
  1. H

    complete TRT following 2x testicular cancer

    Hello, I'm wondering if anyone can help us please. My husband 29yo had his second testicle removed 1.5years ago and since then has been on TRT. In the beginning he used gels and it was fine, then one nebido shot-also fine. After the second nebido shot he suffered from depression and panic...
  2. S

    25 Y.O Considering TRT, struggling with symptoms

    Hey, first of all, I'll start with saying how these past two years have been absolute hell. I'm 5"8, muscular and generally in shape. I used to work out regularly until I just had to give it up because of the symptoms I experienced. I've always had issues with mood/depression but never...
  3. Nelson Vergel

    Treating Depression Lowers Blood Glucose in People with Diabetes

    Jay A. Brieler, MD, of Saint Louis University School of Medicine, evaluated electronic medical record registry data of ambulatory primary care visits from 2008 to 2013 on 1,399 adults (mean age, 61.6 years) with type 2 diabetes, with depression (n = 265) and without depression (n = 1,134), to...
  4. Nelson Vergel

    Results from Study on Testosterone and Depression in Older Men

    Ford AH, Yeap BB, Flicker L, et al. Prospective longitudinal study of testosterone and incident depression in older men: The Health In Men Study. Psychoneuroendocrinology 2015;64:57-65. Highlights ·...
  5. Nelson Vergel

    Testosterone Needs Estrogen's Help to Inhibit Depression

    Testosterone Needs Estrogen's Help to Inhibit Depression "Kabbaj’s latest paper was published in Biological Psychiatry.He already knew that testosterone had a protective effect on males, just as estrogen and progesterone do on females. He also knew that most testosterone was converted into...
  6. Nelson Vergel

    High rates of depression are found in men with borderline testosterone blood levels.

    J Sex Med. 2015 Jun 30. doi: 10.1111/jsm.12937. [Epub ahead of print] High Rates of Depression and Depressive Symptoms among Men Referred for Borderline Testosterone Levels. Westley CJ1, Amdur RL2, Irwig MS2,3. Abstract INTRODUCTION: Men referred for borderline testosterone levels...
  7. Okian

    Hormones and mood– the first steps to feel better

    '' Mood disorders are among the most common complaints I see in my anti-aging practice. The most common symptoms are anxiety and depression. However common associated symptoms are fatigue, insomnia, difficulty concentrating and memory problems.One of the challenges I always face in treating a...
  8. Nelson Vergel

    SAMe Improves Fatigue, Depression, and Protects the Liver

    SAMe (SAM-e, S-adenosyl-methionine, or S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is a naturally occurring compound that is found in every cell in the body. It is produced within the body from the essential sulfur-containing amino acid methionine. Protein-rich foods are sources of this amino acid. It is an...
  9. Nelson Vergel

    SAMe Improves Fatigue, Depression, and Protects the Liver

    SAMe (SAM-e, S-adenosyl-methionine, or S-adenosyl-L-methionine) is a naturally occurring compound that is found in every cell in the body. It is produced within the body from the essential sulfur-containing amino acid methionine. Protein-rich foods are sources of this amino acid. It is an...