
  1. M

    DHT, DHT derivative steroids, and libido

    A little background. I had a hardcore raging libido when I was younger, up to my early 20s. Quickly my erectile function deteriorated, followed by libido a few months later. I went for a blood test and my T was 300. I wanted TRT but my doc wouldn't prescribe it. So I turned to a friend at the...
  2. W

    DHT and Cortisol

    Yes, this study is in monkeys. However, the different response to T and DHT is interesting. Perhaps, this is why scrotal T cream calms some people down. Dihydrotestosterone differentially modulates the cortisol response of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis in male and female rhesus...
  3. T

    Low DHT?

    Got my DHT finally tested and it doesn't seem to correlate with the other hormone values. I mean it's normal range high, but the other results are way higher. What could be causing this? I hear dht should be 10% of total testosterone. Trough numbers: TT - 926 FT - 23.2 E2 - 72.5 DHEA - 247 DHT...
  4. P

    DHT Therapy

    Can someone explain to me why no one in the US makes or supplies a DHT (dihydrotestosterone) gel or cream? If you have high testosterone and low DHT, the most obvious therapy for that is DHT gel. In Europe they give you synthetic analogs of DHT. In the US, there does not appear to be any...
  5. E

    Scrotal Testosterone Cream half life & High DHT

    I have been on the scrotal cream for the last few months. My dose for the last month before the test was 3 clicks (150 mg) once in the morning. I wanted to check how fast the cream leaves the system and my levels at the trough. What i see 24 hours after application of 3 clicks: Total T: 600...
  6. B

    Great article on TRT with finasteride

    Injected TRT earns high marks for safety, effectiveness Says injections are safer than a patch.. why??? This article may surprise you... Hint, its about dht.
  7. Rnov8tr

    Would injecting T into scrotum increase DHT?

    Hey Everyone, Don't laugh I'm seriously asking! (I use 1/2" 30g insulin syringes, which don't hurt at all btw......) If Test cream on the sack seems to work a miracle for so many guys' libidos and erection quality then would injecting into the scrotum do the same? Apparently the increase in...
  8. A

    DHT: Adding T Cream vs Higher Injections + AI

    Adding supplemental scrotal T cream seems to be the trend lately, and personally I've definitely seen some benefit. Based on information from some doctors and other board members it seems the DHT:E2 ratio is improved, which gives a better sense of well being and libido. However, couldn't the...
  9. Maximus220rr

    Dht labs....should i worry?

    My trt doc gave me back my lab results for dht and they were high. The range at quest goes to 79 and mine came back 82. She told me to take saw palmetto every other day to lower dht levels. She also said I could run into prostate issues with it being high. My psa is normal at .9 and that's...
  10. A

    The DHT hair loss myth

    I would like to use this thread to post some interesting researches and studies that completely debunked the DHT myth about hair loss. This would be the first well documented video to start from: Bullet points: - Hypothyroidism is one of the main culprit, signaling the testis to produce less...
  11. E

    TRT, HCG, and DHT

    Hi all I’m only 7 weeks into TRT with Defy. All good so far. First follow up in about 2 weeks with labs. Question for the group - I opted to keep things simple and start with just T Cyp @ 80mg twice per week (I have high SHBG). Again, things are going well and couldn’t care less about testicular...
  12. T

    Protocol change? Need advice

    I have many of the same issues that I see here everyday, not great energy, low libido but its better than before trt. I've been on injectables for 2 years. My current weekly protocol is 100mg T, split SubQ twice per week and 500 iu HCG twice a week. I just got my labs back and have a consult...
  13. R

    Proviron to lower SHBG?

    Has anyone on here had success using proviron or any type of DHT analogue to lower SHBG without completely commiting to full blown TRT? I’ve heard success stories of some guys lowering SHBG using proviron without it shutting down their HPTA.
  14. J

    24 years old,0 libido for 2.5 years HELP

    Hello everyone! I just want to say that I am not on trt, or ever took some kind of steroid or drug or something like that. After starting natural bodybuilding in my teens, I felt great at 18-21 years old, I had an easy time putting on muscle and getting pumps, libido was sky high, agression and...
  15. H

    Too much DHT caused permanent damage, or what?

