feel like I never hit puberty. My biggest problem is that I never felt like a man. I got basically all signs of low testosterone but when I did the test the results were normal. Free...
  25. madman

    Radiologic Approach to Erectile Dysfunction. Main causes, diagnosis and therapeutic options in interventional radiology

    Learning objectives Learn about erectile dysfunction. Pathophysiology, symptoms and main causes. Stimulated Color Doppler ultrasound diagnostic criteria. Arteriogenic erectile dysfunction, veno-occlusive erectile dysfunction , mixed aetiology and false venous-leak. Role of interventional...
  26. A

    On TRT, good looking numbers, horrible ED and no morning wood STILL.. help

    Hey Here are some lab numbers I have Total T 916 Free T 24.5 (2.7%) E2: 37 (AI doesnt seem to help and only makes things worse, ive tried arimidex and aromasin) SHBG: 23 ( a little on the low end, but nothing like i see "low shbg guys" struggling with in the teens and stuff) DHT: 50...
  27. madman

    Erectile dysfunction, physical activity and physical exercise: Recommendations for clinical practice

    Abstract Erectile dysfunction could be an early sign of endothelial dysfunction and, therefore, of cardiovascular disease, with which it shares many risk factors. Among reversible risk factors, physical inactivity is one of the most important. Regular physical exercise has been shown to...
  28. C

    Testosterone and male erection

    Does testosterone play a role in male erection? If yes, how does it help to achieve an erection?
  29. T

    ED disappears, returns, disappears, returns...

    Hello everyone, I am wondering if anyone has had a similar experience, if this is normal or unusual. And if anyone has a suggestion as to the possible cause. I started TRT almost 1 year ago after my ED had gotten so severe that PDE5's didn't work very well. About 10 days after I started, my ED...
  30. C

    How diabetes cause erection problems?

    Men with diabetes have testosterone deficiency which indirectly increases the risk of erectile dysfunction. The main reason behind poor sexual health is inadequate blood flow towards male reproductive organ. The high blood sugar level in diabetes causes nerve damage and resulting poor blood...