
  1. V

    Peak & trough timing on daily subq injections?

    I'm on daily subcutaneous testosterone cypionate injections and my doctor always has me do my labs in a 4-5 hour window post injection. I know T levels are pretty stable on daily injections but does anyone know the timing of the peak and trough for daily subq cypionate injections? I just want...
  2. John89

    Low-T Diagnosis - Therapy Advice needed (male 30 y/o)

    Hello everybody, first off I want to say that this site has been a great resource for researching TRT and related subjects! I am a first-time-poster and would like to receive some input and advice on my current situation. I am majorly struggling with life right now and need some drastic change...
  3. J

    Got my 90 day lab results. Should I take an AI?

  4. C

    Any Good Experiences with Daily Injections of Testosterone ?

    Hi guys, I am a TRT patient who has had a hard time getting dialed in. I want to avoid an AI. Even small compounded doses of anastrozole make me feel terrible, and DIM has not been helpful. My doc recommended I think about switching from 70mg twice a week and 400iu hcg twice a week, to 20mg cyp...
  5. K

    Recommended followup bloodwork

    On TRT for 6 weeks now and my next bloodwork/followup with the endo is due in a few days. Calling my endo "inexperienced" when it comes to TRT would be a massive compliment, so I just wanted to check in with you guys ahead of time so that I'm getting the right labs. What should I get tested...
  6. A

    TRT Bloodwork 120 mg per week

    Been on trt since last December. This bloodwork represents 120 mg of test cyp per week split in two doses. 60 mg Monday morning. 60 mg Thursday afternoon. No ai. No hcg. I'm concerned about the hematocrit that seems to be going down. It was 43% last bloodwork in feburary. Any insight is appreciated.
  7. M

    New Bloodwork After 2 Months on Pregnenolone, B Vitamins and no A.I.

    So long story short, after my last bloodwork I realised that I probably had adrenal issues that had to be addressed. My cortisol was lowish, progesterone was low and so was DHEAS. I felt tired, irritated and I was considering coming off TRT. I crashed my E2 like 4 times this year, mostly because...
  8. M

    Blood Work In After Starting Test Cypionate Injections

    This month, on March 5th I began TRT via testosterone cypionate injections. On this day I was injected with 1cc containing 200mg of testosterone cypionate suspended in grape seed oil. The doctor gave me paperwork for a blood analysis and told me to have it done after waiting one full week from...
  9. C

    My T dosage is too high. E2 high as well. Fighting symptoms.

    I've been lurking on this forum for about 6 weeks now. I was diagnosed back in Dec with low T. Low E2 as well. I went to see an hrt specialist in my area and he immediately put me on 100mg cyp + 300iu HCG every 3.5 days. No AI. I had bw done last week on my own volition (Thanks DiscountLabs!)...
  10. M

    Thoughts on blood work please...

    Hi guys, Following symptoms including low libido, fatigue, anxiety, inability to build muscle etc. I recently got some bloods drawn. I have attached the results. One from about 4 weeks ago and 1 from this week. Any thoughts/comments are greatly appreciated.
  11. T

    Is this a sensitive E2 test? (E2 LCMS) in Australia

    I recently checked some bloodwork from a private lab here in Australia. I asked if their E2 LCMS was the same as a 'Sensitive E2' test that is available in the USA, and was told it is the same. The labwork came back and just lists it as 'Oestradiol LCMS' The test can be found on this page...
  12. D

    Defy Medical Blood Test Results - 11 Week Follow Up

    Hi EM Community, I just got my blood test results after 11 weeks on TRT @ 150mg/week, HCG 800iu/week and Arimidex 1mg/week. so I am really happy with the results. Main Tests: Total Test 341 ---> 1093ng/dl Free Test 6.8 ---> 27.2 pg/dl E2, Sensitive Assay 19.9 ---> 18.7 pg/ml SHBG 31.5...
  13. C

    29 year old, living in New York, questions about starting bloodwork.