    First of all , all help is appreciated, if you have some idea or input that might help then please share it. I have been dealing with the Side Effects caused by Arimidex for 5 years now. In 2014 ( i was 21 years old) i used Arimidex due to little bit High estrogen few months post cycle ( tbol...
  16. DragonBits

    Life extension Ultra Prostate formula: Results

    For those with a rising PSA level and concerns about prostate health, I thought I would give my results from taking this supplement. I am reasonably certain my elevated PSA levels reflected a growth in my prostate and not prostatitis, as I had before and after DRE exams and the estimated size...
  17. L

    DHT cycle opinion

    Hello everyone, I'm new here on the forum, I've had a look and I think it's a really professional and well run forum. I would run a DHT cycle of 12 weeks. I would use a transdermal gel of DHT (like a stronger version of Andractim). The dose would be 20mg of DHT per day. I have already run a...
  18. M

    Sex steroids in serum and prostatic tissue of human cancerous prostate (STERKPROSER trial)

    Gentlemen, I thought that this was interesting Currently, there is no consensus regarding the expected concentration levels of intra-prostatic sex steroids in patients with Prostate Cancer (PCa). Our objective was to assess the concentration levels of sex steroids in prostatic tissue and...
  19. B

    Estrogen and dht ?

    Any of you have a concrete answer as to how dht blocks estrogen? Also how blocking dht raises estrogen?
  20. A

    Scrotal Transdermal Testosterone Cream

    Any guys having luck with testosterone cream applied to the scrotum? I was just prescribed 20% testosterone cream, 100 mg to be applied to scrotum every morning in addition to my Test C 50 mg subQ twice/week to help out with my libido. My DHT was 56 no/dl (30-85). After the fourth day I do feel...
  21. A

    What is an optimal DHT level?

    Mine is 55 in a 30 to 85 range, This may sound alright but remember guys whose DHT is bottom-normal are likely the ones whose TT is bottom-normal like 300. (I mean you can't really trust the normal range for something like this.) I'm thinking maybe supoptimal DHT is the cause of my low libido.
  22. Z

    What Causes High DHT?

    I was just wondering what causes high DHT? I have read somewhere that it can be caused by low e2 which can cause “DHT rage”. Thanks!
  23. D

    Raising DHT wtih TD gel

    I was wondering if anyone could give their experiences with TD testosterone gel and how quickly it raised DHT. I know there are a lot of determining factors but i'm just looking for personal experiences with time frames or general information to give me an idea. I've lost my sex drive due to...
  24. A

    Can sunflower lecithin affect DHT?

    I've tried it twice for increasing semen volume (which decreases on TRT even with HCG) and it works. However either time I notices a huge increase in my facial hair which was presumably caused by an increase in DHT. I'm not sure it was the lecithin or other stuff that I was taking with it. The...
  25. S

    Libido advice for varicocele patient - test gel?

    I started TRT about a year and a half ago after being diagnosed with bilateral varicoceles and showing a total T in the low 400's and a free T of 5. I had the varicoceles successfully removed but started TRT because my symptoms were terrible and I was not sure what damage was done by the...
  26. J

    How Different Injection Protocols Affect DHT...

    Once weekly, twice weekly, and daily injection protocols....Which of these injection schedules do you think yields the highest DHT levels? Thanks
  27. Nelson Vergel

    Does DHT Cause Prostate and Erectile Problems?

    Elevated DHT has not been associated with increased risk of prostate disease (e.g., cancer or benign hyperplasia) nor does it appear to have any systemic effects on cardiovascular disease safety parameters (including increased risk of polycythemia) beyond those commonly observed with available T...
  28. G

    High DHT levels, erection strength, possible side effects, pregnenolone supplementation

    I've been on TRT for 6 months now with varying results. My main question is about high DHT levels, erections, and any possible serious side effects. My doctor, who is specializing in HRT for several years now, transitioned from being a surgeon to anti aging medicine. She has more experience...
  29. G

    Progesterone lowers DHT/ E2

    So from my understanding, progesterone lowers DHT as well as keeps E2 in check, amongst a bunch of other benefits. This is a possible explanation why young men with high natural test don't have issues with baldness and elevated E2 issues. It's their normal/ high levels of progesterone keeping...
  30. Nelson Vergel

    Influence of IGF-1, DHEA and DHT on acne

    Arch Dermatol. 2005 Mar;141(3):333-8. Correlation between serum levels of insulin-like growth factor 1, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and dihydrotestosterone and acne lesion counts in adult women. Abstract OBJECTIVES: To determine if insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) and androgen...
  31. Nelson Vergel

    Is High DHT Bad for Prostate and Sexual Function ?: Review of Studies

    Benefits associated with lowered serum DHT levels after 5α-reductase inhibitor (5AR-I) therapy in men have contributed to a misconception that circulating DHT levels are an important stimulus for androgenic action in target tissues (e.g., prostate). Yet evidence from clinical studies indicates...