    Hey everyone, sorry if this is in the wrong spot. I ran through some of the stickies, and boy is there a lot of information so I may have overlooked what I need. I'm 29 years old and I check many, sometimes most of the questions on low test questionnaires. Low libido, lethargy, weaker...
  14. L

    Eight Weeks on TRT - Feeling No Better

    Hello Excelmale family, I have my 8 week bloodwork results in this link I am trying to find out why there has been absolutely no change as far as getting better and was trying to see if...
  15. T

    How fast will Test E effect blood levels? Forgot to get labwork today and took dose already.

    I wanted to check my test levels today, but forgot and took my usual 75mg dose 2 hours ago How quick will Test E effect blood levels? Is it pointless now (I wanted to test the trough) Not a big deal, it was more out of curiosity and bloodwork is cheap here. Thanks
  16. C

    This is my second blood test. I think I know the next step. Can some others please take a look? :)

    Hey guys Firstly please note: I'm having this blood work done in Thailand so the unit of measurement might be different than in the states. And I did not have access to a "sensitive" e2 test. Only regular :). I do not have access to any type of men's health clinic here in Thailand, but I have...
  17. M

    Extensive Bloodwork After 3 Months on TRT

    Got bloodwork back. Total t is lower than I would have guessed but free t looks good. Estradiol is in line with the addition of arimidex. Prolactin has come down nicely since discontinuing zoloft. DHEA-S and IGF are above range from 50mg DHEA a day. PSA is half of what it was at initiation...
  18. Black Beard

    Discountlabs is awesome! (WORKS IF YOU LIVE IN NJ/NY AND DRIVE TO PA)

    Hey guys, just got my lab results back and i'm stoked. I drove from NJ to PA.(I was worried it might not work because of state regs) So if you live in NJ/NY and are worried if discountlabs will work, it did for me. The process was super simple and stress free. The hardest part was just driving...
  19. Z

    Some help with Blood test results and breast pain

    Hey everybody, I have been dealing with a small amount of pain in my nipples, it's not totally uncomfortable but I do notice it. I have a bit of pre-existing gyno as well. I am 27 years old, and have used PH's and one AAS cycle back when I was around the age of 21. I have not used PH's or AAS...
  20. Nelson Vergel - The Most Affordable Lab Test Site in the U.S.

    I am excited about our upcoming launch of our new site:
  21. B

    Help on Interpreting Bloodwork...looking for possible trends my endocrinologist might be missing

    Anything stand out to you guys in this bloodwork? The one from August 2013 was ordered by my primary physician. The rest were done by my endocrinologist. I'm going to my urologist next week to see where to go from here. :cool: Date;Test;Result;Reference Interval 06/03/14;Testosterone...
  22. P

    First blood work after adding testosterone to HCG solo treatment

    A bit of background on my treatment here: I just had my first round of follow up blood work since starting TRT. Dr. Lipshultz and I will review the labs Wednesday. I will post the...
  23. flexing37

    Need help - high fsh anb lh (testosterone keeps rising)

    Last April in 2013, I started having sensitivity in the Left nipple area and got some blood work done. Ended up getting a Biopsy of the nipple area and was diagnosed with Gyno. Then had a Biopsy done as well with negative results for any tumor. Then had an MRI of the brain done in July...
  24. B

    High Prolactin and HCT

    On daily Androgel (4 pumps) and 250 IUs of HCG three times a week. My Testosterone, Total is 320. Estrodiol <12. Prolactin 18.5. HEMATOCRIT, AUTO 53.3 My doctor wants me to go off the HCG (which he is not prescribing) to see if my prolactin and HCT will come down as they are just above...
  25. Nelson Vergel

    Blood Analysis Reference Table

    From the book:ANABOLIC STEROIDS-A QUESTION OF MUSCLE-PROBLEMS & SOLUTIONS (By Michael Scally) and edited for the use of this site Test Reference Range Alanine aminotransferase (ALT, SGPT) Levels are extremely increased in cases of liver cell necrosis of any cause, right heart failure...
  26. Excel Male

    How should doctors monitor men receiving testosterone replacement therapy?

    Very good short paper that summarizes what several medical guidelines say about monitoring men on testosterone replacement. I suggest you print it out and give your doctor a copy since it is simple and short. The summary table is great! You will realize that not a single guideline group...